The army finds a nest of eggs and says "oh well" lets leave what could go wrong,
Hey guys lets train these ICBMs around, of fuck they fell off, no worries, us 6 dudes will carry it.
Godzilla or Muto "sneaking" up on anyone ever....
This nuke will go off in 5 min, good thing the fucking boat is going 10miles an hour, no worries it will clear the city in 5 min.
Lets evacuate the city ! good idea, i will block off the bridge out of town, but only after we fill it with school busses and trap them on the bridge.
Our nuclear waste facility had a breach to the extend half the mountain was missing. Only identified by visual inspection.
Cant kill the monster with tanks, perhaps this handgun will work.
Fucking garbage movie for 110m. Not like normal godzilla garbage, extra strenght hollywood garbage.
5/10, would be 3/10 if not for the last 20 min.