GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Attachment 136509

Five extremely similar screengrabs all created by different directors over different episodes, so this was a creative (not stylistic) decision. There were five images but the upload failed on one:

1) Arya
2) Sansa (the actress who plays her, will Arya become a kinslayer?)
3) Lady Crane (her intended target)
4) Melisandre
5) Old Melisandre

Foreshadowing that Melisandre will become Arya's next target? I don't know. There are clues all over this the show and books, and Weirwood has really gone out of his way to dig up shit nobody else has. His blogs are worth reading!

The Waif also says to Jaqen, "You promisedme!" This shows the audience that the Waif is not "no one" as she has personal motivations. Jaqen likely doesn't truly care who lives and who is killed when he sends the Waif after Arya, as neither are Faceless Men. They're only means to an end. Perhaps this is the next time we see Jaqen, wearing this face:

Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet

There's just so many other things he's dug up that make him worth reading. He has more insight into ASOIAF than pretty much anyone else in the world besides the two producers and author. It doesn't confirm his theories, but it means that he's definitely deserving of a read. He's probably correct in more than a couple instances here.

Here's his analysis of the S06E05.S6Ep5: The Door to Infinite Sadness WEIRWOOD LEVIATHAN


<Bronze Donator>
Who's the lord of the stormlands really doesn't matter, which has kinda been the point of the series so far.

who the lord is of anything, including king/queen of the seven kingdoms, is fucking irrelevant. For 2 reasons:

First, most immediate reason, 100k people (500k in the books) are going to land there with 3 full grown dragons, and whoever holds the castles are going to say "here's your seat right here mi'lord, was just keeping it warm for you." In the books stannis appointed some minor lords as castellan of storms end/dragonstone, they surrendered first to the Tyrell army and then those Tyrell forces turned around and surrendered to a handful of scattered golden company ships which landed all over the stormlands.

In the TV show they didn't even bother mentioning who held the stormlands in stannis' absence because it does not fucking matter.

Second reason none of this matters, which has kinda been the point since day 1, is fucking ice zombies.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
3ER: I was waiting for you.
Bran: I don't want to be you.
3ER: (laughs) I don't blame you. You won't be here forever. You won't be an old man in a tree.

This is kind of a big deal. The show is starting to portray the central struggle of Bran's arc

"Why do I want to return? so I can be a cripple again? so I can talk to an old man, in a tree?!"

Yet in people's excitement to see what's in the tower, everyone seems to be missing the enormous clues being dropped about Bran. That in the conflict between the Others and the Three Eyed Raven, Bran is not only central, but he is so central that he has been awaited for 1000+ years.

There are major implications there.

If the Three Eyed Raven has been waiting for Bran for that long, then what are the chances that the Others really the instigators of this conflict? What are the chances that the time which Bran was born and made his way north of the Wall just so happens to be around the time that the others started to reemerge?

"Now he's realized he's been having his dreams because he's got to save Westeros." - Isaac Hempstead Wright
Then you have (looking for pictures) Bran/3ER standing EXACTLY where Ned stood as he watched Rickon miss a the target with an arrow. Rickon was subsequently killed by an arrow.
Game of Thrones season 6: Rickon being shot dead with an arrow was kind of foreshadowed


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Who's the lord of the stormlands really doesn't matter, which has kinda been the point of the series so far.

who the lord is of anything, including king/queen of the seven kingdoms, is fucking irrelevant. For 2 reasons:

First, most immediate reason, 100k people (500k in the books) are going to land there with 3 full grown dragons, and whoever holds the castles are going to say "here's your seat right here mi'lord, was just keeping it warm for you." In the books stannis appointed some minor lords as castellan of storms end/dragonstone, they surrendered first to the Tyrell army and then those Tyrell forces turned around and surrendered to a handful of scattered golden company ships which landed all over the stormlands.

In the TV show they didn't even bother mentioning who held the stormlands in stannis' absence because it does not fucking matter.

Second reason none of this matters, which has kinda been the point since day 1, is fucking ice zombies.
This is why I think Euron has to become a major player in S7. He's has every tool to destroy Danaerys in the books, and basically has in-depth knowledge of Valyria and blood sorcery (Danaery's isn't immune to fire, she's performing blood magic), what her dragons mean, and how to control them than she does.

...and who the fuck doesn't want to see a pirate dressed in a full suit of shimmering black Valyrian Steel armor?! Besides Euron, who else is going to blow that warhorn that Sam has?


<Bronze Donator>
Rewatching old seasons, and man Arya and The Hound together was some of the best shit.

That is all.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Aaaaaaaaaand were LIIIIIVEEEEEE!!!!

lol @ Waymar Royce thing. Some of these topics are interesting but a lot of this 3 eyed raven shit is trollish. Self fulfilling prophecy sucks.


privileged excrementlord
Risking the annihilation of all mankind in the hopes that people put their differences aside to fight ice zombies seems like a pretty big fucking gamble. How long did the peace hold after the Long Night? Bloodraven being the cause of the Others' invasion is a stretch. What if Bloodraven starts sending these visions out to people because he happened to find out about the Others readying to invade again? You act like this guy's theories are the only possibility - which is as ridiculous as his "Jon's corpse is getting warged by Bran" shit.


<Bronze Donator>
Stop feeding the autistic.

Honestly I can't wait until euron pulls a edmure Tully and is dropped from the show, minor cameo appearance later on, him still building ships, dragon fly over and roasts him, story concluded.


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
Stop feeding the autistic.

Honestly I can't wait until euron pulls a edmure Tully and is dropped from the show, minor cameo appearance later on, him still building ships, dragon fly over and roasts him, story concluded.
Or Euron will be test driving one of his new ships while wearing his valyrian armor, gets roasted by the dragons and becomes one with the drowned god.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I still think it would have been hysterical if Euron never started breathing again after Aeron consecrated him.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I still think it would have been hysterical if Euron never started breathing again after Aeron consecrated him.
lol I thought the same thing. They did a good job with Aeron's facial expression right before Euron came to, you can tell he was thinking (fuck....hes dea....oh ok).

Bran warging Jons corpse has to be the dumbest shit I ever fucking heard.

Also, what if Ser Sea links up with Ser Pounce and they develop a relationship in S7, becoming the catalyst that utlimately splits her and Jamie apart for good, finally giving him the motivation he needs to become the King and Queenslayer?


I'm mostly just hoping that Jaime kills Cersei in some rather epic fashion at this point. Considering that she pretty much did the exact thing he killed Aerys to avoid having happen and pretty much was responsible for the death of their last child on top of it, if someone else offs her I'm going to be kind of annoyed.


Ssraeszha Raider
I'm mostly just hoping that Jaime kills Cersei in some rather epic fashion at this point. Considering that she pretty much did the exact thing he killed Aerys to avoid having happen and pretty much was responsible for the death of their last child on top of it, if someone else offs her I'm going to be kind of annoyed.
Didn't Jaime say he'd straight up murder everyone in the world for Cersei? Not sure why that would annoy you.


Mr. Poopybutthole
That's exactly his problem. He pulled this same shit in the Star Wars thread with Snoke = Plagueis. At this point it's hilarious how wound up he gets.
I saw you guys keep mentioning the Star Wars thread but I didn't realize he was the Plagueis guy. Explains so much.

Didn't Jaime say he'd straight up murder everyone in the world for Cersei? Not sure why that would annoy you.
Even assuming he meant that completely literally, I'd wager that world he was envisioning wasn't a world where Cersei was responsible for the death of his last child.


privileged excrementlord
Didn't Jaime say he'd straight up murder everyone in the world for Cersei? Not sure why that would annoy you.
Probably because Jaime eventually snaps out of his twincest phase in the books, and the look on his face at Cersei's coronation suggests the show is finally bringing him to the same point.