GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Unelected Mod
Thought the episode was pretty good. Not exactly shocked that people that spent all week bitching about the Arya storyline weren't going to like how it ended up.


Musty Nester
Bad to worse. Holy shit.

Is there gonna be a hardhome episode this season? I mean just one where you don't feel like a chump for watching the other nine?


A nice asshole.
Arya should be dead, if that was the plan all along they should have just slashed her stomach instead of multi shanks.

Zignor 3_sl

I wasn't bitching about it, and I thought it turned out terribly..maybe Dorne-level bad, with the additional bonus that we spent 800% more time on it. Ugh.

I did really like a lot of the episode, but that was just dumb all around. Also, did people really expect to see rusty old Brynden fight? It was pretty clear that that was the last time we'd see him.


Unelected Mod
Last episode was great.

This episode had Bronn being Bronn, Sandor chopping fools up with an axe and Gregor ripping a head off. Jaime, Edure and the Blackfish were all awesome, so was Brienne. Arya is finally done and heading back. Daenerys/Tyrion back together, so we will see more Tyrion.

Next episode is the fight for Winterfell.


Buzzfeed Editor
Thought the episode was pretty good. Not exactly shocked that people that spent all week bitching about the Arya storyline weren't going to like how it ended up.
It wasn't bad, some unexpected stuff like the Tommen proclamation, and The Hound meeting the Brotherhood, and no mention of LSH so I guess they really weren't setting that up which is kind of good. And the Meereen stuff was kind of wtf, would have been much better to have them look out the windows and see Drogon WTFBBQing the entire fleet.

But the Arya thing just wasn't good. So that whole thing was for her to learn hand to hand combat and social engineering? She could have done that in Westeros. I just don't get what all that was for if this is the culmination.


Got something right about marriage
No this episode was really, really bad. The Hound was awesome, Bronn was awesome, The Mountain ripping a head off was awesome. And all of that accounted for about 6 minutes of the entire episode.

The rest was a terrible conclusion to the riverrun storyline. An even worse conclusion to what the fuck was going to happen with Arya, and a completely wtf moment to Dany just showing back up after the masters decided to attack with a naval fleet (where the fuck did that come from?)


Unelected Mod
How was the riverrun scene terrible? Jaime and Edmure scene was great, Blackfish was cool, just not seeing what you wanted that would make you think it was horrible.

Also, Maester's attacking wasn't exactly out of the blue.


Musty Nester
Fight for winterfell might be good. They do those episodes well.

That arya was just so dumb. I would have been much more impressed if they'd just killed her. But... there was no good way out of that one. Sure enough, they found no good way out.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Episode was fine except for the anti-climatic end to the Bravos story arc (and Arya's Wolverine healing mutant ability). I guess the biggest take away is Arya learned to let go of her rage, or at least not let it consume her. Seems like she is set on headed back to Westeros, although no idea what she plans to do there. It will be worth it if she hooks back up with the Hound and they go around owning bad guys


Glad we spent all that air time on Arya and the faceless for absolutely nothing. What a waste. This whole season has felt....very strange.


Unelected Mod
Glad we spent all that air time on Arya and the faceless for absolutely nothing. What a waste. This whole season has felt....very strange.
They had to tie up that storyline and sadly it never really made sense for her to go there and train. It goes back to the really bad idea of the 5 year delay that GRRM wanted to do. Glad it is over with though.


Got something right about marriage
How was the riverrun scene terrible? Jaime and Edmure scene was great, Blackfish was cool, just not seeing what you wanted that would make you think it was horrible.

Also, Maester's attacking wasn't exactly out of the blue.
Well, in context it probably wasn't out of the blue but it still felt out of the blue and forced (or at least really rushed). The way the blackfish lost riverrun was just... so anti-climactic. Jaime goes in and talks to Edmure for about 2 minutes and that's how that arc resolves itself?

It's just really not worth watching or even caring about. I guess that's my problem with it. That whole story could have just been told to us by Littlefinger via a letter to Sansa about what happened to her Uncle and it would have had the same effect.


FPS noob
there was a dude behind the waif on the steps, it looked like syrio i think people posted pics of it during the week as well. that was a well played troll

jaime's little speech to horse-face was pretty good too, reinforces the "i'm not a good guy" theme

I've enjoyed this season much more than the previous season, but yeah arya's story just went to total shit and the story wrapups are pretty bad (blackfish this week) so doesn't bode well for the show or even season ending. 2 episodes left, 129 minutes.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
How was the riverrun scene terrible? Jaime and Edmure scene was great, Blackfish was cool, just not seeing what you wanted that would make you think it was horrible.

Also, Maester's attacking wasn't exactly out of the blue.
This. Can't believe people disliked this week. Aside from Arya story being...a long fucking wait for not much payoff (although I feel like we haven't seen the last of JH), the plodding, boring shit stories are getting tied up. Dany coming back means they can finally take care of the Mereen bullshit, and once Yara/Theon arrives with her fleet she can finally get to Westeros (the thing everyone has been bitching about forever). Arya story, crappy ending aside, was getting old and tired and now she can finally get out of it. Jaime story almost completely caught up to books, and he still allowed Brienne to leave (when Cersei would obviously want her taken care of). Edmure/Jaime scene was actually a lot better than I was expecting. No trial by combat was a nice twist, and sets up the potential Cersei Wildfire rampage.

Episode 9 next week, massive battle for Winterfell. Expecting it to be great. Episode 10 likely a lot of shocking shit setting up next season.


<Bronze Donator>
there was a dude behind the waif on the steps, it looked like syrio i think people posted pics of it during the week as well. that was a well played troll
tonight was the first time i realized how much the showrunners like fucking with our heads. that shadow was purely there for nerds like us to spend time talking about.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
It's just really not worth watching or even caring about. I guess that's my problem with it. That whole story could have just been told to us by Littlefinger via a letter to Sansa about what happened to her Uncle and it would have had the same effect.
This isn't really true, Edmure actually gave a pretty good scene to us, when otherwise he's been mere fluff for us to laugh at for not being able to shoot a flaming arrow, and just a plot point for the Red Wedding. Also Jaime once again showing his strange blend of blind devotion to Cersei along with the curious streak of honor and integrity that Brienne seems to drag out of him. We needed to know what would happen with the Blackfish since Sansa was hoping for his help for the fight at Winterfell. The fact that they won't be showing up will make LF arriving with the Vale's army all the more important (most likely).