Here is what we have to look forward too in the final 3 episodes of what used to be an amazing show.
Again. Azor Ahai, Prince that was Promised, Bran's powers, Howland Reed, the Citadel, Dragonglass, Valyrian Steel, Ghost, White Walkers, etc etc. Basically anything to do with fantasy you just have to wait for the books as that's not what the show is seemingly about anymore.
Maybe you guys should watch something else. I swear if I had to watch a single episode with 85% of you I'd end up dismembering a body in the woods before it was over.
Here is what we have to look forward too in the final 3 episodes of what used to be an amazing show.
Well, I can admit when I get BTFO.Easy
1. Sand snake titties.
2. Eatin chickens
3. Tyrion bitch slapping Joffery
4. Red Wedding
5. Any scene with Stannis the Mannis.
Undead traditional tactic is simple. Have the Cleric or Pally cast turn undead. Fucking King of the North came to a fight with undead and failed to recruit a Cleric or Pally. Beric is a pally but obviously too low level to turn undead.They problem with the undead is traditional tactics are completely useless. They have no fear and feel no pain. But while they are fairly "mindless" individually, they also have a necromancer directing their actions. If you figure out a trick, then he figures out the solution and passes it onto the undead.
The Dothraki charging in wasn't very smart, but honestly there was no scenario where mounted cavalry helps you at all. There really isn't a backline to route, there aren't any soldiers to scatter or archers to cutdown. Horses are a liability, because the undead have no issues just launching themselves at it and killing it. Short of everyone chilling out inside the castle, there really was no good strategy. Plus, eventually the NK would have swooped in and nuked some of the walls, letting the undead pour in anyways.
Show Euron is utterly retarded.
The character comes across as having been written by George Lucas. Shallow, no real motive force behind his actions. He's a comic book character in the mold of Archie and Jughead if those comics were rated R.
Again. Azor Ahai, Prince that was Promised, Bran's powers, Howland Reed, the Citadel, Dragonglass, Valyrian Steel, Ghost, White Walkers, etc etc. Basically anything to do with fantasy you just have to wait for the books as that's not what the show is seemingly about anymore.
A Red Day scene would have been pretty cool.The average wight cant weigh more than what, 60-100 pounds? Only the very recently raised would still have most of their mass left. Massed cavalry charge would honestly have never stopped until the horses got tired, aside from running into the occasional giant.
Plot twist: The flaming arakhs slowly winking out wasn't the Dothraki dying, they just rode down so many wights that they were too far away to be seen anymore.
Maybe you guys should watch something else. I swear if I had to watch a single episode with 85% of you I'd end up dismembering a body in the woods before it was over.