Can't wait to see a fat asian chick with purple hair and her black disabled sidekick conquer the arena.
Just like back then.
Scott's record with sequels is phenomenal as long as, you know, they're not made by Ridley Scott.This is probably going to be shit but with Alien, Blade Runner, Blackhawk Down, and The Martian he can do whatever he wants and all is forgiven.
what we do in life, echoes in eternity
This is probably going to be shit but with Alien, Blade Runner, Blackhawk Down, and The Martian he can do whatever he wants and all is forgiven.
I'm well aware. I'm not suggesting I'll even watch this movie. Ridley Scott still deserves adulation!Did you not watch his latest dumpster fires?
This is going to have that ship wheel scene from Prometheus levels of retardness with BioWare levels of writing.
No it's Peter Craig who did The Town, Mockingjay Part 1+2 and currently Top Gun 2.If its Nick Caves script, I'm there opening night:
The Unbelievably Insane GLADIATOR Sequel That Almost Was
That's pretty wild but that's some serious handwaving with the kid being alive.If its Nick Caves script, I'm there opening night:
The Unbelievably Insane GLADIATOR Sequel That Almost Was
Lol what the fuck. Nick Cave is great.If its Nick Caves script, I'm there opening night:
The Unbelievably Insane GLADIATOR Sequel That Almost Was
The plot will be about an obese black one armed lesbian who enters the arena to fight for the honor of her warrior people with a secret kingdom greater than rome. Once in the arena she'll fight to free the tigers and lions as well as the ethic slaves because all of them are beautiful and superior. also climate change.
Why make this? Why not a sequel to Master and Commander?