GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Vyemm Raider
Tyrion freeing the dragons so he could leave Mereen is an interesting thought, but seems like a stretch. He clearly states that he wants to free the dragons bc they're currently chained up and not eating and are symbolic to Dany being the dragon queen. He's kind of obsessed with dragons given his story about how he wanted one when he was younger and how he reads about them even as an adult. So it makes perfect sense that he cares about their well being. It's a case of him presuming to know things and in this case he was right in that the dragons are intelligent enough to not eat the help.
With the ships burned I have to wonder if Dany won't eventually just fly off with the dragons and a few trusted aids (Tyrion, Varys). Seeing as the dragons form the bulk of their power and Westeros being a smoking ruin from all the battles and white walkers. Leaving Gray Worm and Mellisandra with the bulk of the unsullied army to reconquer and rule slavers bay.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
What's the odds that along with toj we get the tourney at harrenhall and find out who is the knight of the Laughing Tree
I would say not likely. While it would be awesome to see there really isn't any information from that with major implications for the backstory surrounding the ToJ that can't be conveyed with a couple of lines of dialog without eating up already limited screen time and production budget.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
With the ships burned I have to wonder if Dany won't eventually just fly off with the dragons and a few trusted aids (Tyrion, Varys).
It's a good bet that the fleet was burned because the Iron Islands were being woven back into the show.


Molten Core Raider
It's a good bet that the fleet was burned because the Iron Islands were being woven back into the show.
Yeah. It's not a good bet, it's a guarantee. The storyline there is so bland and pointless they could have never shown us Balon or Asha again and only book readers would really notice. But I think it's pretty clear now Euron has a big role in the series, otherwise it's a red herring they could do without at this point.


Yeah. It's not a good bet, it's a guarantee. The storyline there is so bland and pointless they could have never shown us Balon or Asha again and only book readers would really notice. But I think it's pretty clear now Euron has a big role in the series, otherwise it's a red herring they could do without at this point.
He has the dragon horn which i assume will be important.


No i quoted you.

I don't think Cat is any different than Beric. She's not some living dead thing. She can die again just as easily as she did the first time. She was resurrected by Beric with the same magic that resurrected Beric. There's nothing to indicate whatsoever that she is fundamentally different than Beric.

Beric was a knight who was tasked to lead a group and bring justice for the small folk of the riverlands from brigands believed to be the Mountain and his men. As a knight he was duty bound to this goal. When he was killed and brought back he continued to do this. He feels "compelled" if you want to phrase it that way. Each time he dies he remembers less and less, he's less of himself and more of this one thing, justice.

Cat went insane and ripped her own face off as her entire world burned around her and she was consumed by the need for vengeance. Then she died and brought back and she is compelled by this overarching need for vengeance. She spent more time dead (3 days) so less of her came back when she was finally resurrected, she's more of this one thing, vengeance. What part of her did come back is fucking insane though, so her concept of "Vengeance" is just fucked, not recognizing friend from foe, etc.

She's not some frankenstein thing, they're both lazarus. But Beric was only dead minutes or hours at a time, she was in the river 3 days before Arya while warging as Nymeria pulled her body from the river.
It's probably not worth arguing this, but you're wrong. They call her UnCat for a reason; she is undead, not living. While her being decapitated would probably kill her, if she took a bunch of swords to the body, I imagine she'd be fine. They make a big point of noting that all of her mortal wounds still exist; Thoros makes a point to say she doesn't sleep and Brienne says her eyes glow red.

Her hair was dry and brittle, white as bone. Her brow was mottled green and grey, spotted with the brown blooms of decay. The flesh of her face clung in ragged strips from her eyes down to her jaw. Some of the rips were crusted with dried blood, but others gaped open to reveal the skull beneath.
The thing that had been Catelyn Stark took hold of her throat again, fingers pinching at the ghastly long slash in her neck, and choked out more sounds.
Her eyes were two red pits burning in the shadows.
"She returned whilst we were sleeping. She never sleeps herself."
"Lady Catelyn?" Tears filled her eyes. "They said you were dead."

"She is, " said Thoros of Myr. "The Freys slashed her throat from ear to ear. When we found her by the river she was three days dead. Harwin begged me to give her the kiss of life, but it had been too long. I would not do it, so Lord Beric puts his lips to hers instead, and the flame of life passed from him to her. And...she rose. May the Lord of Light protect us. Sherose.
There's also the issue that no one died to bring Beric back; he mentions seeing darkness, so I imagine the soul was just anchored and the body healed.

Cat's rez is closer to Drogo's with Mirri; Dany's son died to save her husband, and while he was alive, his mind was gone. Beric died to bring Cat back, but her mind remained instead of the body being healed.

I agree that LSH's craziness is partially attributed to her mental snap before her death, but I think it was also influenced by the idea that she literally has nothing to lose.

For me, undead vs living is an important distinction for where we go from here. I think Jon is gonna be a total badass, but if he's alive, there's probably less of a chance that he becomes the embodiment of full vengeance like LSH. I see him being more reckless though, or maybe giving less fucks, similar to how Beric took more chances after every resurrection.

Admittedly, Jon as a Coldhands type of monster to go against the White Walker King would be farkin amazing. I doubt that will happen though; even if he's not Azor Ahai, I think he needs to be the antithesis of death and darkness. A living, breathing Jon, resurrected by a priest of R'hllor accomplishes that nicely.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I think it will end up being somewhere in between. He will probably be the same but will have a few new attributes. Whether negative or positive.

If he is the completely same that would be dumb. I wonder if he needs to eat, or sleep etc? Will he be faster? There are so many questions. Also, he should send a raven to Samwell, would be hilarious to watch Tarly read that scroll on screen. "Whats up bro! Being Lord Commander is hard lol. Thorne and friends got all stabby and i died, but IM BACK! Let me know when you become a Maester bro. Sincerely, John Zombie."


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
It didn't seem to make Beric any more super. The experience might change his personality due to the betrayal though.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
They've already told us what part died, even before Jon died: Jon Snow the Boy. My guess is the only part that might be dead is whatever child like aspects he may have still clung to before.


Why Rhaegar, who supposedly was gathering people to depose his crazy ass dad, would run off and marry someone already betrothed while at the same time he was already married is the real question. By all accounts Rhaegar was no fool. He must have known something would happen because of his rash actions.
Same reason Robb Stark married a Westerling despite being betrothed to a Frey. Young adults due silly stuff for love/lust. Rhaegar's marriage to Elia Martell was a political marriage. Rhaegar was a harp-playing romantic. He fell in love with Lyanna and ran away with her without thinking about or perhaps caring about the potential consequences. Neither Rhaegar or Lyanna probably saw the bloodshed coming that followed.


There's also the issue that no one died to bring Beric back; he mentions seeing darkness, so I imagine the soul was just anchored and the body healed.

Cat's rez is closer to Drogo's with Mirri; Dany's son died to save her husband, and while he was alive, his mind was gone. Beric died to bring Cat back, but her mind remained instead of the body being healed.

I agree that LSH's craziness is partially attributed to her mental snap before her death, but I think it was also influenced by the idea that she literally has nothing to lose.

For me, undead vs living is an important distinction for where we go from here. I think Jon is gonna be a total badass, but if he's alive, there's probably less of a chance that he becomes the embodiment of full vengeance like LSH. I see him being more reckless though, or maybe giving less fucks, similar to how Beric took more chances after every resurrection.

Admittedly, Jon as a Coldhands type of monster to go against the White Walker King would be farkin amazing. I doubt that will happen though; even if he's not Azor Ahai, I think he needs to be the antithesis of death and darkness. A living, breathing Jon, resurrected by a priest of R'hllor accomplishes that nicely.
It's hard to say what contributions the delay in resurrection, manner of death and mental state at death had in her state after resurrection, but in the show, LSH hasn't been shown yet. The show has gone out of their way to show Beric... have Mel meet Beric... have Beric explain how it felt... have Thoros explain how it works... have Beric explain how it has impacted him. I think we know exactly what John is going to be like. He's going to be a more determined, more jaded version of his former self. The Olly/murder experience will probably make him less trustworthy and perhaps even a little more ruthless.

I just can't see the show springing something completely different than they've shown the audience after going out of their way to explain it.


Blackwing Lair Raider
It's hard to say what contributions the delay in resurrection, manner of death and mental state at death had in her state after resurrection, but in the show, LSH hasn't been shown yet. The show has gone out of their way to show Beric... have Mel meet Beric... have Beric explain how it felt... have Thoros explain how it works... have Beric explain how it has impacted him. I think we know exactly what John is going to be like. He's going to be a more determined, more jaded version of his former self. The Olly/murder experience will probably make him less trustworthy and perhaps even a little more ruthless.

I just can't see the show springing something completely different than they've shown the audience after going out of their way to explain it.
If he remains the noble son of Ned Stark I'm going to murder these shitfuck writers.