Imagine what the writing would have been like if they were all vodka bottles
In a word? Better.
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Imagine what the writing would have been like if they were all vodka bottles
Removed? any mirrorslol you can literally see the actor behind Varys give up on the show during this table read of season 8 and Brienne holds his hand like "i know... i know... its all shit..."
Also its hilarious that Lena Headey got paid like $5m this season and has maybe... 10 lines?
i guess gfycat is owned by HBO, heres the video source
. Just watched the one where Mel gives birth to the shadow demon stanis thing, that shit was intense vs anything else on TV, or movies.
i guess gfycat is owned by HBO, heres the video source
Been watching the entire series from the beginning with my girlfriend (it's her first time seeing it). We're halfway through season 6. There's a part where Arya is talking to the actress lady. After asking Arya to join their traveling show, Arya says no. "where will you go?" "Essos is east, Westeros is west. What's west of Westeros? its where the maps end. Nobody knows. That's where I'm going"
So anyone saying Arya didn't show any indication that she wanted to explore, she literally said it in season 6 in the exact same words she says it in the last episode
Congratulations on re-watching the show with your girlfriend and letting us know that Arya said some of the dumbest shit ever spoken in a TV series... twice.
It's like D&D were wanking it to their own shitty dialogue and said "Well maybe they just didn't understand our gift for the written word the first time around"
You're the twat here. You're defending such terrible dialogue that they literally repeated it verbatim to try to get a point across. It's terrible.
But instead of recognizing shit writing you're acting like you're the only one who understands the true genius of it all. Get over yourself.
You're the one who was calling people twats for not remembering garbage, throwaway dialogue.
You're more invested in defending the fall from grace than we are in panning it. Why would you rewatch it?
"Haha you think I was re-watching it just so I could come here and post dialogue nobody cares about from previous seasons?"
Isn't that what you just did?
"Calm down you raging shitbird."