GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings

The Ancient_sl

Also the fact there was no "Hey we should probably send everyone in the world a message regarding that whole giant zombie death army thing immediately" scene was even more baffling, wouldn't this be like top priority for everyone? Wouldn't you want people to know and prepare?
Just because you didn't see it doesn't mean it didn't happen. What do you think that huge pile of Raven's messages Jon Snow was looking forlorn over before he was murdered were about?


Blackwing Lair Raider
Just because you didn't see it doesn't mean it didn't happen. What do you think that huge pile of Raven's messages Jon Snow was looking forlorn over before he was murdered were about?
We actually did see it though, they showed him send a message out to the world's leaders and Stannis was the only one to take is seriously.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Even if you knew about the white walkers, letting in the wildlings is a suspect move. You cant trust the wildlings to do anything but rape yohr supply line as they move south. Jons belief that they will stay locally and then come to the defense of the nights watch when jon asks is niave.

That might be what happens in the show, but its stilll niave.
Not to mention that the were allowed in after winter was in full swing. They might have been given good lands to farm, but they weren't going to grow shit on them for a long while. Could the Night's Watch have fully provisioned them over the winter? Probably not given that the Watch is supplied for hundreds and there were 5000 wildling refugees. They were going to have to turn to raiding just to survive. I'm sure many in the NW realized this, probably even Jon.

He did the right thing bringing them in, but it was set up to end badly either way. He was willing to deal with that likely outcome over adding their numbers to the threat to come. He just couldn't get enough of his brothers on board.


2 Minutes Hate
Unless someone objects, I think we can do away with the spoilers during the off-season? Anyone disagree? I think most people are just concerned about spoilering upcoming episodes during the season; i.e. screen caps and silly episode descriptions.


Potato del Grande
Just because you didn't see it doesn't mean it didn't happen. What do you think that huge pile of Raven's messages Jon Snow was looking forlorn over before he was murdered were about?
Don't bother trying to explain it. The best possible motivation swagdaddy could accept is that they're just a bunch of lowlifes doing random shit because they're degenerates, not because their mortal fucking enemy that recently tried to kill them all, several times, is now being paraded past their defenses by a young new Lord Commander who used to fuck one of them and defied a king by giving a merciful death to the wildling general. Naaah, makes more sense they was just mean guys killing Snow because they was dumb lowlifes doing whatever for whatever random reason!


Mr. Poopybutthole
You misused Suspension of Disbelief, thinking it means because it's Fantasy there are just going to be things that don't make sense, and generally agree to some pretty dumb shit, but strangely don't post dumb original shit nearly as often, which is a bit of an interesting nuance.

Or were you asking 'what?' rhetorically and weren't wanting me to elaborate?
If you think I was misusing suspension of disbelief, you're dumber than this argument. and this argument is really dumb.


Mr. Poopybutthole
They can film the entire rest of the series with the Lost crew as far as I'm concerned, as long as Damon Lindelof isn't involved.


<Bronze Donator>
Decade late ret cons of the actual show matter not a whit to me, lost fan boy. The show was them in purgatory, the final episode most acended to heaven, hurley and ben stayed behind to guide others to heaven. Stupid end was stupid. Stop smoking crack, stop derailing this thread
Is this some troll to get people riled up?


<Bronze Donator>
So hodj, just to be clear, even though this continues the derail, I ask that because you're not correct and I couldn't tell if you were doing it on purpose. The "purgatory" or whatever you want to call it was just an excuse for the writers to do the side flashes in the last season after already doing back and forward timelines previously. In that last episode Christian tells Jack that they all created this in between world because of how important the events on the island were.

Everything that happens on the island, through all the seasons, actually happens and then their purgatory world starts whenever they all die (or however deep you want to take this discussion into the timing of it) at which point they all have their awakening and move on to heaven or whatever.

It was really stupid and I'm not defending it whatsoever, but that is what happened. The whole show didn't take place in purgatory, just those flash scenes in the last season.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Were not continuing this derail, it is not wrong. Abrams and Lindeloff have been apologizing for that shit for going on six years now. I watched that series without missing a single episode, it was very clear. Theyve been trying to rewrite that shit from the moment that finale ended,mbecause it is embarassing and a clear bad mark on their careers. If you have a problem with it go dig up the Lost thread or make a new one to discuss it further.


Buzzfeed Editor
I've only read Lindeloff get defensive about it, never be ashamed of it. And then he did Prometheus, so you know, kind of establishing a pattern here.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Lost, Cowboys & Aliens, Prometheus, World War Z, Tomorrowland. Lindelof better not come within 2 countries of GoT.


Potato del Grande
If you think I was misusing suspension of disbelief, you're dumber than this argument. and this argument is really dumb.
I'll assume your thoughts at least include:

Again, it just requires suspension of disbelief. There are always things in fantasy settings that don't make sense, and I would say the GoT world has more than its fair share.
And would love to hear your other observations and theories on what suspension of disbelief actually means, both to a writer/creator and the the viewer.

I'm being serious. Because right now it seems you think it means shit doesn't have to make sense if the genre is fantasy.

And I think it is important, because when a viewer tries to have intelligent discussion on a show, and then it seems they're a dumb fuck repeating literary shit they probably heard from other dumb fucks on a message board, it confirms my suspicion I shouldn't pay attention to what that dumb fuck is saying.

I think it could be an interesting discussion, though, your thoughts on suspension of disbelief and how it applies to a show like Game of Thrones.