GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Ser Stonezone is going to get blood everywhere at the fighting pits and infect so many people. This would then maybe cause a mass pilgrimage of the infected to Mel? Not sure.
Maybe they use a greyscale outbreak instead of the bloody flux?


Registered Hutt
Does nobody else think LF ends up with Darth Sansa?

then holds, what?... 50% of westeros?
LF + Sansa is technically North + Riverlands + Vale. He's Lord Paramount of the Trident and Lord of Harrenhal as well as the legal guardian of Robyn Arryn.

Geographically that's more than half of Westeros, but the Trident is an empty title as the Tullys aren't friendly and they still control Riverrun, and the Vale isn't very supportive of him. Militarily and economically that's way less than half of Westeros. Highgarden and Dorne are still strong, the North and the Riverlands are ragged.


Rogue Deathwalker Box
<Silver Donator>
How does Balish not leave Sansa there while going to kings landing? Couldn't leave her in the vale, someone would tell Kings Landing. The Boltons wouldn't be a spa getaway, but they are conniving enough to commit treason, and have a HUGE interest in keeping her mostly "whole".

So he keeps her relatively safe, ditches the blame for hiding her on the boltons, gets a royal decree for warden of the north, gets to save her later, with the cost of semi used pussy and somel emotional wear and tear.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
He doesn't. This is already in an interview with the writer / producer of the episode. In the show universe, Ramsay isn't a notorious psychopath like he is in the books. He's just some bastard that Roose legitimized so he had an heir.
Thats interesting, but honesty if I was going to marry a chick the last thing I would do is set her up to marry someone else. Things would have to work out just right for her to come back to you, if that was your goal.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
When has Tommen ever not been a pussy? Seems pretty consistent to me.


tour de salt
I feel this was one of the worst GoT episodes yet. Shitty parts: Sandsnakes and jaime/bronn all showed up the unguarded gardens at the same time to have a hollywoodass fight scene where nobody dies even though the sandsnakes are supposedly legendary fighters and jaime has 1 fucking hand. In a major divergence from the books sansa gets raped but we don't even get to see any of the goods. Marriage of House Bolton and Stark at night with no other northern houses there to witness, just soldiers. Tommen lets his queen get dragged away to jail - No fucking way any boy who had been fucking natalie dormer would let that happen whether he's 5 years old or 50. The pirates are introduced by beating Mormont which would lead us to believe they are savages but no they just let them live and completely reroute their course on tyrions word, how reasonable.

F- shit episode I want my money back


Murder Apologist
Sansa's already married---to prolly the only man who wouldn't judge her for agreeing to marry Ramsay.

I think Darth Sansa's pattern of gaining agency then failing, then gaining more agency only to get raped is gonna repeat itself a couple more times. I'm guessing at some point she'll have the north turned against the boltons and she has the riverlands houses sworn to her Tully side and she's all comfy---only to get backstabbed by littlefinger then finally Tyrion comes back with dany to rescue his wife somehow.


tour de salt
Thats interesting, but honesty if I was going to marry a chick the last thing I would do is set her up to marry someone else. Things would have to work out just right for her to come back to you, if that was your goal.
Actually yes Ramsey is a notorious psycopath in the books as well. He locked some noble lady in a tower and she starved/ate her own fingers before she went mad. Everyone in the north knew about it.


Trakanon Raider
So he keeps her relatively safe, ditches the blame for hiding her on the boltons, gets a royal decree for warden of the north, gets to save her later, with the cost of semi used pussy and somel emotional wear and tear.
Relatively safe is the key. Littlefinger's big weakness is that he usually assumes people are rational actors with their own best interests and reasonable motivations. He knows Bolton wants the north, and Sansa is the key to that, so Roose will do what he can to keep Sansa alive and whole. Ramsay is smart enough to know he can push the boundaries so far, but if he starts cutting Sansa up he'll pay for it. She's in for a world of psychological trauma not much different from what Joffrey did to her, but I don't see her coming out of Winterfell with any major physical scars. His plan hinges on Roose, not Ramsay, being a sensible player of the game.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
How does Balish not leave Sansa there while going to kings landing? Couldn't leave her in the vale, someone would tell Kings Landing. The Boltons wouldn't be a spa getaway, but they are conniving enough to commit treason, and have a HUGE interest in keeping her mostly "whole".

So he keeps her relatively safe, ditches the blame for hiding her on the boltons, gets a royal decree for warden of the north, gets to save her later, with the cost of semi used pussy and somel emotional wear and tear.
Could have stashed her in the Fingers with black hair/alias until he could bring her out publicly. He has no proof of Sansa being in the north other than his say-so to Cersei anyway so he could have just said he heard it, and then "voila" discovers her in "The North" after his Vale guys kick ass.

How is this Vale army supposed to get past the Twins and Moat Cailin though? Haven't these been the defense of the North for ages, and highly effective too?


Trakanon Raider
Actually yes Ramsey is a notorious psycopath in the books as well. He locked some noble lady in a tower and she starved/ate her own fingers before she went mad. Everyone in the north knew about it.
First he forcibly married her to take her holdings. Then he locked her up to starve.


Registered Hutt
I don't see Littlefinger betraying her. He was loyal to Catelyn, and I think he would prefer to keep Sansa around. He is very sentimental. If he had to choose between what he wants and her he might end her, but it doesn't seem like he'd be easy to put in that position. Sansa has the affection of the Vale, the Riverlands, and the North, coincidentally all the territories that he has legal rights to.


Trakanon Raider
Landing Sansa is still Petyr's way of fucking over the ghost of Brandon Stark. That's all he's really after in the end. Power to beat up the bully who oppressed him and took his woman.


Registered Hutt
Yea, and fucking her forever is a good way of doing that. Are you implying he'd kill her to punish Brandon?


Murder Apologist
Landing Sansa is still Petyr's way of fucking over the ghost of Brandon Stark. That's all he's really after in the end. Power to beat up the bully who oppressed him and took his woman.
Yep, the whole song of ice and fire is basically a 30-year revenge epic strung together by a 15-year-old Petyr Baelish while he was recovering from his duel with Brandon Stark.

Remember he paid the assassin to kill bran with the knife he "gave" to Joffrey. Then it turned out he had arranged for Lysa to kill Jon Arryn (the first big death that started the war of the 5 kings) in the first place.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Littlefinger isn't betraying her you tards. He knows Sansa has the north on lock down and is playing his hand.

Pretty obvious Sansa is going to become the LSH type character that they left out from the show. But Littlefinger's entire motivation in the books was because he saw Sansa as a younger version of Cat and wanted to marry her. I'm willing to bet that's the same motivation in the Show. So not only will he get a younger/prettier version of cat, he'll have the Eyrie, Winterfell, and the Riverlands.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Landing Sansa is still Petyr's way of fucking over the ghost of Brandon Stark. That's all he's really after in the end. Power to beat up the bully who oppressed him and took his woman.
I think it's more than that. I think Sansa will end up being LF's true Achilles heel at his end. I think she's more than a trophy to him.

In the same way that he almost legit died for Cat, I think he will end up dying because of Sansa.