GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I could buy that. I do think Cersei will unintentionally kill Tommen as a result of her actions in the next episode.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Thought it was one of the best episodes they've put out, come here to find a bunch of nerds raging at how bad it was.

Never change, Rerolled.
Thanks for summing it up. I wasn't about to read the 8 pages added since Sunday night if that's all it is.


Trakanon Raider
Yeah, fuck letting Jon in on the plan. He literally asked Sansa for any plan. He was open to anything better than what he had. Let's assume LF's army was there, waiting juuuuuust outside of Ramsay's vision. Sansa tells Jon, "hey LF's army is here to wreck shop once Ramsay's army charges your forces." Jon has option 1.) good plan Sansa, as soon as Ramsay charges, signal for LF to demolish Ramsay's pikemen before too many of my men, including the possibility of me, Jon, your fucking blood relative, die horrible horrible deaths, or 2.) nah, fuck that noise, I like my not-a-goddamn-plan better. When you do inevitably save my ass, make sure it's at the last possible moment so that we can max out my chances of dying a horrible horrible death.

I think we know which choice Jon is going with.


Sansa has no beef with the wildlings. They are people that about to risk their lives in the process of taking down the guy that raped her. Do you understand how human motivation works?
Do you understand that you can't hide 10,000 or more men on horseback behind a bush, you stupid fucking cunt?


Trakanon Raider
Thought it was one of the best episodes they've put out, come here to find a bunch of nerds raging at how bad it was.

Never change, Rerolled.
Exactly this. The people here are fuck stick nerds with no lives. The episode was outstanding, everyone else in the world thought so, and you have a bunch of nerds here who do larping on the weekends and think they know advanced military tactics.


FPS noob
Do you understand that you can't hide 10,000 or more men on horseback behind a bush, you stupid fucking cunt?
vale is 2-3k mounted knights, not 10k. on screen it looked more like 500 knights but thats just budget issues I assume

agree with can't hide a big army like that, but its totally cool an army that size can hang out in the north for a couple of weeks with no one else noticing them (remember, littlefinger met sansa in the north BEFORE brienne went to riverrun). they were all probably hiding behind a tree or something


Avatar of War Slayer
I wish they would have done something on the "Boltons men don't 'really' want to fight for him" as he was killing his own men with arrow storm just to make a nice big pile of corpses." aspect like when he ran back to winterfel etc. But it is what it is


Silver Baronet of the Realm
While we're all being nit picky bitches couldn't rickon have turned around and watched the arrow and then stepped out of its way?


Bronze Knight of the Realm
If he isn't then they had no reason to burn the ships acquired by Daario in season 5 that equated the Iron Fleet. Do the Kingsmoot to reestablish the Ironborn Fleet plotline and the shenanigans they're doing now.
Didn't they say with what Yarra + Theon brought + the captured ships from the masters they basically have enough?


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Ok people are bitching a little too much now. The Vale thing was kind of stupid and everyone saw it coming, but to bitch about the logistics of the army, how they are maintaining the horses, and how they managed to stay concealed before intervening is fucking ridiculous. Shit happened, Sansa had plans, executed them, and Littlefinger wasnt trying to lose a considerable amount of the one fighting force he has behind him.

There are stupid things in this show and bad writing, but c'mon.

Also, every person who talks about "plot armor" are fucking retards and cant grasp the basic, thousands of year old adage of story telling. The narrative is usually based around a single protagonist or group of protagonists. You need a focus point so the reader/viewer can make a connection with said character or characters. In this story we are following many characters, but for this specific discussion and circumstance we are following Jon, not only figuratively but literally, as its his POV as far as the battle is concerned. The writers themselves said he got lucky during the battle, and has had a series of fortunate and unfortunate events over the course of his character arc that has born out his legend. Of course he has fucking plot armor, he is the fucking plot. If you kill him in that instance, your scattering his story to the winds and should have never bothered writing it in the first place.

Seriously, stories are told/written/performed because of legendary/interesting/amazing/ people or things. The story itself is there to convey what happened. Jon Snow or Jon Targaryean was legendary in Westeros, and this is his story. Like, if you completely abandon the very essence of story telling for the sake of absolute realism, youll never be able to tell a story.

Achilles was written about because of what he did. Homer didnt write the Iliad about some dude name Marcus who acted honorably as a family man and landowner who tended his farms until he had to raise pike for his liege and die a clean death. The End.

Cool story bro.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I agree, the storytelling is not as good this season. But they make it up with all kinds of badassery: sets, directing, music, acting, cgi all top notch.

How the fuck could anyone NOT enjoy this last episode?

Shit is slowly coming to an end, can't wait for this seasons finale. I predict they will torture us with another legendary cliffhanger. The wait for next season is gonna suck balls.

What a great fucking show.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
It was written the way it was to build up and maintain the suspense for the audience as the battle unfolded. There was really no way to do that which allows Sansa to come off of the secret of her appeal to LF. Jon and his advisors had to be kept in the dark and get to the point that they were staring into the jaws of defeat before the Vale rode in to save the day. There would have been fewer complications of logic had Jon been able to formulate his plans with those troops. He could have lured Ramsay in with his foot soldiers and then have the Vale's cavalry ride in by surprise, but it wouldn't have been as engaging for the audience (those who didn't predict the Vale showing up weeks ago anyway) had it gone down like that.

They could have cut Sansa out of the loop altogether for the integrity of the character and explained LF showing up some other way I suppose (a spy in his service inside of Winterfell for example) but that simply reduces her back to being a character that is helpless to circumstance like she always was rather than someone who has become a player in the game, albeit a clumsy and inexperienced one.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I'm also not 100% clear why Ramsay met them in the open battle field. Possibly it is because Winterfell is mostly ruins and hard to defend. It just seems to make sense to let those idiots try and siege the castle and bleed off their small numbers first and then strike the killing blow.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Ok people are bitching a little too much now. The Vale thing was kind of stupid and everyone saw it coming, but to bitch about the logistics of the army, how they are maintaining the horses, and how they managed to stay concealed before intervening is fucking ridiculous. Shit happened, Sansa had plans, executed them, and Littlefinger wasnt trying to lose a considerable amount of the one fighting force he has behind him.

There are stupid things in this show and bad writing, but c'mon.

Also, every person who talks about "plot armor" are fucking retards and cant grasp the basic, thousands of year old adage of story telling. The narrative is usually based around a single protagonist or group of protagonists. You need a focus point so the reader/viewer can make a connection with said character or characters. In this story we are following many characters, but for this specific discussion and circumstance we are following Jon, not only figuratively but literally, as its his POV as far as the battle is concerned. The writers themselves said he got lucky during the battle, and has had a series of fortunate and unfortunate events over the course of his character arc that has born out his legend. Of course he has fucking plot armor, he is the fucking plot. If you kill him in that instance, your scattering his story to the winds and should have never bothered writing it in the first place.

Seriously, stories are told/written/performed because of legendary/interesting/amazing/ people or things. The story itself is there to convey what happened. Jon Snow or Jon Targaryean was legendary in Westeros, and this is his story. Like, if you completely abandon the very essence of story telling for the sake of absolute realism, youll never be able to tell a story.

Achilles was written about because of what he did. Homer didnt write the Iliad about some dude name Marcus who acted honorably as a family man and landowner who tended his farms until he had to raise pike for his liege and die a clean death. The End.

Cool story bro.
Jon also tracks closely with the Hero's Journey.'s_journey.htm


So basically I agree with your post.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
Didn't they say with what Yarra + Theon brought + the captured ships from the masters they basically have enough?
Yes, but they burned the original fleet Daario acquired specifically to allow for the Greyjoy plotline (and ships) to be resurrected/relevant. Which you completely ignored in that post yet responded to anyway.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Yes ASOIF will certainly live on in the pantheon of epics like The Odyssey.
Obviously a backhanded comment, but Ill bite.

It was a good example to illustrate the point I was making about plot armor. I clearly wasnt holding the two in the same esteem. Try harder.