So what exactly does Bran’s knowledge include? I’m still kind of fuzzy on this.
Does he know past present and future events?
Does he simultaneously know everything about the past at once or does he actively have to think about it?
Bran is one of those search engines from the 90s, like ask Jeeves.he can't see the future. he can see anything in the past, but he has to know what he's looking for. like "oh, that fire was on january 18th 1983 in Galesburg? okay let me go see who set it"
he has to actively think about it and look for it
You're thinking of the Night King is a rational actor rather than a force of nature.The Night King and the undead army have no need for food, shelter, warmth etc.. why would he be in any rush to besiege winterfell when they can literally just stand there for an eternity while everybody just withers away, and blows through their food stores in Winterfell?
So what exactly does Bran’s knowledge include? I’m still kind of fuzzy on this.
Does he know past present and future events?
Does he simultaneously know everything about the past at once or does he actively have to think about it?
Skinchanging with a Heart tree, a Weirwood with a face carved in it by the Children of the Forest, allows Bran (when combined with his Greensight) to have vivid visions of past, present, and future events, including those far away from himself, though he is now capable of doing so without the need for skinchanging with a Heart tree. While in the visions, Bran is once again capable of walking.
A person with greensight sometimes dreams as other people, but the green dreams are different, filled with symbolic meaning, images, and metaphors of what is to come
I'm guessing they lose the battle and have to retreat to the Iron Islands for two reason. 1. If they don't then the show runners will cement themselves as completely clueless without GRRM's writing. Why have Euron, Yara and Theon at all last season unless the Iron Islands are still involved? You can bullshit a ton of different reasons for how the Golden Company gets to KL 2. Dickless Theon and the Ironborn protecting Bran? That's the fucking plan? Everybody stands around while hoping the NK attacks Bran? Yeah that's setup to fucking fail.
I am 20 minutes in right now and fucking losing my shit. Nothing is happening. Nothing. What the fuck is this.Last night's episode was a joke, even my wife was mocking it by the end.
They could at least finished this show strong, but instead are phoning it in.
Starting to reconsider buying this on 4k
I was going to give you a serious reply but I'll just wait forEveryone complaining about s8 ep2 are moronic, inbred, low IQ, short attention span, retarded fuck heads. Jesus, this show has been going strong for 9 years, what the fuck else do you expect to happen during the culminating sequence of episodes?
I thought A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms was one f the BEST GoT episodes of the entire fucking series.