things that I hope happen, but definitely wont:
Night King starts off episode one by flying south and burning down every single castle in westerose. Starting with Pyke so that someone can make a heavy handed joke about wights not swimming.
Dany and Jon both die meaningless deaths, dysentery or something. Maybe The Kraken swallows their boat in a 10 second scene and they never get mentioned again the rest of the season.
Sansa spends the entire season buried in rubble under winterfell, showing off her gurl power leadership skills by deciding how much rat the survivors are aloud to eat each day. maybe the survivors decide shes a cunt and they spend all season raping her until they all starve.
Arya teleports onto Theon's Ship in an attempt to make his arc not suck so bad. Theon goes to follow Euron to Pyke. and is like WTF hes not even going to Pyke. Arya and Theon do some shit/kill Euron and either sink the entire fleet, or take over the fleet/golden company and come save the day later on.
Night King decimates all of westeros and basically wins. After tens of millions of people die, Brann decides to stop watching reruns of sansa rape, and that it's time for him to act. He worgs into Zombie Hodor and kills the Night King ezpz.
Bronn escapes with Missandai back to wherever shes from, they live in a castle happily ever after.
Tormund and Brienne left to re populate westeros.