Girls who broke your heart thread


The Big Mod
Eomer said:
First trip of the year was back to a resort that had banned our company the previous year because of too many problems (room damages etc). They realized after banning us and still having problems that it wasn"t specifically our company, just tour companies in general that market to a younger demographic, so they allowed us to come back on the condition that we kept things on the up and up.

To make a long story short, they were on me about everything the second we rolled up to the central check in and things went downhill from there. Everything would have been fine and I could have smoothed over what went wrong on Friday (nothing, really, and nothing that I did wrong) with a nicely worded email on the following Monday. But apparently I got blackout drunk at the bar on the Saturday night (it"s all on-mountain) and apparently caused some problems. I say apparently because I woke up Sunday not remembering much past about 11pm and several of my customers buying me jager bombs. The chick who runs the company sent me an email asking for an explanation for the attachment, which was a security report.

I responded that it"s probably for the best if I don"t guide any more, thanks for the fun times, and deleted the email because I don"t really want to know what I did. All I know is that my customers had a good time, my bus driver was happy with how things went, and I woke up in my own bed on Sunday. That"s good enough for me.

So no more shooting fish in a barrel on ski trips .
what the fuck man I wanna know what you did


Trakanon Raider
I honestly don"t think it was anything that bad. I was just extremely drunk and security knew who I was from checking in the night before, and apparently I was setting a bad example for a "family oriented" resort (with a bar literally 30 feet from the main chairlift chock full of its own employees) as the representative of the tour company. I decided it was time to quit because I was sick of dealing with the disorganized bullshit I had to every trip. Half the stuff that happened on the Friday night when we checked in should have been non issues, but because the chick running the company didn"t communicate that people would be drinking on the bus (resort thought we weren"t), that we wouldn"t be there till after midnight (resort thought 8pm), and so on things got off to a bad start and then they were just looking for any little thing to go wrong.

Sean said:
Eomer decided to make his own episode of Bang Bus.
Actually I guess back in the early 90"s a new guide made a porn with a couple chicks he met on the weekend, and then showed it on the bus on the way back. That got him fired, naturally.


Aamina said:
I was painting a room yesterday, seriously considering Toemissle"s offer. And in a moment of "Why the hell would I want someone else to do this for me, beyond the lulz factor?" I just told her goodbye. She pulled the same thing most girls that "love" me do: she wants to stay friends, I"m really important, etc. Said no, deleted all her crap and blocked her number.

If you"re anything IRL like you are online, I am pretty confident those girls are lying to you because they don"t have the heart to tell you how awful you are

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Wait hold the phone a second. Was Jerle born mixed gendered or something or was she 100% guy in every way shape and form prior to going thru with her change?


Phoenix said:
Wait hold the phone a second. Was Jerle born mixed gendered or something or was she 100% guy in every way shape and form prior to going thru with her change?
I presented entirely as a heterosexual man.

Edit: I wasn"t very good at it, but, I tried. Also thanks for correct gender pronouns, I very much appreciate that


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
JerleMinara said:
If you"re anything IRL like you are online, I am pretty confident those girls are lying to you because they don"t have the heart to tell you how awful you are
I"m not sure that you would grasp the earth shattering irony and unfairness in saying something like this to Aamina given how much you like to play the victim after trolling the boards, and how much you have whined and cried about people being judgmental of you.

I can"t even think of a good analogy for this right now; this is so idiotic that I now need a drink after reading it.

Darus Grey_foh

JerleMinara said:
Aww, you read my blog :3 Fun fact, it was a discussion. Y"know, academic like. It"s an ongoing topic, it"s kinda an intriguing point but it"s mostly beyond the purview of this thread
You know, there"s people like me out there, who spent over a decade pursuing education, to earn doctorates, and I resent your use of "Academic" or even "Academic like".

I struggled over over a decade to be Academic, when I write something, and publish it in a peer reviewed journal, that"s Academic.

Your blog, is not Academic, and frankly I am offended at the implication that it is.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
Ser Kegkilla said:
Jerle just jealous because aanima is more of a girl than he will ever be.


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
Eomer said:
Actually I guess back in the early 90"s a new guide made a porn with a couple chicks he met on the weekend, and then showed it on the bus on the way back. That got him fired, naturally.
Alpha as fuck


Darus Grey said:
You know, there"s people like me out there, who spent over a decade pursuing education, to earn doctorates, and I resent your use of "Academic" or even "Academic like".

I struggled over over a decade to be Academic, when I write something, and publish it in a peer reviewed journal, that"s Academic.

Your blog, is not Academic, and frankly I am offended at the implication that it is.
jerle is a tranny in starbucks bro


Darus Grey said:
You know, there"s people like me out there, who spent over a decade pursuing education, to earn doctorates, and I resent your use of "Academic" or even "Academic like".

I struggled over over a decade to be Academic, when I write something, and publish it in a peer reviewed journal, that"s Academic.

Your blog, is not Academic, and frankly I am offended at the implication that it is.
Man your sense of humor is shittier than mine and I"m a transsexual lesbian radical feminist anti-capitalist.

I mean jesus, dude.


privileged excrementlord
JerleMinara said:
Man your sense of humor is shittier than mine and I"m a transsexual lesbian radical feminist anti-capitalist.

I meansheiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
You are not a lesbian.


The Big Mod
JerleMinara said:
Man your sense of humor is shittier than mine and I"m a transsexual lesbian radical feminist anti-capitalist.
no you"re not, you"re just one really, really weird dude.


privileged excrementlord
Post some pictures of these alleged lesbians, and I"ll tell you if I would ever be in a situation to talk to them based on how physically attractive they are (because they are objects).