Girls who broke your heart thread


The Big Mod
Tyen said:
If you are 20-30 stay the fucking hell away from a single mom.

They will try and get pregnant again just so you have to deal with their other kids. The baby"s daddy will obviously be a total fuck since they aren"t together anymore, and will tell his kids how much he doesn"t like "mommy"s boyfriend."

I had this shit happen to me. Got a single mom with 2 kids pregnant. She had a miscarriage.

...and I ran so fucking fast you have no idea.

Don"t do that shit.
you left out the part where you paid me 3 manastones to throw her down a flight of stairs.


Antarius said:
In other words, they think you"re a giant pussy, willing to roll over and would love to raise someone else"s kid while the father gets to continue going out, partying, and making more baby mommas while you stay at home reading bedtime stories.

Reality check, your sister and her boss don"t respect you.

If they tried to set you up with the chick because she was awesome, they would have hidden the fact that she was a mom from you until like, the day before you met her or something. Instead, they think that you can"t do any better on your own. I"m not saying it"s true, I"m just saying, that"s what those 2 women think of you, that"s how women operate.


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Dabamf said:
Antarius is totally right.

Antarius said:
Willing to roll over and would love to raise someone else"s kid while the father gets to continue going out, partying, and making more baby mommas while you stay at home reading bedtime stories.
100% Exactly correct.

From ages 20-30 don"t ever fucking think of raising someone else"s kid.

30+ is more understandable, I guess? I can"t really comment since I haven"t made that level yet.


The Big Mod
there is something so incredibly emasculating about raising someone else"s child... it"s practically like being cuckolded.


Molten Core Raider
Ser Kegkilla said:
there is something so incredibly emasculating about raising someone else"s child... it"s practically like being cuckolded.
I was thinking the same thing.

Imagine raising some other douches kids for 10-15 years and then having the kid rebel on you after all that effort of being a parent and the pull the whole "your not my real dad" bullshit.

Fuck that.


EQ in a browser wait time: ____
Not being able to properly discipline someone else"s kid is pretty fucking terrible too.

If I had a kid mouth off at me I"d swat him on the ass in a second.

But if it isn"t your kid, whole different story. Child services will be coming to your house after the baby"s daddy hears about that shit.


privileged excrementlord
I"d have to already be a single father, and this woman would have to be fucking amazing for me to consider raising her kid. Stay away from that nonsense.


The Big Mod
if you had a step daughter who grew up to be real hot, wouldn"t it be hard to not to try to bang her?


privileged excrementlord
Grumpus said:
... I was thinking of the same thing, though.


Grumpus said:
What are your guys thoughts on prego chics or brand new mothers?

I"m guessing stay the fuck away but any insights? Horror stories?
They are awesome because you can go all 2pac on them. Just go up in there shooting and not have a damn thing to worry about.


Ravvenn said:
Thanks for the replies on the butt topic. I guess it is the homophobic thing that makes guys so uptight about the butthole invasion. It"s only an inch or two of finger, which is most certainly less invasive than say, a penis.

For those of you who wouldn"t try it, why?

If I were a guy and read tons of stories about amazing orgasms, I"d want to try whatever technique it is at least once. That"s what I"ve always done if I read/hear something interesting (as long as it"s not dangerous or something).
I won"t speak for the starfish burglars amongst the peened, but for me it isn"t about any obia; homoph, heteroph or otherwise. It"s cleanliness, for one. The only time I clean my pooper is when I fart or when I pinch off a raging steamer. The rest of the time, Jabba the Hut is dwelling in that sewer, and stink isn"t sexy no matter what. Finky Stinger? Vagoo got nothing on my sphinctural sarlaac that would forever curse any digit that went wandering.

Also, there are about 781324 billion vastly more erotic things that a woman could do to put her magic tingle on a man"s neurons; all of them include delayed orgasm as part of the recipe. Hand jobs, blowjobs, hairjobs...but please, no footjobs! Sitting on my chest while she is double-knuckle surfing her vagoo from her elbow to the next realm of warm exploding bright pinholes of blinding light that are...and may as well be galaxies born from her every hot breath and entire cosmic surfs wax and wane on the tides of her pre-orgasmic breath, the sound of fabric ripping tears him from the vast wet, infinite breach as she ripped the garters out of her stockings...and in that moment, that quiet moment...the silence that lasted for nothing and forever, just right before the big bang...that was the point of creation of all things...sec, wife wants a yogurt.

Lost all thought. Anyway. Delayed orgasm with enthusiastic female participation makes damned near every orgasm a mind bending one. No need for finky stinger.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
Tyen said:
Not being able to properly discipline someone else"s kid is pretty fucking terrible too.

If I had a kid mouth off at me I"d swat him on the ass in a second.

But if it isn"t your kid, whole different story. Child services will be coming to your house after the baby"s daddy hears about that shit.
I think that this was the worst part of seeing a single mother to be honest, at least for me. Especially in a long term relationship. It"s hard enough for two parents to raise a child, even harder for a single mother. Most of the kids I"ve seen raised by single mothers played them like a harp and made out like bandits, had no discipline, and totally got away with tons of shit. So I"d be dating someone who would be pulling her hair out trying to raise kids on her own, but I wouldn"t be able to help whatsoever because those women seemingly didn"t want to depend on a mans help, to the point of seething about it. The kids, who already manipulate their mother, realize that new boyfriend #7 isn"t any different than the prior 6, and than they will always be able to play off their mother for what they want.

I had my heart broken pretty badly years ago by a single mother, when we had dated for over a year and she was only willing to keep dating for the foreseeable future. She had been married once before, and swore that she would never get married again. I saw her long enough that the kid were calling me daddy, but she would talk as if we were simply friends with benefits. It bothered me, but she would say that the kids weren"t my concern. My buddies thought I was living the dream (attractive MILF, no strings attached, no threat of marriage) but I always felt the opposite. Why would I want to keep seeing someone whose children were becoming more and more attached, but the mother was unwilling to take it beyond casual sex?

In the end we broke up partially over the children. And this woman, who had told me many times that she wasn"t looking for a husband, had her boss move in with her 2 weeks after we split. And then it hit me: she wasn"t looking to make me into a husband, because I didn"t own 3 businesses and wasn"t wealthy. I was just there to keep the bed warm until she could find someone to leech off of. Just another dick to put inside of her until she could find one that was attached to a lot of money, 2 houses, multiple cars, etc. I think that"s what made me anti-marriage and somewhat anti-family. Why do I want to bust my ass just to be taken advantage of? Just to be a meal ticket in a society where divorce rates are as high as they are? So I can work myself into an early grave and help raise the kids, so I can be divorced once they move out for college? Fuck that.