Its just shameful how money changes shit. Look how fucking good season 1 was. Let's not even think about Harrenhall or the Red Wedding or any of that, just season 1 alone was perhaps the best run of episodes in the history of television.
Then it catches fire, becomes a worldwide phenomenon, makes a ton of money and on top of that the source material runs dry. I can see why it has become a shit show.
Either way there is no excuse for how they are writing in certain story elements and lazily tying up loose ends. Uber ballista that can just totally nullify They build up dragons as these magical, immensely powerful, awesome creatures but then make them trivial to serve the story when it suits them.
The Bronn scene was handled very sloppily. He relented so quickly and then just walks away.
I also dont understand why Jon is still such a tragic figure. His death and rez, all of the shit he's been through, and he pretty much never wants to take any sort of power, or is reluctant of it. There are 2 episodes left, if he doesn't kill somebody and actually be like...a badass I'm chalking the entire series up to garbage.
If Arya kills Cersei it's basically a show about Arya crossing all the names off her list.