I dunno, I feel the changes made in the episode versus the books weren't necessarily for the better, and while I can understand some previous changes were necessary based on the fact that book 4/5 had timeline issues if transcribed directly to TV, the changes made to this episode have me scratching my head..
1) Why ignore the Tysha recollection? This was the true motive for Tyrion killing Tywin and it made sense. Shae cheating on him after already betraying him felt weak and using that as his reason for bloodlust seemed lacking. His father hypocrisy was a weak justification for murder when compared to the fact that his one true love was never a whore.
2) The skeletons/fireball scene. Part of what makes the book series so great is that it is more a medieval drama than traditional fantasy. This scene was something more suited to the latter and felt silly despite the quality special effects.
3) Brienne just happens to stumble across The Hound and Arya in the open wilderness? Da Fuq? I don't get why the writers decided having these two fight was the way to go..
4) Cersei in the books always came off as pure evil to me, while in the show they seem to dilute her despicability on the basis that everything she does is for the love of her children.
A good season overall, but having read all the way through book four, a big slice of this season either robbed from book 5 (which I haven't read) or has just started deviating from the source literature a bit too much for my liking. Amazing show but I do wish they had stuck to the source material for the subjects above