GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Fits in a lot more as one though assuming that theory has any truth to it.
Fits in more how? The membership of the Night's Watch runs the gamut from lords and highborn to rapists and society's dregs. He would have made himself much more suspect, untrusted, and closely watched as a murderer.

Having a target in the black cells actually makes some sense.


Millie's Staff Member
Fits in more how? The membership of the Night's Watch runs the gamut from lords and highborn to rapists and society's dregs. He would have made himself much more suspect, untrusted, and closely watched as a murderer.

Having a target in the black cells actually makes some sense.
who was locked up at the time? besides ned of course.


Mr. Poopybutthole
If all that is true, I don't see how he wraps it up in 2 books. Or in 2 show seasons. We've basically got all of the "third" book to go, and a substantial portion of the "second." ADwD doesn't have Daeny even remotely close to invading Westeros. I suppose it could happen in 2-3 chapters, but that's still going to amount to at least a third of a book if not half.

I'm also not getting warm fuzzies based on the retarded shit GRRM originally had planned.


Tranny Chaser
Why do we think they will only do 2 more seasons? They are going to milk this cash cow for years

I donno what's left, Nikolaj's penis? 2-3 seasons, tops.


El Presidente
Why do we think they will only do 2 more seasons? They are going to milk this cash cow for years
Contracts. I mean they could extend it out and just replace some people. They've replaced a few actors, but imagine switching Tyrion, Jaime, or Jon or something. Would not be remotely the same.


privileged excrementlord
Which is why they'll reach an agreement when the time comes. They're adding the Greyjoy stuff next season, no way this shit is complete in two. They at least need a full season for Dany's invasion and then another for the white walkers. I'd imagine next season ends with Dany finally on the fucking way.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
So with the faceless men (and maybe I'm astro'ing here, forgive me) they seem to know when Arya is lying. Even when they probably couldn't know. But they didn't know about Needle. Do they know, and allow her to preserve that? Or is them knowing things just a plot device, and so is her hiding of Needle?


Bronze Knight of the Realm
So with the faceless men (and maybe I'm astro'ing here, forgive me) they seem to know when Arya is lying. Even when they probably couldn't know. But they didn't know about Needle. Do they know, and allow her to preserve that? Or is them knowing things just a plot device, and so is her hiding of Needle?
The books make it obvious they know when someone is lying via their body language, change of tone and things of that nature. They're not mind readers, though. Just very skilled in the art of detecting when someone is lying and lying themselves. That is why they are nameless. So when they present themselves as a new person they truly believe they are that person -- because they are no one. If they asked Arya specifically if she hid a sword or any remnant of her past in the city and she said "No" they'd know she is lying. But they don't know just outright.


Avatar of War Slayer
They knew she tossed her coin and returned it - or another coin... at least in how the show portrays it- I don't see them not knowing. I think they may be seeing just what she becomes as a "shadow" man - with the anger and vengance of her past self existing along with the skills etc. Of a facelessman.


Mr. Poopybutthole
My assumption is that they know about Needle, and at some point there will be some symbolic dealie where she either takes Needle back out of it's hiding spot and reclaims her identity as Arya Stark, or pitches it away/forgets about it and stays nobody.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Well, we know she kept it to remain Arya. There's no way the series ends with Arya just staying nobody forever.

I predict that she comes back with faceless ninja skills. Kills a bunch of people then kills herself as she has embraced the ideals of the Faceless Men. Or it goes oldschool and is killed herself by another Faceless Man for abusing their code.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I always assumed she would have to choose between being a faceless man or a water dancer at some point. She probably stays blind. I doubt water dancers really need to see with their eyes anyway.


<Bronze Donator>
Why would you think she stay's blind in the TV show when she totally doesn't in the books? Oh probably for the same reason you think Syrio is Jaqen, you are dumb?


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Reading the stuff that is coming out seems more and more like if they do bring Jon back, it'll be under the idea that "Jon Snow" is dead, but Jon will be back once the big reveal of his parentage is solved.


Musty Nester
I've got to think that they know she hid needle, and she won't be ready until she either offers it to them in confession or she discards it.

It's an apprenticeship. She doesn't become the Zen master overnight.

The thing with Jaquen drinking the poison in order to pay the pennance was an unexpected twist for me, actually. I didn't expect that would be part of it. It makes sense, and all that, I just didn't expect it. It does add some depth to their mystique.

GRRM is quite good at the pagan stuff. The Jaquen story makes me actually wanna see a season about the drowned god too.


Season 8 Episode 1


Bronn and the Bad Pussy

The White Walkers were repelled. The Wheel was broken. And Bronn had survived it all.

Land and title meant nothing in the New Westeros, but, for his trouble, Bronn still had some souvenirs. Longclaw, its ever-perfectly-forged gleam belying its hard use in saving the world, was hilted at his hip, and Bronn had at least managed to set aside some of Littlefinger's cache for himself.

But he also had some scars, and one poisonous nick remained particularly scabrous. The cure, Bronn knew, would be found in Dorne, and so he set off, against his better judgment, to find his sandcastle siren Tyene.