Girls who broke your heart thread


privileged excrementlord
Adebisi the Onion Knight said:
I just tried the "walk up behind a random girl and tell her she"s beautiful" trick.

Spoiler Alert, click show to read:And it totally worked! I was walking by a government building, it might"ve been the welfare office, and there was the cute, short girl waiting in line. I walked up behind her and said "you"re so beautiful".

She must not receive that many compliments, because as soon as I said it, she turned around with a shocked look on her face, burped, and scratched her beave. Her breath smelled like tuna fish and zoodles.

After asking me if I had some smokes or if I could buy her some tampons, she invited me to her trailer over in Shreveport.

This walking up to random girls and telling them they"re beautiful thing totally works! All I needed was a little confidence! I think the Ed Hardy shirt helped too.
Was she good at algebra?


The Big Mod
1. don"t tell us when you think other girls are hot.
2. whenever possible, please say whatever you have to say during commercials.
3. if you don"t act like soap-opera guys, don"t expect us to dress like victoria secret models.
4. mark anniveraries on the calendar.
5. there is no such thing as "too much" spooning.
6. we think about you all the time.
7. this is how we see it -- *don"t call = don"t care* =)
8. which also means that if we don"t call, take a hint.
9. we like you to be a little jealous. but overly possessive is not necessary.
10. being able to make us laugh is so much more important that knowing how much you can bench-press.
11. return favors :: we massage, you massage. we go down, you go down. we shave, you shave.
12. foreplay is not an option. it"s a must.
13. we"re allowed to be late. you"re not.
14. eye contact is key.
15. don"t take longer to get ready than we do.
16. laugh at our jokes.
17. 3 words :: honesty, honesty, honesty.
18. girls can be groupies. guy groupies are stalkers.
19. we never have to wonder if your orgasm was real.
20. do not start with us. you won"t win.
21. never ask why. our answer will always be *just because*
22. if you ask nicely, we"ll answer the same way.
23. we will never have enough clothes or shoes.
24. we have an excuse for being bitchy at least once a month.
25. open the door for us no matter where we are.
26. we love surprises =)
27. we like to be kissed softly. not with an iron tongue.
28. pay attention to the little things we do, because they mean the most.
29. boxers.
30. always brush your teeth before you see us.
31. clean your room before we come over.
32. when we use our teeth, it means that you suck at going down on us, so we"re just returning the favor.
33. even tho you"re sometimes insensitive and hurt us, we still love you.
34. hit it and quit it? have fun. because later on i"ll be with your best friend =)
35. don"t act hard around your friends, because i won"t make you hard tonight.
36. sometime"s *no* really means *no*
37. beaters are not an adaquite form of fashion.
38. if we wanted to be video taped, we"d be porn stars, not your girlfriends.
39. sensitive guys are great, but crying more than we do just isn"t right.
40. don"t let ex-girlfriends cause drama. if they do, we"ll have to take things into our own hands and nobody wants that.
41. it takes a special kind of stupid to forget birthdays.
42. guys who are good cuddlers = guys who know how to satisfy a girl.
43. "fat chicks" have feelings too.
44. silent treatment, shoulder shrugs, tears, yelling and nasty looks = you did something wrong.
45. "i can"t dance" is unacceptable.
46. just because a girl doesn"t pick up on the first ring doesn"t mean she"s not waiting by the phone.
47. you don"t have to spend a lot if it means a lot.
48. don"t say you love me if you don"t mean it.
49. don"t ever lie . .we"ll catch you.
50. when the girls get together, we talk about everything. that means, my best friends -- know everything about you =)


Queen Bee
Ser Kegkilla said:
so how did you and trex meet?
Well, you see, Tyen and I live in the same building and when I moved in I had a bf but we were all pals. Then after Tyen admired my ass for a year and my fag bf and I broke up I went upstairs to hang out with Big Salty like any other night and we stayed up all night long watching the royal wedding. Then Tyen made his move like a boss.

We had to be 100% James Bond for a while because when ex bf #2 found out, he also cried like a baby.

And I"m a physiology major, fag. pay attention.


Molten Core Raider
Trexmussen said:
Well, you see, Tyen and I live in the same building and when I moved in I had a bf but we were all pals. Then after Tyen admired my ass for a year and my fag bf and I broke up I went upstairs to hang out with Big Salty like any other night and we stayed up all night long watching the royal wedding. Then Tyen made his move like a boss.

We had to be 100% James Bond for a while because when ex bf #2 found out, he also cried like a baby.

And I"m a physiology major, fag. pay attention.
Needs Raj and Howard. Is Tyen Sheldon or Lenard?


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Trexmussen said:
Well, you see, Tyen and I live in the same building and when I moved in I had a bf but we were all pals. Then after Tyen admired my ass for a year and my fag bf and I broke up I went upstairs to hang out with Big Salty like any other night and we stayed up all night long watching the royal wedding. Then Tyen made his move like a boss.

We had to be 100% James Bond for a while because when ex bf #2 found out, he also cried like a baby.

And I"m a physiology major, fag. pay attention.
I always figured you two met after he took you out for drinks because you managed to place at the Kentucky Derby


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
Phazael said:
Can"t these two troll the useless No-Fap thread instead?


Lord Nagafen Raider
Tyen said:
You are surprised that when someone says "you ugly" that the response is "I have no problem finding a mate?"
No, I am surprised that when someone tells her she is retarded and posts bad advice, she totes plays it off like she just be trollin" dot com


Kuriin said:
I would also definitely suggest:

Spoiler Alert, click show to read:

PS, you talking about fashion sense when a mentally retarded girl could probably dress better than you is hilarious. You giving tips on spending thousands of dollars to look good is $$. Would read again. This is coming from the local fag.
Well, if we"re giving tips. I"ll contribute, also.

1:Nail Salons Downtown Portland

2:Hair Salons Downtown Portland

You can"t portray yourself as some type of Fashionista because you"ve watched a few shitty chick flicks and read Cosmo/Vogue (probably flipped to the horoscopes). Not now at least, since your pictures contradict the content of your posts. Not only are you lacking a manicure and pedicure, you didn"t even take the time topaint your nails yourself. I bet you walk like a newborn giraffe in heels over 2 inches, too. If you"re going to put others on blast, expect the same in return, shithead. You need to use a tinted moisturizer (I"d recommend somethingilluminated) at the very least, and you also need to use aconditioning maskin your hair for about 2 weeks until it"s repaired, then switch to thisoil(which is better than Moroccan oil). Your cuticles look irritated, probably from a lack of being trimmed/treated.

You can call me an old all you like, if that makes you feel better. However, I will still "totes" own you. Being your age doesn"t put you at an advantage for anything except contracting herpes while your (wine cooler) vomit splattered toga is pulled over your head.

Spoiler Alert, click show to read:


Spoiler Alert, click show to read:From hideous polish to making the pedicurist paint the Horde symbol on my toes. I"m still winning.

PS: Whoever said Lolli was thinking of LucyKemp. Lolli did barrel rolls for us! However, she was underage so Millie wouldn"t let her stay.

PPS: I don"t know why you"re taking shots at Sutekh"s girlfriend. She"s gorgeous, intelligent, and a great gamer.


Trakanon Raider
lol what the hell happened in here?

For the record, I"d jump on Rav before Trex in terms of looks, despite the age difference.

Ravvenn said:
I don"t particularly think it"s a good idea to post your income in the event you"re looking for something more than a bed warmer. That"s just my opinion though.
I more or less agree with you, to an extent anyways. There"s nothing wrong with giving the impression that you"re successful, stable, that kind of thing. Provided you do it tactfully anyways. But being ostentatious about it can be a turnoff for a lot of women, and likely the kind of women that I"m personally after.

Sorry if it"s been shared before, but if not, could you PM it (your profile) to me (even the content ((About Me and/or Pictures)) if you don"t want to share a link)?
I may take you up on that offer!

Ser Kegkilla said:
bro what"s the view like up there on your high horse? first of all, you are scouring plenty of fish for dateable women. i don"t know what things are like up there in cannuck country, but down here POF is the white pages of hood rats. and here you are worry about attracting the "wrong kind of girls." news flash, they"re all the "wrong kind of girls" hence why they"re on the site to begin with.

i don"t understand what your aversion to leveraging the fact that you got a ton of money is. i don"t know how old you are, i think mid 30s at least, but at that age women have pretty much stopped caring about men"s looks and are looking for a "successful" man AKA someone who has money. this is the real world, not some disney cartoon where a princess is going to fall for you and your lovely chrome dome just because she realizes you have a heart of gold. you gotta work with what you got.
I didn"t mean to make it sound like I think I"m better than the advice given, I just don"t think that "hey post your tax returns!" is particularly useful for what I"m after. As I said above, there"s a difference between a profile making it apparent someone has done well for themselves vs. one that looks like something the Icy Hot Stuntaz would come up with.

As far as PoF goes, dating sites are pretty regional. And at least up here in Canuck country, it"s not necessarily a ghetto-type dating website. I tried Eharmony for a month or two, and it was a fucking ghost town. PoF is frequently mentioned as where people I know met someone, if they were dating online.

considering eomer is coming from a position where he is a bit insecure about his chrome dome, i don"t think potentially humiliating himself in the middle of starbucks is the right move here.
For about the third time, I"m not insecure about it at all actually, and like I said I think in person it"s a moot issue. I was just curious about it in terms of online dating, where again, your profile pictures are about 90% of the battle.

OneofOne said:
Get yourself a decent golf cap, which is mad sexy, and any chick you gives you shit about your dome, drop kick off the curb and try again.
Nah, again I"m not going to bother with wearing hats to cover up my lack of hair, and in fact hate guys who do it because generally it"s so obvious and transparent. Not as bad as a comb over, but in the same ballpark.

Tenks said:
Holy shit this is the worst advice I"ve ever read. Eomer do not do this.
I"m kind of offended you think I"d be dumb enough to!


Eomer said:
lol what the hell happened in here?

For the record, I"d jump on Rav before Trex in terms of looks, despite the age difference.
No doubt, Ravv is smoking hot imo, this Trex not so much. The pic with her and the other blonde hair dude looks like the middle Hanson brother hanging out with Mippo


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