GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Mr. Poopybutthole
Tyrion offered him tons of gold...if he happened to survive trial by combat against the Mountain. He didn't betray Tyrion and Tyrion even said he didn't fault him for the decision. I also don't think Bronn is stupid enough to be suborned by the sand snakes unless they can somehow prove to him that things will work out the way they want, which they can't.

Bronn values his life more than he values gold. He's more likely to stick with a nearly guaranteed reward from Jaime rather than risk it all on some wild plan from some Dornish sluts.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Okay difference between the book and the show in this regard is there was no heartfelt chat in the cell. Cersei gave Bronn the marriage to Lolys Stokeworth just to rob Tyrion of him. Proving that Bronn was the pragmatically amoral black-hearted rogue that Tyrion always claimed him to be.

In the book there was no Dorne mission where Jaime took the marriage/land/title away from him. On the contrary, he killed the Lord of Stokeworth and became the Lord Protector himself. That's where he still is. In the meta-analysis we're talking about here. It is entirely possible he fills the role of Darkstar by getting a superior deal from Doran, which would bring his position in line with the books and progress the Myrcella/Dorne plotline.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Tyrion was basically offering Bronn a 99% chance of death for a 1% chance of getting paid even if he won since even if he was found innocent Tyrion was still probably cut off from the Lannister money pipe. He was asking Bronn to go down with the ship which Bronn was smart enough to refuse. Loyalty is one thing, but by far the most likely outcome of Bronn fighting the Mountain was him getting his head cut off and Tyrion's right afterwards.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
S5E4, Sons of the Harpy. Sansa lights a candle for Lyanna and thats when her and LF talk about what Rhaegar did. I agree it's thin, but there really are no other clues to Jon's parentage, and obviously everyone who watches the show is going to assume there is some sort of secret about Jon's parents. In the books there are multiple rumors about Jon's possible mother, but in the show there is nothing.
3 times this season they've dropped hints of Jon's parentage not being what it seems.

I also think Bronn will betray Jaime, he has no real reason to be loyal to him. Bronn is possibly still somewhat loyal to Tyrion.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I don't have the book handy but the chapter synopsis from the wiki

Kevan tells Tyrion that Tywin, Mace Tyrell, and Oberyn Martell will stand in judgment of him. When Tyrion claims he may demand trial by combat, his uncle replies that Cersei will name Gregor Clegane as her champion.Tyrion sends for Bronn, but finds the former sellsword to be a changed man, soon to marry Lollys Stokeworth, and now being paid well by the Queen. The mercenary leaves Tyrion to fend for himself, unwilling to stand for the dwarf against the Mountain.
implies that they did have that heartfelt chat in the cell.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Honestly been years since I read it, but I don't remember it being a big deal however Tyrion was informed of it.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Point is Bronn is loyal, just because he didnt have a death wish doesnt mean he wasnt loyal. If it was any other rich person, I dont think Bronn would go duo a suicide mission to Dorne


Log Wizard
Bronn betraying Jaime would make me more butthurt than Stannis burning scaleface. I mean Bronn is the man and he's for sale, but he's one of those characters I naively want to always be on the side of good whilst getting paaaiiiiiddddd.


Mr. Poopybutthole
That chapter synopsis reminded me of something semi-important. Under Dornish law, Myrcella is the rightful Queen of Westeros, because they practice absolute primogeniture. Which means they could press her claim to the throne even without Tommen's death. That theoretically means that her claim to the throne would still be valid even if she were outed as a product of incest, because she's still descended from Queen Cersei.

That probably won't come up in the show since they're shipping Myrcella back off to King's Landing though.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Well, book/show combined we're under the impression that the Lannister/North/Crown/Riverlands armies are completely fucked at the moment when compared to the Vale, Dorne, and the Ironborn which are otherwise unmolested. Due to GRRMs shitty descriptions we have of size/strength there's really no telling which Army is "better." But it does portray who is at full strength and who is not.

Which means it comes down to Littlefinger and Doran as the Ironborn are content with raiding (in the show) or placing their bets on Dany (in the books). For this plotline anyway.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
You miss the part where everything the Lannisters who weren't Tyrion took away everything they paid him in the show? (Marriage into Stokeworth).
Did I not say "aside from Cersei"? Remember Jaime said "I would have advised against that" when Bronn told him he had a deal with Cersei. She reneged on the marriage deal with Bronn. It's not clear why she did it from the show. Is she being her usual vengeful cunt self to one of Tyrion's former lackeys now that she no longer has to worry about him championing for him? Did Jaime ask her to so he could convince Bronn to go with him? We don't know for sure.


Potato del Grande
That chapter synopsis reminded me of something semi-important. Under Dornish law, Myrcella is the rightful Queen of Westeros, because they practice absolute primogeniture. Which means they could press her claim to the throne even without Tommen's death. That theoretically means that her claim to the throne would still be valid even if she were outed as a product of incest, because she's still descended from Queen Cersei.

That probably won't come up in the show since they're shipping Myrcella back off to King's Landing though.
Not this again (from someone else)! A Queen who is Queen because she married the King has zero claim to the throne herself, it's just a title. Cersei was ruling because she was regent for Tommen, which is a political position, now it's Kevan.

Myrcella has a claim on Casterly Rock via Cersei/Tywin if the incest is revealed, nothing else.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
That chapter synopsis reminded me of something semi-important. Under Dornish law, Myrcella is the rightful Queen of Westeros, because they practice absolute primogeniture.
So for purposes of the Maggy prophecy, Myrcella has already ascended to the throne since she was in Dorne at the time of Joffrey's death?


<Bronze Donator>
No. The whole dornish plot was to crown myrcella, because arianne and her sjw/daddy issues. Once doran reveals his master targaryen plan she switches gears. I assume the show will do something, plot tommens death to crown trystane/myrcella, shit will go wrong cus sandsnakes/ellaria are terrible and hilarity ensues.

Also "gold will be their crowns" can just as easily be interpreted as their hair color, prophesy of her and jaimes incest, rather than literal gold crowns as king/queen of westeros.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Avoiding this thread anymore so no idea if this was posted.

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