GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I was thinking today:

I was wondering how much of Littlefinger's overall plan would be relying on Tyrion being killed for the Joffery murder. Likely through a witch-hunt style trial and quickly executed, there's other ways. A quick attack by a King's guard on the day, angry Cersei, whatever.

Just wondering if all that was a part of his plan.

Because the way I see it, is that Littlefinger wants Sansa Stark for 2 reason's 1) He'd been obsessed with Lady Stark forever and getting to bone her daugther is the next best thing. 2) He's positioned himself now to be a strong force in the North. He would now be Lord of ( is it house Tully? anyway the realm that crazy woman had would now be his, or easy for him to get control of in whatever way ). SO if he were to marry Sansa ( as she is the only known heir to Winterfell) THEN Littlefinger's influence would be over a massive amount of the North. And as he has pretty much said, he is after the main goal of the Big seat in King's landing. Having the combined strength of the North, plus being on good terms with the Lannisters, while at the same time being sneaky as all hell and able to strike at a moment of weakness. That would all be part of a pretty good plan.

But if Tyrion gets through the next few weeks and is still alive then Littlefinger can't marry Sansa.

Or if Tyrion being killed etc wasn't part of the plan and would be a happy turn of events for him.

Anyway that's what I was thinking.
Yeah I'm sure LF thought about that, and like a good fictional villian everything sets up nicely for him. But keep in mind that because they never consumating their marriage it's not that legit in Westeros culture.


I could have sworn Bobby B was described as tall in the books. He used a war hammer as a 1hander after all. Even Renly was described as large too, just like Bobby, no?


Trakanon Raider
Yeah I'm sure LF thought about that, and like a good fictional villian everything sets up nicely for him. But keep in mind that because they never consumating their marriage it's not that legit in Westeros culture.
Does it count as consummated if I jerked off to the idea of them doing it?


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
Nah, Bobby B wasn't a tall dude, he was just built like a fridge.
Bobby B was like 6'6" I thought I had read and muscled like a maiden's fantasy. Wonder where I got that from.

Okay upon further looking Martin has confirmed Bobby B is 6'6". Not sure who made that chart.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Nah, Bobby B wasn't a tall dude, he was just built like a fridge.
I believe the heights on that chart are based on the actors, not the characters themselves. Ned said Robert was a six and a half feet tall antlered god in his prime.


Unelected Mod
Yeah, chart is crap.

A Game of Thrones_sl said:
Fifteen years past, when they had ridden forth to win a throne, the Lord of Storm?s End had been clean-shaven, clear-eyed, and muscled like a maiden?s fantasy. Six and a half feet tall, he towered over lesser men, and when he donned his armor and the great antlered helmet of his House, he became a veritable giant. He?d had a giant?s strength too, his weapon of choice a spiked iron warhammer that Ned could scarcely lift. In those days, the smell of leather and blood had clung to him like perfume.

Martin, George R.R. (2003-01-01). A Game of Thrones: A Song of Ice and Fire: Book One (pp. 36-37). Random House Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.


Life's a Dream
Yeah I'm sure LF thought about that, and like a good fictional villian everything sets up nicely for him. But keep in mind that because they never consumating their marriage it's not that legit in Westeros culture.
Yeah, but most people don't know that they didn't consummate the marriage. Only the treacherous Shea knew that much after changing the bed sheets and not seeing blood. But now she's anti Tyrion, so maybe she'll tell everyone. Fuck that spiteful bitch. He did everything for her and she stabbed him in the back. Scorn women are a plague on everyone.


Vyemm Raider
Sansa is also being blamed for Joffs murder, they just can't find her. Tyrion's fate is irrelevant as far as LF is concerned I think. His goal was kill Joff, obtain Sansa, and then take advantage of whatever opportunity chaos provides. Tyrion dug his own hole.

What's fun about Littlefinger is some things he does are well planned, some simply capitalize on the moment, and most succeed well beyond what he ever intended - and the only information you get on which is which are his own words. (no POV chapters in the book, so nothing to spoil. Readers are as much in the dark as viewers. Ditto Varys and Tywin for major players without POV.)

Think about it. He has Lysa poison Jon Arryn and blame the Lannisters, knowing that Robert would run to his buddy Edd kick off a Stark/Lannister conflict. But Bran being pushed out of a window and someone* hiring a guy to finish the job and supplying him with a fucking Valyrian knife? Success way beyond Littlefinger's wildest dreams. He looks like a smug smiling idiot for a reason. The guy has to be laughing himself to death inside throughout all of this. When you think of him this way, Cucchinelli's portrayal makes total sense.

*can't remember how well the show spelled it out


Vyemm Raider
Funny bit of trivia, since I brought it up: The character tied with the most POV chapters of any single book? Ned Stark with 15. Goddamn that fat old troll.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Yeah halfway through the book and the season you're thinking the series could be called, "ASoIAF: A story of how Sean Bean saved Westeros and defeated the snow zombies"