Why didn't Tormund just fuck Gendry?
There are so many things wrong with this last episode, there's no need to deep dive into the why or how of things given their mission in the first place.
D and D even said on after the episode thing they do, how they could make this whole narrative believable. They decided on a frozen lake providing our 7 heroes with a buffer against an army of undead. Cool.
But the entire thing starts to come apart at the seams when you DO deep dive the circumstances behind this event. What happened is the story started driving the characters instead of it being the other way around. This hairbrained mission was the ugly offspring of having to balance the power of Danys force.
They decided capturing a Wight north of the wall just to show it to Cersei for reasons, resulting in the loss of a dragon, was the way to do it. Obviously it was one of the most retarded decisions these show runners have made but at least they could of made it somewhat believable from a tactical standpoint.
Why the fuck wouldn't they just bring a cage of ravens with them? Why the fuck isn't every single person on that mission wielding some kind of dragon glass weapon? Why isn't anyone even talking about dragon glass? The list just goes on and on we could discuss the plot holes of this episode for 10 pages.
It's just bad execution from a writing standpoint. I think most of it is due to them having to finish but I also think it's just IP fatigue. They have been doing this show for 7 years, the first half based largely off of GRRMs material, and now they are just sprinting to the finish line.
They aren't bothered with the smaller plot holes or logistics anymore, they are just getting shit done and the show is suffering. This last episode better be fucking EPIC.