GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Silver Squire
I'm a fan of the Mormont is Azor Ahai fan theory, but in accordance with the fan theory it means Jorah gonna slay Dany.


Molten Core Raider
There is no way she gets cheap assassinated at the penultimate point in the conclusion, or resolution. The only way she dies is if it is in her own sacrifice to save her followers to achieve ultimate victory. She has shown a penchant for death, as she didnt truly know if she would come out of that pyre, and has showed unneeded compassion time and time again.
Id bet on some sort of noble sacrifice dive bomb drogon into the nights king deathstar scenario. Maybe right after the point when she realizes the entire world doesn't need her ruling it. Either way, dying heroically or by subterfuge I just don't see her being alive at the conclusion.

The story could end unresolved as far as what happens after the white walker bbq I guess but eventually she would have to conquer or subjugate the known world and that doesn't work out for anyone.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
One thing im worried about is the throne room dream sequence where drogon flys over and the throne room is wasted with snow coming through the destructed roof. It implies that Kings Landing is a main location in the climax and its most likely obliterated. It speaks to a more dark ending, not one of peace and prosperity where the rightful queen takes the Iron Throne and the Targ dynasty rules once again.

So Dany dying might actually happen but more as part of the narrative of the story taking hold, rather than her being killed by some stupid plot device.

And btw, there is not going to be a Wight Ollie, Jon Snow hanged that little faggot and burned the bodies. Sorry bro.


<Bronze Donator>
One thing im worried about is the throne room dream sequence where drogon flys over and the throne room is wasted with snow coming through the destructed roof. It implies that Kings Landing is a main location in the climax and its most likely obliterated. It speaks to a more dark ending, not one of peace and prosperity where the rightful queen takes the Iron Throne and the Targ dynasty rules once again.

So Dany dying might actually happen but more as part of the narrative of the story taking hold, rather than her being killed by some stupid plot device.

And btw, there is not going to be a Wight Ollie, Jon Snow hanged that little faggot and burned the bodies. Sorry bro.
has read/watched 5 books/seasons of Game of Thrones, and just now realizes that its going to have a dark ending...

While the TV show has foreshadowed that KL will be destroyed, or at least, the red keep, before dany takes the throne, the books have foreshadowed that the white walkers and army of undead will have marched all the way to the Trident before dany and her dragons arrive to defeat them. Meaning the north, the neck, most of the riverlands, some of the westerlands, potentially even the Vale and the Iron Islands will of all been destroyed as well. (depending if they're able to freeze the oceans and cross them to the islands, or pass through the bloody gate/mountains to reach the vale)

Most likely the schism between lannister and tyrell, combined with the invasion by dorne/Faegon is what causes the destruction of king's landing, and there's basically no one left to fight when the wall falls and they march unopposed slaughtering everyone, growing the ranks of their undead horde until they just killdoze through westeros. Then dany arrives with her massive yet problematic army of slaves and slavers somehow living in unity, most of which die before she and whoever else finally defeat the walkers.

And she assumes the throne and takes control of what's left of the ashes of westeros. with maybe 1/4 of the population still breathing, most dead from either the war or starvation/winter


Silver Baronet of the Realm
A cataclysmic natural disaster occurs, most likely multiple meteor strikes caused by the destruction of the moon after the red comet crashes into it. The world goes in to another Long Night e.g.Impact wintercreating the perfect opportunity for the White Walkers to move south. Dany and her army comes, possibly after the WW have already made it to King's Landing and she defeats them, becoming the savior of a mostly destroyed Westeros and darkened world of ash.


NeoGaf Donator
The comet is long gone though and it's kind of theorized that the Others bring the long winters and not the other way around.


NeoGaf Donator
The got pushed back and put to sleep last time they invaded and they only started showing up again before winter even started.

Also it's a fucking fantasy book, Chuk. 8000 years sounds more epic than "every 10 years or so these dudes show up."


Ssraeszha Raider
The got pushed back and put to sleep last time they invaded and they only started showing up again before winter even started.

Also it's a fucking fantasy book, Chuk. 8000 years sounds more epic than "every 10 years or so these dudes show up."
You don't think complex astronomical events would fit?

Maybe they could have some issues with the orbit of the planet, tides, and other gravitational and electromagnetic issues


Trump's Staff
Maybe the comet is just a super rare, but cyclical occurrence, and the Others are just stupid superstitious fucks like Humans are. They wait for the comet and then start moving.


Millie's Staff Member
The got pushed back and put to sleep last time they invaded and they only started showing up again before winter even started.

Also it's a fucking fantasy book, Chuk. 8000 years sounds more epic than "every 10 years or so these dudes show up."
i dont know why they waited so long, i jut think there is more reason to it than 8000 sounds cool. in LOTR shit got rolling with sauron because the One Ring was back in the outside world again. not the best reason, but there was a cause and an effect in a fantasy story. whats the cause for the Others waiting 8000 years?


Mr. Poopybutthole
People are gonna be really upset when Bran only goes 50 feet, to be killed by Zombie Hodor tonight.