GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Potato del Grande
being selfish douchebags has been a theme all along, but the night's watch skepticism/not giving a fuck about the giant undead army took it to the next level for me personally at least
They give a lot of shits. They just don't think opening their flanks to their mortal, daily enemy, while protecting them and helping them avoid their demise is good Watching of the Night. So, a few who think Snow is doing a shit job and a traitor make a cross saying as much and murder him so someone can take charge that won't be so loosey-goosey with every enemy they have.

I dunno, man, seems to me you just aren't good at watching TV. :/


There is a war going on over control of your mind
Are you sure you actually even watched the show? There were several scenes that some would even describe as drawn out where they discussed this. In fact, he very plainly explained exactly who he is and why she should keep him around and in what capacity. Like it was even a little heavy handed in it's directness.
i know they addressed i was just wondering if there was like more explanation of why she decided to, because in the show she just kinda was like okay

no reason to be insulting its just posts about a tv show on a message board, i thought thats what it was for


There is a war going on over control of your mind
idk seems like this dude is confusing "they didnt give an explanation" with "i felt like the explanation wasnt very believable was there more to the story in the book that made this come together better" while being a passive aggressive douche


Vyemm Raider
They give a lot of shits. They just don't think opening their flanks to their mortal, daily enemy, while protecting them and helping them avoid their demise is good Watching of the Night. So, a few who think Snow is doing a shit job and a traitor make a cross saying as much and murder him so someone can take charge that won't be so loosey-goosey with every enemy they have.
No, it's the petty thieves, murderers and rapist that the Watch has become, getting pissy when their leader makes some decisions they don't agree with, and deciding to murder him cause they're butthurt.


Potato del Grande
Not trying to be too insulting. To do that I just usually call people fucking morons. I'm saying it just seems like you didn't really pay attention or aren't good at following along with this kind of show that has a LOT of shit going on so it's hard to follow. They'll give you a one-two punch of scenes where a lot of progress happens, and if you miss something, you're fucked. It's not like they're repeat shit over and over to make sure you get it like a lot of shows do.

So, yeah, it's easier to just not really pay attention, then post knee-jerk 'that makes no sense' shit that is dumb because it was explained in the show pretty clearly, even that explanation is sometimes dumb. Game of Thrones is one of the few shows where it really is all (or at least mostly) right there in the show.

Like you saying there is no loyalty in the Knight's Watch, when a big part of their problem is they're loyal to a fault. They're stabbing Snow because they think it's the best thing for the Watch, because they're ignorantly loyal to the watch and can't see the big picture, because all they can think about is the Watch.


There is a war going on over control of your mind
No, it's the petty thieves, murderers and rapist that the Watch has become, getting pissy when their leader makes some decisions they don't agree with, and deciding to murder him cause they're butthurt.
yeah that makes more sense, reinforced by the other lord commander they flipped on and murdered. i just thought that self preservation alone would lead to better decision making but i guess if they were all retard criminals that would make the dumb murder and ignorance path more believable


Potato del Grande
What? Fuck you.
You misused Suspension of Disbelief, thinking it means because it's Fantasy there are just going to be things that don't make sense, and generally agree to some pretty dumb shit, but strangely don't post dumb original shit nearly as often, which is a bit of an interesting nuance.

Or were you asking 'what?' rhetorically and weren't wanting me to elaborate?


Potato del Grande
idk seems like this dude is confusing "they didnt give an explanation" with "i felt like the explanation wasnt very believable was there more to the story in the book that made this come together better" while being a passive aggressive douche
Not really. I even tried to explain how TV works. You don't have thousands of pages to ramble on knowing people will buy your book anyhow. You've got to condense shit. You show the scenes that demonstrate the progression of a character or story-line and hope the viewer is paying enough attention to follow along. It takes some understanding of the characters motivations and the context, but the progression is all there.

And I think I'm being quite straightforward. I'm not exactly a pro at passive-aggressive despite my occasional sarcasm.


There is a war going on over control of your mind
oh boy the forum literacy term police are here sorry for shitting up the thread i'll see myself out


Potato del Grande
yeah that makes more sense, reinforced by the other lord commander they flipped on and murdered. i just thought that self preservation alone would lead to better decision making but i guess if they were all retard criminals that would make the dumb murder and ignorance path more believable
Why did they flip on the other Lo Comm? Can't remember.


There is a war going on over control of your mind
if i remember right it was because sam's wildling chick's dad was giving them shelter during a venture outside the wall but being kinda stingy with food and shit so they started complaining to the lord commander that they just wanted to take all his stuff by force and he told them to chill out and be grateful for any shelter at all

a bunch just ended up killing the lord commander (who they explain later was also Jorah's dad) and the wildling guy stealing all his shit and banging his wives

the explanation that the night's watch went from being an honorable position to a place where most the kingdoms sent exclusively shitbags kind of ties the betrayal of the former lord commander and john with questionable motives together i suppose


Millie's Staff Member
Mormont's men were starving, cold and horny and were sleeping outside while craster was inside warm and cozy eating bacon and eggs and had a bevvy of incest waiting for him after he was finished.


There is a war going on over control of your mind
yeah only john's betrayal was questionable to me and I realize now it was mostly relieved by the fact that they had shown quite a few watch members had low moral value and loyalty displayed by the mutiny of the former lord commander in order to loot that wildling dude's stuff

it had been so long since I watched that season I had forgotten about it


<Gold Donor>
People who have seen with their own eyes the undead army and lived to tell about it:

Jon Snow (murdered)
Samwell Tarly (left to go to old town before the mutiny)
Edd (not present during the murdering)
1 or 2 other unnamed extra's like the guy who was steering the boat in episode 8 after the attack on hardhome.

To put it in context, it's actually been about 8k years, not 1k, since the last time they actually fought white walkers. But let's use 1k years since I can't think of a single culture I could reference from 6k BC since it predates the written word.

So about 2 thousand years ago Roman's built Hadrian's wall across England (let me know when this starts to seem familiar to GoT) to defend against IDK vikings and krakens and ice monsters and shit. In this example, lets say for the next thousand years they manned that wall to keep out the ice monsters and krakens and vikings and shit, but the only thing they ever saw were fucking Scots. And they fought the Scot's and killed Scot's and died to Scots for a thousand fucking years. And not once did they ever see a fucking ice monster.

Then one day one of the roman legionnaire's comes back from Scotland where he was scouting for Scot's and is all like "holy shit dude, ice monsters are coming!" and some useless fat fuck that nobody likes but who is friends with the legionnaire is like "it's true I seen it". Then that legionnaire is appointed as leader of your company and he immediately opens the gates and lets in all the Scots.

Granted you are a 3rd party observer who know's that the ice monsters are real, but they don't. they may have a little evidence but not enough to overcome their hatred of the Scots. It doesn't really end up mattering too much anyway because while the Kraken's and ice monsters weren't actually real, the vikings were, and they ended up invading from the south instead of the north and conquered their country anyway.


Vyemm Raider
Your example is slightly off, though. The Wall wasn't built to keep out the Wildlings (Scots) they were just normal people who happened to be living North of the wall when it was built.


<Gold Donor>
how is my example off?

in the fictitious example given, it was built to keep out ice monsters and krakens and vikings, it just so happened to also keep out the Scots.


Registered Hutt
The Night's Watch believes the wall was built to hold off wildlings. Ice monsters and giants were fairytales. Their new reality hasn't set in yet.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Even if you knew about the white walkers, letting in the wildlings is a suspect move. You cant trust the wildlings to do anything but rape yohr supply line as they move south. Jons belief that they will stay locally and then come to the defense of the nights watch when jon asks is niave.

That might be what happens in the show, but its stilll niave.