GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Isn't one of the formal charges against Cersei incest? Which means if Frankenmountain looses in the trial by combat, Tommen's reign suddenly has a big question mark floating over it.


Buzzfeed Editor
episode 8 confirmed cleganebowl then.
Well, the second Cersei said her trial by combat would be the Mountain, that set it up perfectly for Cleganebowl. It also sets up Margery for being the queen who replaces her, now that she's allied with the Faith and part of the system that will probably undue Cersei while Jaime is away. (And Margery will now be outside able to help put Cersei in the ground.)


Unelected Mod
I don't think Cleganebowl is happening this season. We are already too far in the season without getting much of either of them. I think it will end up being a cliffhanger for the coming season or the earliest nearly the end of the season. Need at least a couple episodes setting up the Hound. Then a couple episodes setting up the trial. Maybe we see it episode 9ish? Shrug.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Benjen being Coldhands is probably going to happen in the book as well. Remember, in the book Coldhands never reveals his face, so it's likely that GRRM did that on purpose so that Coldhands could eventually turn out to be Benjen down the road. The way that Coldhands was introduced is different in the show than in the book (Coldhands shows up to help Sam get back to the wall, and helps Bran get to the Three Eyed Raven), but it also gives an opportunity to bring in more characters from the book into the show, even if the exact timelines don't match up (could we see Lady Stoneheart? Possibly!). Again, my only concern is that they still have a shit ton of plots going on here, and if HBO is to be believed, we have exactly 20 episodes left of the show. Not a lot of time to get all this finished.
Then again, there's this. The red is GRRM's notes, the green is the editor.


Who knows what he's doing at this point?


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Isn't one of the formal charges against Cersei incest? Which means if Frankenmountain looses in the trial by combat, Tommen's reign suddenly has a big question mark floating over it.
I think how that Tom is in the pocket of the Sparrow he wouldn't be willing to just remove the king because of the incest charge


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
The ending of each episode is often the best part, but last night's was probably the worst of the entire series.

So are the Dothraki going to stick around Westeros if/when they help Daeny take it back? This is like bringing over ISIS to help you defeat your enemies, but then you're stuck with ISIS in your neighborhood afterward.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I would guess that Dany is counting on enough Dothraki dying during invasion of Westeros that they'd be easy to manage afterwards.


Molten Core Raider
Arya travels to the Riverlands because she hears about Jon/Sansa/Blackfish or with the acting troupe, the waif follows and confronts her only to be eaten by Nymeria and her wolf pack. She'll be dead before the end of the series though.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The Dothraki also can't handle winter. They're a desert people. Second it gets cold, they will drop like flies from exposure.

Same with the high Sparrow stuff, don't really understand where its going or why Marge did what she did. I honestly expected her to die this episode, it would be a nice little way to make Cersei think that maybe the prophecy she heard wasn't true after all. Followed soon by Tommen dying.
Margery wants to be on the winning side. She sees the way the wind is blowing, knows that Tommen is putty in her hands, so it works out for the best to closely ally the royal house with the church which is controlling the masses. Notice how all the crowd was psyched when High Sparrow said Margery was all forgiven now and the king+queen were now with them. High Sparrow is the mastermind here, but it is no different that Marg allying with the Lannisters after Renly got shanked and his plans died with him.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I don't think Cleganebowl is happening this season. We are already too far in the season without getting much of either of them. I think it will end up being a cliffhanger for the coming season or the earliest nearly the end of the season. Need at least a couple episodes setting up the Hound. Then a couple episodes setting up the trial. Maybe we see it episode 9ish? Shrug.
Why do we need any re-introduction of the hound? Last show viewers saw him he was left for dead. We already know who he is and should he reappear why he would want to put down his zombie brother. I'd wager he doesn't reappear until the trial by combat just for the wow factor.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Keep reading Reddit today and the Faceless Man arc has to mean something. As it is on so much promotional ads and such. I think they're right. I just can't buy that this is the end with Arya and the FM.

I like the idea that it isn't Arya who failed her training. Its The Waif who failed hers.


Millie's Staff Member
so, one second samuel has his mission to get to oldtown become a maester bla dee bla bla. then all of a sudden he is like, we need to get out and i need this sword. if they head back to the wall and the sword will bring tarly's forces with it, did sam think of the idea himself or did a certain 3 eyed crow tell him this?


Mr. Poopybutthole
Well not her training, but presumably whatever she does/tries to do to Arya violates one of the tenets of the cult, which is why Jaqen will kill her in Arya's place.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
It would be extremely anticlimatic if Arya isn't the one to kill the Waif and Jaqen just steps in and does it. Arya will be the one to kill her. She has to be. I feel that taking Arya to a magical face changing assassin's guild and having her leave without the ability to change faces would just be pretty stupid and pointless.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Maybe the point of all this is that the faceless men /aren't/ just crazy men willing to kill anyone. The waif is all too willing to kill for the sake of killing, where a faceless man needs to be more discerning. Perhaps Arya refusing to kill the innocent woman was actually her passing a test, rather than failing it.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
I had that thought too and he was setting the waif up to be killed. I'll be fine with it but it seems that'd be way convoluted and convenient from an author stand point.