GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The ToJ preview shows Ned much older, so it is safe to assume enough years have passed so everyone isn't a kid by the time that happens.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Why? Other people in the story have been brought back from the dead by magic. Now all of a sudden it bothers you because it's Snow?
Who else besides Beric (LoL) and Mountain (some sort of mancery) has been brought back?


Bronze Knight of the Realm
IDK I would think if they'd have Cat come back they would have made that involved in the Roose/Walda killing storyline since she has a murderboner for vengeance. Maybe in the actual books they'll have her be involved in Roose's death but I think the only one really left for her to get revenge on is the old Frey but we haven't seen anything about them in a while.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Lyanna is the Helen of Troy figure in GoT they had to make her look somewhat jailbaitish even in her first appearance instead of as just a child. There is likely a two to three gap in her real age at that time and the age of the actor portraying her.

Ned has to be a adult and married (wasn't Rob already born by then?) by the time he brings Jon home from the tower so we can assume none of the actors used as children in that scene will be used later on.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
they had to make her look somewhat jailbaitish even in her first appearance instead of as just a child.
Wat. She looks 12. If you're jailbaiting after that you should get in talks with Subway to be their new spokesman.


Murder Apologist
That's actually consistent with the book tho. She's described as a beautiful child who outrode, outshot and outfought her brothers. The kids even call her out for "showing off" in that flashback.


Molten Core Raider
I doubt he fought with something that cumbersome, it's was more of a status item use for beheadings at the star of the show. He didn't use it in his fight with Jaime.

And no one I the preview has a giant great sword.
Yes. Of course you're correct. Just didn't think about it due to the hype. That's a ceremonial sword. No one other than crazy people and fictional characters used a great sword in combat.


A Mod Real Quick
Ohhhh man. I hope Bran dies after this. God he's annoying.
Annoying? The guy barely gets any screen time and this whole story arc is finally something interesting in the show.

If I have to listen to anymore bullshit about slaves and stupid pyramids I'm going to off myself. GRRM took a really interesting story arc with book 1 Dany and made it insufferable.


Molten Core Raider
She has no reason at all to believe that Jon Snow has king's blood in him at all though? I just assumed she was doing the ritual as best she could guess based on her understanding of other magic that she is more familiar with.
The brother of DA KING IN DA NORF


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Annoying? The guy barely gets any screen time and this whole story arc is finally something interesting in the show.

If I have to listen to anymore bullshit about slaves and stupid pyramids I'm going to off myself. GRRM took a really interesting story arc with book 1 Dany and made it insufferable.
No shit, this is finally the payoff of all the Bran shit.

It's like when Dany finally comes to Westeros and people are like "god damn Dany's storyline is boring." No, it WAS boring. Now, it's fine. Shut up.