GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
The recent compendium for the books made a point to show that the Mad King -really- took an interest in Tywin's wife. The compendium book also made it a clear point that the Targs were producing a large number of deformed or other genetically abnormal children, including children with tails. Tyrion had a tail as a baby allegedly, and Tywin had a really bad falling out with the Mad King.

Given all that context, and the fact that Varys really likes Tyrion and seems to be on team Pro-Targ, it isn't completely out of the question that Tyrion may end up being Dany's half-brother.
That's gonna be a pretty cool reveal if it plays out that way, that Martin had that all planned out from the get go and has been laying those little kernals for all these years waiting for people to pick it up or to blow people's minds with the big reveal.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
When Mel was cutting Jon's hair I was thinking to myself that they must have thrown that in there to give Kit Harrington a little relief from those locks. It certainly wasn't part of whatever ritual that Thoros performed on Dondarrion.


The preview didn't really show much other than a quick shot, but based on Bran's flashback this week's episode, I would assume it's through the crow's power. As for what Jon being Targaryan means, I'm not sure either. Maybe it means he can ride a dragon.
The actor who played Bran talked about the Tower in Spain being his favorite shooting location, so yeah.


FPS noob
So, about the flashback to Ned's childhood. Lyanna is Ned's younger sister... why was she older than both Ned and Brandon?
she's probably been aged up from Ned so its not pedo-rape in ToJ


baby Ned, Benjen, Lyanna, and Sir Rodrik


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Benjen is older than Ned? I thought Ned was the older kid.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Ned is clearly a different actor by ToJ time, no reason Lyanna couldn't be also. Maybe it's just too confusing.


That was Ned and Benjen (the youngest).

Lyanna didn't look like she was 20 in that to me but whatever. I thought it kind of weird that Lord Karstark was totally cool with Ramsay killing his father to take his place (kinslaying is something even Roose wouldn't do outright). I would think that killing Walda would lose them all the Frey soldiers he gained after the Red Wedding.

Ramsay and Lord Karstark seem to believe that there is no force that can equal their combined number so they can do what they please? Then why worry about killing Jon Snow at all? They'll need to shape up The North Remembers plot somehow and quickly.

Roose in the books is so alarmingly cautious he had a body double around just to avoid possible crannogmen attacks in Moat Cailin. Ramsay didn't even realize why he was doing this and is a dumb mad dog. I truly hope that however this comes about in the book... if the books even come about at all. That it is better. I understand the need for fast tracking and all. But it does make some of this stuff hamfisted.

If they do get Rickon, I am guessing that he will be the leverage goad Jon Snow into fighting. But Ramsay will be completely unaware that there is a Wildling Army south of the wall at this point. The Northern Houses will rally around the Wildling Army and Jon Snow which will then fuck over the Karstark/Bolton alliance going on. The same thing that is presumed to happen in the books.

I am curious why the Umbers would even give over Rickon at all considering how long he has been there.
Just watched the behind the scenes for this episode and Benioff makes it clear that the Karstarks are in on it.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Rodrick been rocking those porkchop sideburns his entire life!


Molten Core Raider
When Mel was cutting Jon's hair I was thinking to myself that they must have thrown that in there to give Kit Harrington a little relief from those locks. It certainly wasn't part of whatever ritual that Thoros performed on Dondarrion.
I assumed the in story reason was blood being in his hair. Trying to get every drop of king's blood she could.


Macho Ma'am
<Gold Donor>
At least Jon is relieved of his oath now

I hope he leaves winterfell soon and takes the giant with him


A Mod Real Quick
Wasn't Jon seen around with cut hair over the summer and people were all like "omg he cut his hair he really is dead"

Also LOL at Cersei asking what dress Myrcella was in - she already knew from the prophecy.


I assumed the in story reason was blood being in his hair. Trying to get every drop of king's blood she could.
She has no reason at all to believe that Jon Snow has king's blood in him at all though? I just assumed she was doing the ritual as best she could guess based on her understanding of other magic that she is more familiar with.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
The entirety of the Night's Watch is like 50 people now too from what the show says. It was a little over 100 when the Wildlings attacked the Wall.


The recent compendium for the books made a point to show that the Mad King -really- took an interest in Tywin's wife. The compendium book also made it a clear point that the Targs were producing a large number of deformed or other genetically abnormal children, including children with tails. Tyrion had a tail as a baby allegedly, and Tywin had a really bad falling out with the Mad King.

Given all that context, and the fact that Varys really likes Tyrion and seems to be on team Pro-Targ, it isn't completely out of the question that Tyrion may end up being Dany's half-brother.
Always disliked that theory because I felt it diminished the Tywin / Tyrion relationship. It almost justifies Tywin's hate for Tyrion. It makes sense, I just don't like it.