Girls who broke your heart thread


I have used Mach 3"s as well as a good number of electric and overpriced shavers/trimmers and not a single one of them gave a fast and closer shave then a new Derby blade on a Merkur.


privileged excrementlord
Grayson Carlyle said:
If anyone cares, here"s an update:

No STIs, I"m clean. She lied. Then she tried to convince me she was pregnant. Not talking to her anymore, because I don"t care for that kind of manipulative drama.
I"m confused, she told you she had an STD in an attempt to get back with you? Has that ever worked? Got to love the pregnancy followup.

Grayson Carlyle

Golden Squire
In an attempt to hurt me. Cause bitches be spiteful. I think she didn"t like that I flirted with her friends more than her maybe? Not that that should matter, since it was a friends with benefits arrangement.


Been staying away from dinner dates (I am still new to this city so getting peoples advice on where to eat was useful for living but bad for dating).

There are a couple of things I would like to work on that some of you may have personal experience with I figured I would ask here.

I am trying to cut out sarcasm entirely. I was not aware of how often sarcasm is used. I am still not fully aware of how often I or the people around me are sarcastic. I feel like everyone is trying to be Jon Stewart.

I also noticed that I have too much to say on too many topics. I considered myself pretty well read and well educated. There are many topics that I can at least have a beyond entry level discussion in. However, I am starting to feel like this is making me come off as arrogant, knowitall, or an expert (used with sarcasm). This is not how I would like to portray myself. Apart from mentally stopping myself from adding information to the discussion, which ends up with me just nodding to someones ill informed commentary... what can I do to curb this bad social behavior and instead replace it with something useful?

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Eomer said:
Clippers are a bad idea for shaving the genital area without a guard, because of the loose skin. On most parts of your body the skin is tight enough that it won"t get caught in the clippers, but especially on the balls you"re playing with fire there. And it hurts like a mother fucker to be cut by clippers vs. an actual razor.

Personally I use clippers to trim down the general area, and Mach 3 the actual twig and berries. Sounds counter intuitive to be putting an actual blade down there, but I"ve only ever knicked myself once or twice with the Mach 3 vs. repeatedly when I used clippers.

There really is nothing like a shorn scrotum. It"s breathtaking. I suggest you try it.


Otherwise yeah if things get hot and heavy, just be honest about it. No big deal.
Fools, you pull the skin so its tight and not loose.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Rather than put your input on a subject, ask questions as to what the person you"re talking with thinks or how they view something, then attempt to add-on to that or add your view on their opinion rather than present new points or try and team them something.

Darus Grey_foh

I dunno, it really depends on how you come off.

I used to think I came off like that too, but once I stopped everyone just asked or approached me about my opinion and knowledge anyways, so it was clearly valued.

Knowledge can be a form of charisma if used right ("Expert Power" as opposed to "Referent power"). Thomas Jefferson is a good historical example, dude had no personal appeal but everyone loved him simply cause they respected his broad knowledge.

So I say don"t drop it, master it.


I am trying to wrap my head around what Sutekh said...

We had a discussion on what it meant to be attractive. A girl said appearance is everything.

I maintain that appearance is a major part of attraction, but personality also plays a large role. In my opinion, a hot bitchy girl with a shitty attitude is not as attractive as the cute girl who can hang with the boys.

So after she said that its all about appearance, I asked what she thought about someone with a poor attitude. To which she responded: oh, another topic you are an expert in.

I fail to see what I did wrong in this approach, but apparently, I am missing some finer points of this "asking about their views" without coming off as a dick.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
Divinefactor said:
I fail to see what I did wrong in this approach, but apparently, I am missing some finer points of this "asking about their views" without coming off as a dick.
It could easily be your tone of voice or word choice when giving your input. Sometimes it"s more important how you say something than what you say.

Another thing to think about is whether or not you"re acknowledging the other person"s opinions as valid. If you listen to someone"s opinion and then immediately break out your counter, it makes it sound like you don"t care or their opinion is stupid. Starting your question/counter with stuff like "Well, you"ve got a good point..." or "Ah, I see what you mean, but..." can make you seem less like a know-it-all and more like a conversation partner.

Of course, the girl in your scenario above is probably just a bitch.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Sounds like she"s just a bitch. Or then again maybe she"s just playing and being sarcastic back at you.


Queen Bee
Divinefactor said:
I am trying to wrap my head around what Sutekh said...

We had a discussion on what it meant to be attractive. A girl said appearance is everything.

I maintain that appearance is a major part of attraction, but personality also plays a large role. In my opinion, a hot bitchy girl with a shitty attitude is not as attractive as the cute girl who can hang with the boys.

So after she said that its all about appearance, I asked what she thought about someone with a poor attitude. To which she responded: oh, another topic you are an expert in.

I fail to see what I did wrong in this approach, but apparently, I am missing some finer points of this "asking about their views" without coming off as a dick.
Hm. Is she a hot bitchy girl with a shitty attitude? She was probably just offended. She does just sound like a nasty girl based on that one sentence, I must say. From my experiences, if you are being careful not to sound like a know it all and are seriously concerned that you may be, you probably aren"t. It"s the people who truly believe they know everything and that everyone else is just dying to hear what they have to say that sound like know it alls.

I"m not sure if you"re romantically involved with her, but don"t be with a girl that makes you feel bad about yourself.


privileged excrementlord
And yet you would dare answer a question directed at him? Shit"s getting out of hand Salty, did you authorize this?


Divinefactor said:
Been staying away from dinner dates (I am still new to this city so getting peoples advice on where to eat was useful for living but bad for dating).

There are a couple of things I would like to work on that some of you may have personal experience with I figured I would ask here.

I am trying to cut out sarcasm entirely. I was not aware of how often sarcasm is used. I am still not fully aware of how often I or the people around me are sarcastic. I feel like everyone is trying to be Jon Stewart.

I also noticed that I have too much to say on too many topics. I considered myself pretty well read and well educated. There are many topics that I can at least have a beyond entry level discussion in. However, I am starting to feel like this is making me come off as arrogant, knowitall, or an expert (used with sarcasm). This is not how I would like to portray myself. Apart from mentally stopping myself from adding information to the discussion, which ends up with me just nodding to someones ill informed commentary... what can I do to curb this bad social behavior and instead replace it with something useful?
You sound like an awful person to be around. You are not special, you are not smart, you are not funny. You are average and will die like everyone else. You sound like an awful person to be around.


Heavens_Myst said:
You sound like an awful person to be around. You are not special, you are not smart, you are not funny. You are average and will die like everyone else. You sound like an awful person to be around.
Ho ho! Sarcasm at its finest. Good one, bro.