Girls who broke your heart thread


Trakanon Raider
Yeah, I"m not sure how much sympathy you expected "well my dog died and she wouldn"t give me any sympathy pussy" to garner you. I hate it that your pet is gone, but connecting those two things in your head seems... off.


Confirmed Male
Big Sutekh said:
Voyce bro, chill out man.

Bitches are going to be bitches. Don"t let them bother you.
About the dog; clearly the dog was in some sort of pain, which is what led to it being put down. It"s a shitty situation but it"s something that every dog owner knows when they get themselves a pup. You can"t avoid it, it"s inevitable. Just remember the good times you guys shared together and know that whatever was ailing the dog is no longer hurting it. As far as women go, just ignore those bitches. Next time (if there is) that bitch messages you just tell her you don"t really have time to talk right now and then never respond back to her. She sounds like a bitch anyways, don"t waste your time.
Did Sutekh account get hacked and everyone is just accepting this as normal?

Edit: Voyce, what Sutekh said, pretty much spot on. Read it and abide by it. Sorry to hear about your dog, been there, done that. Losing a family member is tough.


privileged excrementlord
There"s not a damn thing wrong with letting her know she"s a heinous cunt, just steer the fuck clear of her Facebook. People will think you"re the one with the vagina.


Blackwing Lair Raider
No point, it"s immature. He"s above that shit. Just move on, anymore thoughts wasted on this girl even if they are to just tell her how she is, is a waste of time.


Blackwing Lair Raider


Shit Lord Supreme
This week has been brutal to me, I"m not even trolling...well part of me is always trollin--everything is falling apart right now, but they"re my problems to live down, I don"t got no choice in the matter.

You"re right Big Sutekh, its not worth it, I don"t even care about her anymore.

I haven"t slept all week, maybe everything will figure itself out while I"m out of it.

peace bros.


Update: It"s over.

We spoke, she said basically the same exact thing she had said a week before. She doesn"t know where we stand, shes in an emotional dead zone etc.

I"ve been falling apart this past week and it reached a very bad spot two nights ago. I asked her how she has been, and she said "Honestly, I miss you, but i"ve been sitting and dealing with it and telling myself this is how I need to be, this is what I need to get used to"

It doesn"t make sense to me, I don"t even want to think about it, but at that point I knew where it was going. She said she loves me, misses me, but at this point she can"t. I made her actually say it, and she said yes she"s breaking up with me.

I don"t want advice, i"m not even going to check the thread again for a long time. When I do I promise i"ll have some pics of chicks i"ve tagged for you guys being bros. Right now I just feel like my life is in shambles and I need to find a way to pick up the pieces. So dramatic, but too true. Thanks for the advice though guys. 0/31 for the "need time" club.


The Big Mod
Chaotic said:
Update: It"s over.

We spoke, she said basically the same exact thing she had said a week before. She doesn"t know where we stand, shes in an emotional dead zone etc.

I"ve been falling apart this past week and it reached a very bad spot two nights ago. I asked her how she has been, and she said "Honestly, I miss you, but i"ve been sitting and dealing with it and telling myself this is how I need to be, this is what I need to get used to"

It doesn"t make sense to me, I don"t even want to think about it, but at that point I knew where it was going. She said she loves me, misses me, but at this point she can"t. I made her actually say it, and she said yes she"s breaking up with me.

I don"t want advice, i"m not even going to check the thread again for a long time. When I do I promise i"ll have some pics of chicks i"ve tagged for you guys being bros. Right now I just feel like my life is in shambles and I need to find a way to pick up the pieces. So dramatic, but too true. Thanks for the advice though guys. 0/31 for the "need time" club.
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<Gold Donor>
Chaotic said:
Update: It"s over.

We spoke, she said basically the same exact thing she had said a week before. She doesn"t know where we stand, shes in an emotional dead zone etc.

I"ve been falling apart this past week and it reached a very bad spot two nights ago. I asked her how she has been, and she said "Honestly, I miss you, but i"ve been sitting and dealing with it and telling myself this is how I need to be, this is what I need to get used to"

It doesn"t make sense to me, I don"t even want to think about it, but at that point I knew where it was going. She said she loves me, misses me, but at this point she can"t. I made her actually say it, and she said yes she"s breaking up with me.

I don"t want advice, i"m not even going to check the thread again for a long time. When I do I promise i"ll have some pics of chicks i"ve tagged for you guys being bros. Right now I just feel like my life is in shambles and I need to find a way to pick up the pieces. So dramatic, but too true. Thanks for the advice though guys. 0/31 for the "need time" club.
Can"t say I"ve been there, but I have been in situations where I"ve needed to move on from a girl - my only advice, as crude and crass as it sounds - plough as many disgusting, filthy whores as possible. If you reach 30 and haven"t hit mid double digits, you"re doing yourself a massive disservice I think. I don"t know your age or story, and frankly its irrelevant... but at this point you need quantity over quality - save the quality for someone when you"re ready for a relationship. Also, I guess gonorrhea is now impossible to cure (certain strains), so wear 2 condoms. Also, if she had any decent/down friends I"d start there...


Molten Core Raider
Hey Chaotic... I have no words for you bud that will help but what I can tell you is that it will get better. As the saying goes: "This too shall pass." All it takes is time. Good luck.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Chaotic said:
Update: It"s over.

We spoke, she said basically the same exact thing she had said a week before. She doesn"t know where we stand, shes in an emotional dead zone etc.

I"ve been falling apart this past week and it reached a very bad spot two nights ago. I asked her how she has been, and she said "Honestly, I miss you, but i"ve been sitting and dealing with it and telling myself this is how I need to be, this is what I need to get used to"

It doesn"t make sense to me, I don"t even want to think about it, but at that point I knew where it was going. She said she loves me, misses me, but at this point she can"t. I made her actually say it, and she said yes she"s breaking up with me.

I don"t want advice, i"m not even going to check the thread again for a long time. When I do I promise i"ll have some pics of chicks i"ve tagged for you guys being bros. Right now I just feel like my life is in shambles and I need to find a way to pick up the pieces. So dramatic, but too true. Thanks for the advice though guys. 0/31 for the "need time" club.
Something is wrong with that chick. Not sure if cheating or crazy. But at least you found out now and can move on from it with closure. Good luck with whatever comes next.


Chaotic said:
she said "Honestly, I miss you, but i"ve been sitting and dealing with it and telling myself this is how I need to be, this is what I need to get used to."
Sounds like she has some deep-seated issues going on with her, and nothing you could ever fix just by being with her and trying to make her feel good about herself or anything like that. Sucks things ended up the way they did for you, but I would bet money on this break up as being good for you (much as that is shitty to hear). Years down the road, her issues with herself would likely only have gotten worse.

You sound like you have shit together in your life, better women will come along.


I think my vote is for crazy. She might have been getting dorked by another dude on the side, but women who pull that shit generally do not go down the road of meeting parents, ect. As much as it hurts, crazy (especially low self esteem crazy) cannot be fixed and you are much better off in the long run putting her in the rear view mirror. Getting out now, before things got any more serious, is deffinately a blessing in disguise.


The Big Mod
a woman is qualified as crazy because she doesn"t want to be with someone? you people are pathetic. the dude is obviously a tool, he made that perfectly clear when he came in and posted about what a big "player" he is then proceeded to cry like a bitch. add in the fact that he"s a cop, AKA a little bitch with an inferiority complex and we can start painting the other side of the story.


Still a Music Elitist
Ser Kegkilla said:
a woman is qualified as crazy because she doesn"t want to be with someone? you people are pathetic. the dude is obviously a tool, he made that perfectly clear when he came in and posted about what a big "player" he is then proceeded to cry like a bitch. add in the fact that he"s a cop, AKA a little bitch with an inferiority complex and we can start painting the other side of the story.
Watch out. He said he"s got lots of pics of ass and titties which will win the hearts and minds of people on this board.


Parents were met and they went on expensive vacations and he asks if they are a couple. Her reaction essentially is to say "I am too fucked in the head to be in a relationship" and she hits the eject button. Maybe its not cutter crazy, but she obviously has a few screws loose. I realize that slaying random Indian poon with social hangups may have moved the line on what you consider crazy (it gets stricter as you get older and gradually more sick of that bullshit), but come on. A normal person would have just said "sorry I just want to keep being fuck buddies" rather than completely nuke the relationship in that situation. What you are saying applies when you are in your 20s and in fuck everything that moves mode, but not so much once you hit the 30ish mark.