GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Mr. Poopybutthole
Joffrey has been gone so long I forgot what a despicable little shithead he was until I just now watched the clip of when they find out that Robb is dead. That actor really was brilliant.


Millie's Staff Member
In the books, Cersei was a villan... In the show, some smart-ass television screenwriter who doesn't have an ounce of GRRM's talent, or even Lena Hadley herself, went like "let's make Cercei grey, not black-and-white" as far as morality goes..."let's show that she loves her children, bla, bla, bla..."

There is one good television screenwriter in their team - "Chaos is a ladder" speech, Sandor Clegane scenes...- and some other stupid fuckers that fucked the pooch so, so, so bad it's fucking driving me crazy.
this is what im talking about, the memetards are like, "herperderpy you didnt read the books because cersei was a real meaniehead there so that means the show version is the same, puh buh." all these lead characters have been sanitized so in the show you will like them more. nobody talks about tyrion turning someone into stew in the books for trying to get with his whore, but thats not villainous, right? the times this show/book takes place in was a more brutal time. you cant bring up someone's actions in that time as evidence unless you also bring up the fucked up shit the protagonists did as well.


<Bronze Donator>
Yes. A theme in Martin's writing as well as what the show has shown is that there is a grey area for many characters. Cersei is still an antagonist in the story even considering that.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Cersei isn't a fucking grey area, she's just slightly less black and white in the show. She's a villain and anyone who thinks otherwise is a complete Astr0.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Cersei isn't a fucking grey area, she's just slightly less black and white in the show. She's a villain and anyone who thinks otherwise is a complete Astr0.
Everything she does is to protect her position and the ones she loves the most. I can't say thats the most vile of thing out there.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Man when I'm on trial and I say 'no I did all those things to protect the people I loved, so I cant be a villain' I expect to be acquitted of all charges.


Mr. Poopybutthole
No shit. I'm pretty sure if she was just doing what she had to do to protect her loved ones, she wouldn't have had that insufferably smug look on her face when the faith arrested Margaery. If you take a sadistic pleasure in the twisted shit you do, you are probably a villain.


Avatar of War Slayer
Everything she does is to protect her position and the ones she loves the most. I can't say thats the most vile of thing out there.
This is why our society is moving toward destruction... as long as someone can personally give a reason that is individually compelling to them and them alone it does not matter who, how many or what they destroy, abuse, main, kill, torture or sacrifice - its all good. The Lannister's are exemplified personifications of that, the only one that has broken from the mold is Tyrion. Jamies "redemption" is done and in the books he is going to, I think, fully revert to what he was pre-hand cutting just like in the show.


Avatar of War Slayer
Hitler was only trying to protect his people and the ones he loved the most.
Who are we to judge, he was just doing what he personally saw as the best to protect himself and his family - he used and exploited his powers, resources and influence to make it happen - what is so wrong with that? why should anyone ever do anything selfless or for someone else's betterment?


Mr. Poopybutthole
I think people are jumping to conclusions to assume that Jaime's redemption arc is over. I mean he was certainly overwrought with grief over losing the daughter that he had just had his first father-daughter moment with, but he also let Brienne attempt to negotiate with Brynden Tully, let her escape, and undoubtedly would have honored his word to let them all go if she'd managed to convince Brynden to go to Sansa's aid. He doesn't have to stop being ruthless to become a better man.


Blackwing Lair Raider
And I actually thought their "de-mything" of the world was well done as that was Athena that tripped him - I thought troy was good and Boramir didn't die!
Yeah, I'd love to see a "true to the epic" movie one day, but I didn't want to watch Brad Pitt chase Eric Bana around the city walls 3 times. I thought the lack of godly intervention was the correct move for the film.

Also one of the few movies where Sean Bean doesn't die. I was hoping for an Odyssey movie but I guess that never came around.


I think people are jumping to conclusions to assume that Jaime's redemption arc is over. I mean he was certainly overwrought with grief over losing the daughter that he had just had his first father-daughter moment with, but he also let Brienne attempt to negotiate with Brynden Tully, let her escape, and undoubtedly would have honored his word to let them all go if she'd managed to convince Brynden to go to Sansa's aid. He doesn't have to stop being ruthless to become a better man.
Jaime's had a redemeption arc? Jaime's redemption arc won't be complete until he chokes the like out of Cersei and marches the Lannister army North to fight in the War for the Dawn. Wouldn't even shock me if he himself killed the Night's King thus fulfilling his story arc as the "Kingslayer". Jaime has a very long road of redemption coming I bet.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Making villains relatable and their motivations comprehensible is called good writing and character development. It doesn't make them any less villainous just less of a caricature ripped out of a 1930's matinee serial.


Millie's Staff Member
In the book he had a redemption arc. In the show, he's Cersei's little bitch.
his arc doesnt make much sense, he was on a redemption trend, heads to dorne, brings his daughter back. a mile from the dorne docks she keels over dead, clearly poisoned. comes back home and without any mention of revenge on dorne or the sand snakes, completely throws himself at cersei's feet to do whatever she wants. i understand dorne was a nonstarter and the show guys dont want to bore us with it, but they teleported those cunts to KL to kill off prince martell in the season opener. cant they spend 2 more minutes having some guards kill them in the scuffle? are they saving the sand snakes for more grrl power scenes with dany in season 7?