Anyone here have knowledge going to law school or know someone who has?
a friend of mine is considering it: he already has a bachelors in education at age 38. What’s the fastest he could possibly obtain a law degree?
So my oldest son came to visit last month. He's a senior in high school and when I took him over to my college campus he loved it so much (and their music program and building) that he wants to go there next fall. So potentially I could have some college classes with my son...which seems both odd and neat at the same time. I'm just happy he's moving out here to live with me.
There is so much awesome here it is hard to take it all in. Enjoy that, man. Could be such a fantastic bonding time. And maybe you can go to keggers together.
That face you make when you are taking a math class (QMB) and the professor dings you points on a group discussion paper for "anthropomorphism". As in "Companies use forecast modeling... blah, blah, blah instead of "People is forecast modeling...blah, blah, blah".
Yeah, he and I have a lot of great conversations as well, mostly about stuff going on in the world and how he experiences things. It's awesome being able to have those conversations, but I do greatly miss the conversations about who would win in a fight between Patrick Star and Squidward at the same time.