true, but its still a dick move to confirm what hasnt been confirmed on the show yet.They have not officially revealed who is torturing Theon yet.. although if you pay any sort of attention you could figure it out on your own. 2 of the 5 non book readers I watch the show with have figured it out
Well I'm glad you feel it would have been okay to spoil it if for the majority 3 out of 5 book readers you know but to do so here is not. Don't do it again.They have not officially revealed who is torturing Theon yet.. although if you pay any sort of attention you could figure it out on your own. 2 of the 5 non book readers I watch the show with have figured it out
They've introduced nearly 100 characters in this series. I'm sure you feel awesome, but I pay attention and didn't even know the name of Robb's wife until people were mentioning her name the other day and I went to IMDB and looked the name up. There are dozens of characters whose names are mentioned just once, or they give you a blip of who they are and then disappear for several episodes. I couldn't even remember who the fuck Lord Bolton was until I started watching season 3 again from the beginning and saw him with Robb and mentioning they were sending out a squad to find Jaime.They have not officially revealed who is torturing Theon yet.. although if you pay any sort of attention you could figure it out on your own. 2 of the 5 non book readers I watch the show with have figured it out
Keep in mind the bear wasn't CGI. RL Bear, RL clawing on the stunt double/trainer.While the Brienne vs. Bear fight wasn't the greatest thing transitioning to the screen, I am glad they aren't holding back and taking a cheaper way out of some of these scenes. With the Danny scene I was worried they'd show the dragons once at the beginning and spend the rest of that scene in close ups or strange off angle shots to keep them out of scene. It does seem like they're getting better at incorporating some of the CG stuff and spreading it around.
Yeah the Dragons have looked really impressive.The Dragon CGI has been awesome.
Seriously. A week ago my fucking moron friend was telling me how he was mad because one of his friends spoiled to him that someone dies. So the dipshit spoils it to me to explain how mad he was mad someone spoiled to him. I couldn't believe how much of an idiot he is.You people are all assholes. Even if you haven't read the books and someone told you something, why would you spoil it for those who haven't? Is your dick that small?