GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Pay to play forum
And this is what happens if you only look for tiny fragments to support your crazy theory and disregard the rest. Author is dead and so is common sense it seems.


Ssraeszha Raider
Even assuming he meant that completely literally, I'd wager that world he was envisioning wasn't a world where Cersei was responsible for the death of his last child.
I'd agree with that, but considering he felt like that at some point means it's silly to nerd rage if he doesn't kill her


privileged excrementlord
Season 7 won't air till later in the year next year. FML.
Fuck, how did we not see the clues? Soy put it right in front of our faces with the thread title. It was planned all along. Wooly how did you not catch this?


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
Should change the title of the thread to:

[Spoilers in Tags] Game of Thrones - Autistics Are Coming


<Bronze Donator>
You mean rumored to be almost 300 years before GoT?
No, we mean Robert's grandmother, Rhaelle Targaryen.
The line of succession at the time of Robert's Rebellion:

Mad King Aerys - Rebellion was against his rule, killed by Jaime Lannister
His eldest son, Rhaegar, killed by Robert Baratheon
Rhaegar's eldest son, Aegon the VI, an infant, killed by the Mountain
Aerys' second son, Viserys, 5 years old, fled the seven kingdoms with his infant sister
Robert Baratheon, eldest son and next immediate male targaryan heir
Stannis Baratheon, 2nd son
Renly Baratheon, 3rd son
Danaerys Targaryan, Aerys only daughter, born after the death of both Aerys and Rhaegar.

Aerys father had only 2 children, who were wed and produced rhaegar, viserys, and danaerys. Remember his father only became king because of the tragedy at summerhall which wiped out most of the royal family. The Mad King, his sisterwife, and children were the only targaryans around besides Aemon at the wall. Robert's grandmother was the Mad King's aunt. He was the next in line after Viserys, which is why Viserys calls him the usurper, and why Robert has been hunting him and his sister since the rebellion. Viserys is the only person with a stronger blood claim to the throne than him.

yeah yea, bloodlines only matter in peacetime, we know. But if robert hadn't been a part of the rebellion, it's unlikely jon arryn would have rebelled, he wouldn't have been able to rally enough support. Instead he would of simply ignored aerys' demand to kill ned. The north would of still rebelled, but for independence, not to replace aerys on the throne.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Risking the annihilation of all mankind in the hopes that people put their differences aside to fight ice zombies seems like a pretty big fucking gamble. How long did the peace hold after the Long Night? Bloodraven being the cause of the Others' invasion is a stretch. What if Bloodraven starts sending these visions out to people because he happened to find out about the Others readying to invade again? You act like this guy's theories are the only possibility - which is as ridiculous as his "Jon's corpse is getting warged by Bran" shit.
Drinsic. He knew Maesar Aemon, Aegon the V, and the King before him. He knew almost every noble in the Westeros. If he wanted to get a message to the Seven Kingdoms warning them of the impending invasion he could have done so.

That's the biggest question that none of you have answered. The Wildlings knew of the threat for 20 years, so surely the 3-ER was aware. Why did he make no effort, whatsoever, to warn the people South of the wall that the Others were back? Aemon was his friend, and would've listened, but Bloodraven made absolutely no effort to provide a warning. Why? Why not warn civilization that the Others have returned so that they can prepare for the threat?

Brynden Rivers was a very powerful and influential man. Nobody would have doubted him. He even could have had Leaf deliver a message to the wall, as the CotF are not enemies of the Watch and seeing one alive would give a lot of credibility to their claim. Aemon, Aegon, and Robert would have both taken the threat seriously but they never heard a word. Why?

As far as your second question, since Bloodraven can see the future and although Westeros has torn itself apart he already knows the outcome of the path he set civilization upon. I just want to know why he didn't warn his brothers, his King, or his friends. Explanations would be appreciated.

This is the best theory as to why he hid the presence of the White Walkers from the realm, when it's basically his job to watch over mankind. If someone can provide a better explanation then I'm all ears.

Read this:
II. Bloodraven and the Greatest Evil WEIRWOOD LEVIATHAN


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
So the cotf, who created the others, are working with 3er to help them lead an army against humanity, to save humanity. Oh, and every interaction with bran was a lie to groom him as the next 3er so he could complete the plan of authoritarian peace in westeros that brynden rivers envisioned. Somehow occasional civil wars are worse than an existential threat.

Ooookkkkaaayyy. Please tell me you'll be back here after the show is over.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Drinsic. He knew Maesar Aemon, Aegon the V, and the King before him. He knew almost every noble in the Westeros. If he wanted to get a message to the Seven Kingdoms warning them of the impending invasion he could have done so.

That's the biggest question that none of you have answered. The Wildlings knew of the threat for 20 years, so surely the 3-ER was aware. Why did he make no effort, whatsoever, to warn the people South of the wall that the Others were back? Aemon was his friend, and would've listened, but Bloodraven made absolutely no effort to provide a warning. Why? Why not warn civilization that the Others have returned so that they can prepare for the threat?

Brynden Rivers was a very powerful and influential man. Nobody would have doubted him. He even could have had Leaf deliver a message to the wall, as the CotF are not enemies of the Watch and seeing one alive would give a lot of credibility to their claim. Aemon, Aegon, and Robert would have both taken the threat seriously but they never heard a word. Why?

As far as your second question, since Bloodraven can see the future and although Westeros has torn itself apart he already knows the outcome of the path he set civilization upon. I just want to know why he didn't warn his brothers, his King, or his friends. Explanations would be appreciated.

This is the best theory as to why he hid the presence of the White Walkers from the realm, when it's basically his job to watch over mankind. If someone can provide a better explanation then I'm all ears.

Read this:
II. Bloodraven and the Greatest Evil WEIRWOOD LEVIATHAN
3ER is Bran he cant see the future he simply knows the future he has lived before. How many times has the show dropped hints about this? I mean the line "it is time for you to become me" wassn't that a big enough hint?

Also even if 3ER isn't future Bran who time traveled to the past there is the fact you seem to ignore that he is also dead. So how can he be the unrevealed main villain when he is dead?


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
Well, I think his point is that 3ER isn't really a villain in the sense most of would think of it. He (well, the author that he's regurgitating) thinks the 3ER is doing all this so that less people will die in the end, a kind of utilitarian sacrifice of the present for the future.

I've actually read some of those blogs, and it's like reading a conspiracy theorist. They'll take pieces here and there and form an entire narrative, taking things out of context or reinterpreting at will, just to fit everything into it. Like my previous post referenced, it seems pretty out there. It's interesting if viewed as a piece of fiction about a piece of fiction, but not as realistic analysis of a piece of fiction.


<Bronze Donator>
guys can't you be happy that one retard autist found another in the sea of autism that is internet fanfic? Why you gotta be bringing up facts and shit. just let the retard be happy for a minute. But seriously, stop replying to him.


Log Wizard
guys can't you be happy that one retard autist found another in the sea of autism that is internet fanfic? Why you gotta be bringing up facts and shit. just let the retard be happy for a minute. But seriously, stop replying to him.
Sylas said this. SYLAS.


<Bronze Donator>
Sylas said this. SYLAS.
what the fuck is this supposed to mean?

made me go back and sift through your posts in this thread to figure out who the fuck you are:

Let's see, butthurt over Areo Hotah dying, thought he was some kind of important character instead of a wallflower designed to tell a POV
Thought Roose was setting up ramsey, and was going to kill him
Thought it was a fake shaggy dog head, backed the retard northern conspiracy switcheroo theory
thought on multiple occasions they were setting up LSH return to the show.

I mean ok, dumb kid who made a bunch of bad predictions, there's plenty of people like you in this thread, it's not like you're as bad as gimp or astr0, at least your predictions had, idk, some kind of merit. I mean not really, they were terrible predictions but still. Don't get the hate? Just cause I was right about all those points? It's not like I ever directly schooled you like I have had to do with gavin and his stupid robb's heir shit, or other bad posters in this thread.

Then I scroll back a little further.

So yeah, as far back as, idk, season 3? season 4? I was predicting the show would run 7 seasons. I can't even take credit for this prediction, it was literally what the show runners said every single time they were asked. I went as far as to predict that it would run 7 seasons, with the 7th season being a split season not unlike what the Sopranos did, or other popular shows. I said it would probably run 75 episodes in length, the 7th season being split something like 8+7 or 7+7.

You were one of the people who took great exception to this and thought the show would run forever, allowing them time to circle round back to adding LSH in like season 9 or some retarded shit.

And when HBO announced that they were going to do an 8th season, you jumped at the opportunity to call me out on it.

And then immediately later when they clarified, that the 8th season would run only 6 episodes, and season 7 would run only 7, IE they were going to do 7.5 seasons as I had predicted years back, you immediately STFU.

So yeah, sorry i'm right all the time bro, I didn't realize it was hurting your feelings so much, you being wrong about basically everything in this thread. to tell you the truth, may make you feel a little bit better, i'm notalwaysright, i'm only batting about .750. I've been wrong on a few things. I didn't realize we were keeping score, but I know now.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Sylas is just mad because he realized that the Westerlings are protecting Robb Stark's son in the books.


<Bronze Donator>
man I just edited my post to include you Gavin, didn't want you feeling left out. whats the word for it? serendipity?


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
Thread title continues to be validated.

And once again, 13 episodes is not written in stone. D&d said that was likely, that's all.


Ssraeszha Raider
what the fuck is this supposed to mean?

made me go back and sift through your posts in this thread to figure out who the fuck you are:

Let's see, butthurt over Areo Hotah dying, thought he was some kind of important character instead of a wallflower designed to tell a POV
Thought Roose was setting up ramsey, and was going to kill him
Thought it was a fake shaggy dog head, backed the retard northern conspiracy switcheroo theory
thought on multiple occasions they were setting up LSH return to the show.

I mean ok, dumb kid who made a bunch of bad predictions, there's plenty of people like you in this thread, it's not like you're as bad as gimp or astr0, at least your predictions had, idk, some kind of merit. I mean not really, they were terrible predictions but still. Don't get the hate? Just cause I was right about all those points? It's not like I ever directly schooled you like I have had to do with gavin and his stupid robb's heir shit, or other bad posters in this thread.

Then I scroll back a little further.

So yeah, as far back as, idk, season 3? season 4? I was predicting the show would run 7 seasons. I can't even take credit for this prediction, it was literally what the show runners said every single time they were asked. I went as far as to predict that it would run 7 seasons, with the 7th season being a split season not unlike what the Sopranos did, or other popular shows. I said it would probably run 75 episodes in length, the 7th season being split something like 8+7 or 7+7.

You were one of the people who took great exception to this and thought the show would run forever, allowing them time to circle round back to adding LSH in like season 9 or some retarded shit.

And when HBO announced that they were going to do an 8th season, you jumped at the opportunity to call me out on it.

And then immediately later when they clarified, that the 8th season would run only 6 episodes, and season 7 would run only 7, IE they were going to do 7.5 seasons as I had predicted years back, you immediately STFU.

So yeah, sorry i'm right all the time bro, I didn't realize it was hurting your feelings so much, you being wrong about basically everything in this thread. to tell you the truth, may make you feel a little bit better, i'm notalwaysright, i'm only batting about .750. I've been wrong on a few things. I didn't realize we were keeping score, but I know now.
You sure proved Xevy wrong


You sure proved Xevy wrong
Shea's I think what Xevy is saying and that you have failed to pick up but others have is that you are a little on the spectrum when it comes to this show. I don't pay attention to individual posters enough to know if that is accurate. I just think that Gavinbad and Astr0creep are stupid.