GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Avatar of War Slayer
Great episode every scene cut I was excited by what group was next, the ending- while foreseeable was great- I just wonder how he is going to play it off- but the people of westeros have shown to be just blindly loyal to whomever and whatever has claim.

Obyren I suspect will use a poisoned blade and just get a cut on him, then avoid him till it takes effect- something subtle so its not obviously death by poison just weakens him so he can finish him off normally. Bronn was fully within his character as was Tyrion- Jamie should know that if he did fight his father would have made sure that Jamie would not loose even lefthanded.


Life's a Dream
Obyren seemes like a smaller guy. I imagine him using almost a piercing type sword, similar to Aria, as opposed to a traditional longsword. But then again, could a fragile sword like that really survive being hit by one of the mountains giant blades? This upcoming fight seems like something from the Berserk manga/anime.

In fact, this is what I picture when I think of how the fight will play out.

Yes, I'm a huge dork, but I can't imagine Obyren trying to compete with his strength. He's going to have to be nimble and strike after the mountain misses.
I kind of hope that Obyren wins. The mountain is really just a cunt of a character. He seems to love causing misery to everyone. His brother, Aria, Obyren and everyone else that he encounters.

But then again, those cunty characters seem to go on for a while. Like Joffery for instance. Oh god, was he so hateable, and he remained that way for 4 seasons. And Cersie is just as bad.
But I'm lost again, because Katlyn's sister was a cunt as well, but she's gone now. Ugh... confusing.


Toe Sucker
I'm going to be so sad when Arya bails on the hound, although she is a lot more sympathetic in the show... so i wouldn't be surprised if its more of a "just go on without me, ya little cunt" moment instead of arya gladly abandoning him.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I'm going to be so sad when Arya bails on the hound, although she is a lot more sympathetic in the show... so i wouldn't be surprised if its more of a "just go on without me, ya little cunt" moment instead of arya gladly abandoning him.
Yeah we'll see how they do it. The hound has become a fan favorite this season with his sympathetic anti-hero and one liners.


Life's a Dream
A thinner sword would break if the force of a larger weapon were to strike it. When they're thin like that, they don't have the tensile strength to survive a huge hit They would crack in half/shatter. They would bend/deform if they were just regular metal, but hardened sword steel is closer to a diamond than standard metal.

I say this as someone that works with metal 5 days a week.


FPS noob
the mountain is just a misunderstand character, he is an erudite reader who enjoys drinking tea and talking about philosophy. here he was in season 2



Avatar of War Slayer
I think Tuco was pharming negative tucobucks with thinly veiled sarcasm ;-)

a stronger, sharper, heaver sword can most assuredly cut-break-destroy-bend another sword- isn't that how the hound beat the rez-o-matic guy? - I am still thinking, smaller, but not rapier small- sword with weakening poison on it, dace around- jump stab into neck finisher.

was looking for a pic of him cutting the horse head off but found this instead- its from a preview clip/blip that we now can piece together- but its spoilerededed for spoilerification and those of you who keep reading episode titles.



I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
A thinner sword would break if the force of a larger weapon were to strike it. When they're thin like that, they don't have the tensile strength to survive a huge hit They would crack in half/shatter. They would bend/deform if they were just regular metal, but hardened sword steel is closer to a diamond than standard metal.

I say this as someone that works with metal 5 days a week.
A human of normal strength (ex: griffith / oberyn) wouldn't be able to brace the sword enough to shatter or deform it. Sure if you put a sabre in a legvice and started hitting it with a sledgehammer the result would be predictable.

MythBusters: Slicing a Sword : Video : Discovery Channel

But the idea of the mountain being able to swing his 2h sword fast enough to break a saber held by Oberyn in half is silly. Column is right either way, the previews show him using a spear.
That was a fantastic episode , i lost faith for the past few episodes with only a few moments of pleasure...but this one was a redeemer for me. Loved it , all the scenes were fantastic each and everyone one of them. Brought a human element to the story , and i thoroughly enjoyed it. First episode i had to watch again after it was done. Loved it.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Anime pictures, I feel, is encroaching on pussy shit
Definitely pussy shit.

I wonder if Oberyn and the Mountain are going to call out their moves before they perform them. "Overhead blinding slaaaaaaaash!!".


Potato del Grande
I just read this theory on reddit that Euron = Daario, which could explain why you iron islands stuff is being left until season 5 as it would be a major spoiler for readers.

Is Daario really?...(Spoilers ADWD) : asoiaf

I like the comment about Euron having a fleet of 93 ships in the books, and Daario capturing the mereenese fleet of 93 ships in the show.
I think this is a stretch - too much travelling.


A Mod Real Quick
Just watched this last night, a couple thoughts.

The Mountain killing peasants was hilarious, but it did not make him look strong or skilled at all. It's like me stepping on ants, not impressive at all. Wish they would've showed him killing people on the road.

The Lysa stuff was awesome, didn't even catch that they changed the line and didn't care. My sister was cheering. They thought Sansa was going to die. The biggest complaint I had was the singer wasn't there to blame it on, we'll see how that plays out.

Another complaint. The dany sex scene seems to confirm what we were thinking, she doesn't want to be nude anymore. If this is why they skipped all of that, I will be disappointed. 1) boobs, 2) she should've known when she signed onto this role.

Seeing Jorah Mormont when he realized he was in the friend zone again was hilarious.

Hot Pie's scene was golden, he has improved his bread skills.

Is it just me or does Melisandre have the most perfect tittys in that bathtub scene?

The absolute best thing I realized though is that the season finale is on Father's Day. It's the ultimate troll as show-watchers should have no idea about the significance.