Girls who broke your heart thread


NargorothRiP said:
hot as in an exothermic reaction?
No. As in, young, blond hair, blue eyes, skinny, and not under the delusion that excessive make-up, manicures, pedicures, heels, and bad jewelry are attractive to men.


Awlbiste said:
Did you go back to blonde?

When it comes to a girl showdown, Ravvenn is always going to win.
Working on it, albeit very slowly to avoid damage. I"ve learned my lesson, though. I"m going back to my normal blonde-ish color and plan to never dabble with color again.

That dress pic is from October (somewhere around there), and I had the hair catastrophe in early December. It should be back to normal by May. I could jump right back into blonde, but it"s going to end up looking dry and disgusting. I like soft healthy hair, so I"m taking my time. I lost several inches off of the length of my hair over that ordeal, I don"t think I could handle that again.

I"m sure the color will look different on your monitor, but you"ll get the idea. This is close to my normal color and what I"m going back to.


Trakanon Raider
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Ravvenn again.
Let me holla instead plz. thx.


Foler said:
shes only like 26-28 iirc.
Well played.


Back on topic (shocker). Eomer said I could post here instead of responding via PM.

Eomer, your profile content sounds perfectly fine. Not too short, or too long, and the tone seems fun. Your pictures, however, are most likely the problem.

Anytime I see pictures where they look different, I naturally assume the worst one is the most recent and the good ones are there to get me to click their profile. Shallow, yes, but honest.

You look different in 3 pictures, and I"d suggest you delete all of them. There"s one where you have walking sticks or something, then one with the giant mug of beer, and then the big fishy one. The first one makes you look much older than you are, the second one just isn"t a good pic, and the third one makes you look heavy (even though it"s the outfit thing you"re wearing).

Delete those and message some new people.

I really don"t see anything wrong except those things. You"re a good looking guy.

PS: I"m sorry if that sounded mean, but I"m trying to be helpful. I also tell my friends their ass makes their ass look fat. I can"t help it sometimes. >_<


Eomer said:
As far as PoF goes, dating sites are pretty regional. And at least up here in Canuck country, it"s not necessarily a ghetto-type dating website. I tried Eharmony for a month or two, and it was a fucking ghost town. PoF is frequently mentioned as where people I know met someone, if they were dating online.
I am not sure how big is in Canada. But I"ve been trying PoF since about Oct and yielded nothing worth while.

However I did meet an amazing girl during an Ice Climbing on event. Been dating for about 2 1/2 weeks. And everything has been going awesome! Might want to look into trying for meeting decent woman.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
OneofOne said:
Trex isn"t terrible looking, but her attitude really kills any attractive quality she may have. Plus all this hashtag shit seems so strange, like someone trying way too hard while spouting she don"t care what we think /shrug Maybe it"s a generational thing.
^^^ This.
Trexmussen said:
High school Bf. Homeboy is still mad about the popular high school kids

Totes did. Fool followed me all the way to Portland.

Last time I was home Dad says they still talk. #givemeabreak
She strikes me as a child. A little girl who is still trying to disentangle herself from Mommy and Daddy. Simultaneously building up her sense of self worth while bagging on an ex for...possibly being in love with her? Trying to be hip, trying to be cool, trying too hard. I can feel her /rolleyes from here. It"s sad, really.

In a way I hope it is just some Tyen shenanigans, because from what little I"ve seen of Tenley, she seems like an egotistical bitch w/o anything to actually be egotistical about. Hopefully Salty is watching his back lest he becomes yet another ex to get left behind when her attention span expires (unless Tyen is just living in the moment and doesn"t care, in which case /brofist).

If anything she"s...average. And that makes the attitude pretty damned lulzy.


Molten Core Raider
Erronius said:
^^^ This.
The hashtagging shit reminds me of one day when I was younger, had a girl over and I wanted to look cool in front of her so I sent a message to a friend using leetspeak.

His reply of, "What the fucking fuck?" reminded me that it really just looks fucking retarded when you do stupid shit like that.

Ah to be young and stupid again.


Well the picture explains all the advice. Ugly bitches always dream of being called beautiful.

Fashion snobs that are also ugly and have no fashion is also extra hilarious. I feel less angry now that this person was ever fed a meal because justice is being served. My holy crusade is over for now.

P.S. The MMA beak move gave me a heart attack.
P.P.S. Lol @ FB on P1999. The only dragons they killed were after they trained other guilds who beat them in the race. Then Salty quit after failing as he always did.


<Bronze Donator>
hmm good direction of the thread


Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
An instructor told me that in every course she teaches, at least one person submits something written in facebookese/textmsgspeek.

I"d expect that kind of shit from the R6 Forums...


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
One of my exgirlfriends is a middle school English teacher. The stuff she would bring home would make you weep for the future. Were people always this illiterate and we"re only overexposed to it because of the Internet now?