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North loses versus the Army of the Dead, not many get out, Cersei is a gigantic cunt to the few survivors, overconfident even when the Army of the Dead is claiming more and more territory and when she gives the final idiotic commands that would doom humanity Jaime stabs her dead. We then have a final, insane, last ditch fight for King's Landing versus literally everything that the Seven Kingdoms have left. Highlights include -
1. Alchemist Guild brings to bear more Wildfire than any sane person would let them have
2. Lady Melisandra resurrects Visarion and dies in the process
3. Jon is 100% fucked and calls in an artillery strike on his own position. He survives because he does burn.
4. Nimeria and the massive pack she leads turn a key flank
5. Hundreds of undead giants and mammoths
6. The dragons are super effective but the ranks of the undead are so massive they become exhausted torching them. They need rest and fresh meat which are both in short supply. People offer themselves as blood sacrifices to them so others may live.
7. The battle goes on for days. People that die in the night due to the cold, hunger or suicide rise as undead. Paranoia grows.
8. The Night King turns Sir Strong. He and the Hound fight.
In the end the moral of the story is that nearly everyone everywhere died because people couldn't stop playing games (of thrones) and only do the right thing (come together) once all alternatives have been exhausted.
This is good stuff. but lets add:
1. Lady Melisandre resurrects Visarion but the ceremony requires the burning alive of several high borns (and she dies under the strain of the magic, her magic necklace shattering and she rapidly turns into a old hag and dies as Visarion rises up and roars)
2. Nimeria w/the pack attack but there are children of the forest riding them in a charge attack.
3. The wight walkers show up to this battle and actually fight, on the backs of giant snow spiders (oh we can have wolf vs spider action)
4. Qyburn empties his dungeons of abominations and commands them to attack, but the Night King takes them over, killing Qyburn in a mental duel in the process.
We need something with the drowned god though.
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