GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Honestly, not noticing how good a set is, is a sign it's most likely good. You're immersed in the story/acting. It's when something sucks that I notice.


Millie's Staff Member
Wouldn't be surprised if the budgeters and set producers were like "Never again..." after the Red Wedding where the set artists went balls out creating the perfect set and the only thing people remember was the work the makeup artists did on Joeffrey and what the prop guys did to the pigeon cake lol.
shit, i didnt even notice Joeffrey at the RED WEDDING!


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
It would be pretty funny to have GRRM there with his DOS based PC as they negotiated contracts for content that hasn't been published yet. "Oh so you want to be paid $400,000 per minute of screen time? I think we can accommodate that."


Trump's Staff
Yeah, we really have no idea what episode that picture is from.
Most likely episode 9. We'll have the patented episode 9 visual spectacle of Drogon burning the shit out of the fighting pit and Dany will fly off at the end. Pretty sure set shots from that same day show Jorah fighting down in the pit. It seems pretty late in the season because there have also been some shots of Tyrion's boat going down the river which they'll drag out for a bit. I bet he arrives in Mereen by episode 7.


<Bronze Donator>
This more or less cements they will only go to 7 seasons.
No it was more or less cemented when the show runners said before season 4 that they were only going to do 7 seasons and then they began axing everything frivolous in order to make it all fit in 7 seasons.

I gave them the benefit of the doubt assuming they had signed them to 7 year contracts so that potentially they could renegotiate for an extended 7th or possibly 8th season, depending on how much money they make from the hbogo direct service. But itlookslike HBO only signed them to 6 year deals, which means they already had to pay through the nose just to get the 7th (they are increasing their salaries for 5 & 6 to get the 7th option)


<Bronze Donator>
surprised no one postedthisyet. I know when it originally popped up there was some discussion about it but it's confirmed now:

For the first time in Game of Thrones history, a major character will spend a season on the bench. But the HBO hit's showrunners have good reasons for the decision.

A couple months ago actor Kristian Nairn (Hodor) let it slip to a reporter that he and Thrones co-star Isaac Hempstead Wright (Bran Stark) had the upcoming season off. Writer and executive producer David Benioff, who is the showrunner on the acclaimed fantasy series along with Dan Weiss, tells EW exclusively that there are a couple key reasons for the move, and both are about crafting a strong season that fits within the show's seven-year narrative plan.

"Ideally that wouldn't have gotten out and it's unfortunate it did," Benioff said. "The fact is, even though we're making changes to the books and adapting as necessary, we're trying to keep the various storylines the same as the books and trying to keep them roughly [chronologically] parallel. And last year we caught up to the end of Bran's storyline [in George R.R. Martin's most recent A Song of Ice and Fire novel, A Dance with Dragons]. So if we pushed him forward this season, then he's way ahead of where the other characters are."

In the season four finale, Bran, Meera Reed (Ellie Kendrick) and Hodor found a cave containing the wizard-like Three-Eyed Raven. We're left with the assumption that the Three-Eyed Raven will teach Bran more about how to use his fledgling warg power, and possibly other talents as well. Thrones could have added narrative padding to bridge Bran until the next season - like showrunners did for Theon Greyjoy (Alfie Allen), whose character spent a large stretch in the books away from the action. But Bran's immediate future didn't seem to provide as compelling material.

"It made sense to stop where we did," Benioff said. "He's now entering a training period which is going to take quite some time, much of which isn't particularly cinematic. So rather than being stuck in a cave for a year, we figured it would be interesting to leave him out for a little bit, so when you see him again." Benioff didn't want to reveal much more beyond that.

Not to mention, Thrones still has so many other storylines to juggle - Dany in Meereen, Cersei in King's Landing, Arya in Essos, Jon Snow at The Wall, Brienne on the road, Sansa at The Eyrie, and Theon at the Dreadfort. Plus, this year Thrones adding a new thread in the Westeros country of Dorne. In Martin's fourth book, A Feast for Crows, the author had to bench half of his major characters for an entire novel in order to contain his swelling narrative. So by comparison, sidelining only one character in the TV adaptation is a minimally disruptive move.