I figured when they said broke even then that meant paying back all expenses needed in order to pocket the gold they are mining. The claim owner isn't an investor, I knew they still had to give him his cut regardless.
And yeah I forgot to comment about Todds, "Day shift is going to have to step it up..." comment. Man fuck that guy, up until that point he had contributed just over 7 ounces on the season. If I were Dave watching this show right now I'd call Todd up and tell him to go fuck himself assuming he doesn't already do so at some point in this season....which I hope he does.
And Yeah now that I was reminded, I do remember Freds cleanout....though he said something that annoyed me too. "The Hoffmans only pulled 7 ounces out of this claim all season when they were here...."
Well no shit you fuck, it was their first year mining and once they did all the work of digging that hole and getting down to bedrock and started to find gold you swooped in and claim jumped them.
My dislike of Fred is pretty great....but not as much as Todd. I dislike Todd because he's stupid, I dislike Fred because he's a prick.