GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Syrio changed his appearance to Arya, and it was actually Arya who got killed!
Poor Arya :/

Reading this thread, it's amazing how many small hints about stuff I either miss or simply forget again. At least that works as an excuse for a reread.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Good idea. Except we'll make it a hidden forum and you have to make at least 12 posts containing references of each of the books in order to see it; at least one of those references must be about Syrio still being alive.
Syrio is the drowned god.

Do I win?


Irenicus did nothing wrong
Still think Syrio/Jaqen is just wishful thinking. I mean it's possible, but there's no actual positive evidence for it, people just want them to be the same person because they're both badass (although I think it'd rob Syrio of his awesome sacrifice if he ended up alive).


Millie's Staff Member
both syrio and jaqen became friends with Aryia. both from braavos, both in or coming from kings landing jaqen seems like a tremendously dangerous man. its not a crazy theory that they are one and the same.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
both syrio and jaqen became friends with Aryia. both from braavos, both in or coming from kings landing jaqen seems like a tremendously dangerous man. its not a crazy theory that they are one and the same.
It's not such a huge coincidence that she would run into 2 people from the same country, especially when they're intended to be characterized as foreign/exotic.

Syrio already had an established reputation.

Why would Jaqen stop off from whatever mission he's doing to work as a sword trainer?

Jaqen only assisted Arya because she freed him and he felt indebted.

With as much emphasis as the faceless men put on disguises, why would he maintain his nationality when swapping from one to the other?

Jaqen gives absolutely no sign of recognizing Arya, and other than having a Braavosi accent/mannerism and being dangerous (although no mention is made of swords in particular) doesn't seem to have anything in common with Syrio

There's other stuff that doesn't line up, but I haven't read GOT/COK in years.

It's not as completely wild and out there as some of the theories people concoct, and it could turn out to be true, but people cling to it and treat it as a hard fact when there's not a single piece of solid evidence to support it.


The only true positive evidence for that theory is the fact that Syrio *may* have survived, because the scene leave with him fighting a KG. Its implied he dies, but its left open. Afterwards, Arya escapes King's Landing otw to The Wall, and Yoren mentions that the crew Jaqen is with is from the black cells of the castle's dungeons.

This seems to lead to the conclusion that it may be Syrio, since he could have survived that fight, been captured, and sent to the black cells. The problems with that theory though are that the KG he fights (forget his name) survives. More importantly, is someone who openly resists the KG, and defends a 'traitor', simply to be sent to the black cells? Highly unlikely. They'd more likely be executed or killed on the spot. Especially under Cersei/Joffrey's rule. Also, all the stuff Azrayne said.

I wish Syrio would have survived too. But he didn't. His death was one of the most honorable sacrifices in the entire series that we know of. Let him go. Arya would be dead without him and he essentially propelled her into who she is today. In book 5 she still recites his teachings in every one of her PoVs we read.

Just so.


Millie's Staff Member
if syrio was a fm he could have fought and killed the kingsguards then changed his face to escape death. he could have snuck down to the black cells, paid off the warden with that old coin cersei worried over to get into the cell knowing that yoren would be taking prisoners to the wall as maybe a plan b. Biter who was a vicious scumbag was scared of jaqen. Why? Maybe jaqen cganged in front of him abd he realized he was magic or a fm. When yorens group is murdered he falls back on a plan c that leads him to oldtown as pate.

Syrio=plan a in kl
Jaqen=plan b at the wall
Pate=plan c in oldtown

Im not saying this happened, I dont even think its too likely. But its not out of the question


Irenicus did nothing wrong
if syrio was a fm he could have fought and killed the kingsguards then changed his face to escape death
But he didn't, that was Lemmiwink's point, the guard he fought survived.

I'm much more curious about wtf he's up to in Oldtown. Fucking Martin needs to stop being a lazy fatass and get the next book out.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
Yeah, but there are a million things that 'could' have happened, and I'm trying to think of a really absurd example but I haven't read the books recently enough to come up with anything, but the point is there's no evidence for it. It's the fantasy geek's version of Russell's Teapot.


Millie's Staff Member
when joff put the heads on a spike, he had ned, sansa's nanny but no syrio? its obvious he was with the starks and if he died trying to save arya wouldnt they also put his head up there too? especially someone who was "first swordsman" of braavos. again im not saying syrio=jaqen, but syrio's death leaves a huge hole. and whats the first rule in these books? if you dont see someone die. then they are most likely still alive.


Irenicus did nothing wrong
He was putting the heads up specifically to piss Sansa off, she wouldn't have given a fuck about Arya's 'stupid dancing master.'


Irenicus did nothing wrong
6.1.3. Is Syrio dead?

Syrio's fate is completely unknown. However, speculation has run between his having been killed, his having been imprisoned, and his having been merely a disguise of a Faceless Man who was thrown into the black cells, changed into Jaqen H'ghar, and is now at large in Westeros. A Feast for Crows appears to put an end to this latter theory, as Jaqen H'ghar was apparently already in the black cells before Syrio's confrontation with Meryn Trant.

In 2005, GRRM pointed out that Syrio seems to have been left in a hopeless situation when he was last seen, and suggested readers should "draw your own conclusions" based on this (SSM), which seems to imply that Syrio Forel was in fact killed. More recent reports (but, it should be said, unconfirmed) indicate GRRM does not understand why he gets asked the question repeatedly, pointing out that Syrio is not immortal; if accurate, this seems to more heavily imply that Syrio Forel is dead.
Sorry to break it to ya


Irenicus did nothing wrong
Well he doesn't read about his books online, so it's quite possible he never came across the theory until someone asked him if it was true.


Buzzfeed Editor
Astrocreep has kind of a point with the head thing. Joffrey doesn't know which specific members of the Stark clan to headspike in order to make Sansa cry. Judging just the situation, if Syrio was killed I would imagine the manner of his death would imply that he was close with them and just as deserving of a headspike as the nanny.

I realize it is kind of wishful thinking just because Syrio was awesome. But whatever, everything is theorycraft until we get the last book. I would say that GRRM saying "draw your own conclusions" is hardly a confirmation of death, also.


Millie's Staff Member
this isnt my theory, i am not advocating that is what happened, all i am saying is the open ended way GRRM left syrio and the relatively quick way that another dangerous braavosi (a Faceless Man, no less) pops up afterwards is pretty suspicious. especially with GRRM saying "draw your own conclusions" i mean shit, he can confirm knight of flowers and renly are buggering each other but he cant say yes or no if a character from 17 years ago died or not? even the TV show leaves it open ended.

either GRRM is fucking with people for a "dun dun dunnnn!!" moment of awesome surprise when they reveal syrio was jaqen, or GRRM still isnt sure if he wants to do that, so hes leaving his death ambiguous for now.