GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Avatar of War Slayer
Two thoughts:

1) The people are conveniently absent from the power transition in King's Landing. It's not too clear what is preventing a revolt from happening.

2) Why would you have a contraption with many lenses exposed to sun light in the middle of a gigantic library? It looks like an Alexandria waiting to happen!
hrm. torchlight, or magnifying glass directing torchlight to reading location... which is worse for paper?


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Dude that guy thinks that Jon's corpse is being warged by Bran. He's got some decent ideas, but he's not exactly some Gurrm-whisperer.
No he doesn't. Someone suggested it, and he said it's a small possibility but he has to see how S6 plays out before he goes either way. He's the only person I know of who predicted the Hodor twist months before "The Door" aired, and that's significant.

If you take into account GRRM's previous works, of which there's plenty, you see several recycled themes which when put together form the perfect key to fit the lock at the heart of ASOIAF. George is one of the most careful writers ever, and he doesn't write things for dramatic tension. There are about ten questions I could ask you, which would prove that this guy's theory is absolutely correct if GRRM is nearly as good a writer as we all think him to be. ASOIAF is basically GRRMs magnum opus, heavily influenced by his own sociopolitical views and concepts spread out along all of his previous work.

I don't want to ask them without spoiler tags, but if you want I will. I challenge you to answerANYof them, without introducing huge plot holes into this story or "I don't know yet." Bring it.

They should really just show Dany and her army slowly sailing across the sea for the first six episodes. It will be super realistic.
The final scene of the finale is months after the previous scene. They happen in a certain order, don't think this all occurred over the span of one day. Do they really need to print "five days later" or "three months later" in subtitles after every other scene? At the start of S7, Cersei will have been Queen, Jon KINGINDANORF, and the realm in Winter for a substantial period of time.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
There's a reason I'm spoiler tagging all of his content. I'm that confident that he's predicted the final twist. Now he's not guessing exactly how the storyends, because the ending hasn't even been written. If anyone has read that guy's content and doesn't believe with pretty heavy confidence that this is where the story is headed, then we can start the very beginning and go through everything book, by book. Having read the books three times, and watched the show quite a lot... he's on the fucking money and deserves credit for his effort and intelligence.

My favorite quote is that intelligent people are full of doubt, while stupid people are full of confidence. But when it comes to fictional work, from a great author who uses heavy foreshadowing it's a bit different. There are no true "twists" in this story, there never have been. Starting with the a stag killing a direwolf representing the downfall of Starks by the Baratheons, for anyone who's read the books when you go back and re-read them you'll say "Holy shit, it was there plain as day the entire time. How did I not see that?"

The ending is no different as long as you've read ADWD. It's utterly impossible for someone who has only watched the show, unless you're on drugs so I understand the doubt. It's always been extremely difficult, if not impossible, to represent certain abstract concepts well (dreams, thoughts, and history prior to the beginning of the story itself) on a television medium. Always has been. Most astute book readers have long suspected
that the 3-Eyed "Crow" has ulterior and dubious motivations, this is the first guy to put it all together. We know more about Bloodraven's life than any other character in the entire story. GRRM went out of his way as to leave absolutely no doubt about this character's history and personality, and just what kind of man he was. He's not truly evil, he's just not what the HBO viewer's suspect he is, and he was given the power of a God.

He's like Tywin Lannister. He used dishonorable tactics to end a war. Brynden was the same type of man. When they were electing the King's successor, he promised "safe conduct" to the last Blackfyre heir (even though that particular Blackfyre promised peace) and then assassinated him, to end any possibility of future Blackfyre rebellions. He's a firm believer in the "end justifies the means" and will sacrifice hundreds of thousands to save millions, or millions to save civilization. Brynden saw first hand the Seven Kingdoms tearing themselves apart over a multitude of stupid civil wars. Wars with a massive amount of death, started because two people, of the same bloodline, had petty disagreements over who deserved what. HBO don't even know who Brynden Rivers is, and unless they stray from the Euron storyline, and instead use S7 to show the pre-history of the show...then they'll never know. And D&D aren't going to do that. You have to read the books.

First read this man's blog. Pick up the books and read them (with this guys theory in mind), and then troll me.


Trump's Staff
If anyone read through the books without ever actually entertaining that thought on their own I'd be amazed. I don't think it's worth putting in a spoiler tag and has probably been discussed here multiple times.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
What the fuck? Nobody even knew the full extent of that character's power until halfway through season 6. That position is that of a living God that can manipulate the past, present, and see the future.

Don't give me that bullshit, seriously. Nobody said dick about this even being a possibility until ADWD was released, because we didn't know anything about the character. Also keep in mind, what starts all of the tension between the Lannisters/Starks? Bran getting pushed out of a window. Why'd he get pushed out of a window? Because a crow lured him the walls of the Old Tower.

It goes back before that though, all the way to the sudden obsession of Rhaegar that first he and his children were the Prince That Was Promised and the emergence of these "prophecies", for which GRRM has a disdain for in real life.
Self-fulfilling prophecy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Like I said, I can ask about a dozen questions to which you won't have a satisfactory answer unless this guy's correct. I'm not going to waste my time unless someone is actually going to bother answering them. Give me the word, and I'll make a good post. You have to make an effort to answer them without introducing any plot holes. It does not make sense for this story to end how we all think it does, when Martin himself does not believe in the good vs evil dichotomy. When this fucking thing ends, I think a lot of people are going to have a serious moment of self inflection and perhaps challenge the notions with which they view the world, and that's exactly what GRRM is aiming for.

Every other piece of fiction he's written has tried to do the same thing, they just weren't nearly as popular. Do you honestly George is all of a sudden going to stray that with a piece of work he's been working on for 25 years?His views on organized religion, consolidation of power in the hands of the few, humanities tendencies for self destruction and chaos. It's all there. All of it.

The message is more important than ever considering we now have the tools to cause our own extinction. Whether that be nuclear war or inadvertently destroying the planet due to overconsumption (climate change), it's the same thing. Seriously, if climate change is real... all it needs to do is put stress on certain countries/ecosystems causing mass starvation and migration, which will lead to war, which will end in... Our future does not look bright if we, as a species, don't wake the fuck up and soon. Comparing humanity to a virus that spreads unchecked until it kills its own host isn't an entirely terrible analogy, I mean why do some people have 12 kids when they can't support one? Do we and the Russians really need 9,000 nuclear warheads? What if a small group learns how to bio-engineer a deadly virus?

One man. One single person, was able to make perhaps the deadliest virus in human history aside from Smallpox.


Musty Nester
show watchers barely know wtf the 3 eyed raven is. It's really not a big deal in the show. Brans plot line is extremely sketchy. We had an entire season that basically ignored him entirely. Did he even get any scene at all in that one season?

Bran is basically a wizard. He shows that the north is a fairy sort of place and oh... he's harry potter now. He can do magic.

I'm sure it will be a big deal, and bran will have some major part in the WW plot... I have no doubt of that. But it's basically poorly set up and it's going to come almost out of nowhere. Bran is wandering around in the north because.... I mean who the fuck even knows anymore, honestly. Show-wise it's been nothing but a sporadic and protracted meander.

The show has done him poorly. Just the fact they're devoting this much screen time to him.. he's chekov's gun. It probably didn't help that the guy had a growth spurt right in the middle of the plotline. Believing that Bran is 13 or 14 is more than a stretch now.

Bran: Pushed out a window, something something wildling dreams, something something run from winterfell under siege, something something look it's a dude in a tree, something something makes Hodor retarded with magic, something something saves the world.


Trump's Staff
Honestly the thought of 3ER being a bad guy isn't a fucking new idea. We had zero revelations of his power from season 6, the only thing we learned is that Bran can (and may be the only one who can) warg through time. If you read the book and didn't think GEE MAYBE THIS GUY ISNT WHAT HE SEEMS then you are retarded because you should think that about everyone.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
show watchers barely know wtf the 3 eyed raven is. It's really not a big deal in the show. Brans plot line is extremely sketchy. We had an entire season that basically ignored him entirely. Did he even get any scene at all in that one season?

Bran is basically a wizard. He shows that the north is a fairy sort of place and oh... he's harry potter now. He can do magic.

I'm sure it will be a big deal, and bran will have some major part in the WW plot... I have no doubt of that. But it's basically poorly set up and it's going to come almost out of nowhere. Bran is wandering around in the north because.... I mean who the fuck even knows anymore, honestly. Show-wise it's been nothing but a sporadic and protracted meander.
Well how would they even show who he really is? If you were D&D how would you insert his autobiography into the show?

I mean they did go out of their way to give the audience a hint that the guy is sketchy. He lies to Bran's face by saying, "The past is already written, the ink is dry." The very next episode we find that to be total bullshit. Why mislead Bran about the extent of his powers? I think Bran will be the most important character in this story by the end, he's certainly the most powerful character in the world now. Whether he brokers a new peace between humans and White Walkers, or what, I don't really know. Humans, CotF, and White Walkers have been at peace for 8-12,000 years, since the Great Night. They weren't sleeping, they were just minding their own business for millenia.

Honestly the thought of 3ER being a bad guy isn't a fucking new idea. We had zero revelations of his power from season 6, the only thing we learned is that Bran can (and may be the only one who can) warg through time. If you read the book and didn't think GEE MAYBE THIS GUY ISNT WHAT HE SEEMS then you are retarded because you should think that about everyone.
Yes. Ulterior motives are one thing, but him being behind everything including the 'Great War' to come, the prophecies of Azor Azai, Robert's Rebellion, etc.? That's a new idea and this guy deserves credit for it.

Everything that's happened in this story fits in with the timeline of this super sketchy dude inheriting these powers. That includes the renewed offensive by the White Walkers. You really think the 3ER wouldn't be able to manipulate White Walkers, in some fashion, too? Why do you assume his powers are only over humans and animals (and half Giants)? Seriously, all you have to do is tell me you'll answer the questions I ask. It'll leave little doubt. It'll take an hour to write them up well, so I don't want to waste time at work.

There's also proof of Brynden Rivers being able to warg too...
Bran's not special, and he's just a child. Why would he choose a very naive successor if Bran isn't special in some way, which he isn't? A 70 year old man, with a ton of life experience, chose a small crippled boy to inherit the most powerful powers in the world, why?


Bronze Knight of the Realm
In a scene from 'The Door', the Red Priestess Kinvara speaks to Varys about predestination, and how everyone is where they are for a reason, and then taunts him with the idea knowledge of the voice that spoke from the flames on the day he was castrated. She asks him if he would like to know what the voice said, or the name of the one who spoke. And in the original leaked audition, she even asks if he'd like to know where it lives.

Then the scene cuts to Bran.
Why did they cut that line out?


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
The final scene of the finale is months after the previous scene. They happen in a certain order, don't think this all occurred over the span of one day. Do they really need to print "five days later" or "three months later" in subtitles after every other scene? At the start of S7, Cersei will have been Queen, Jon KINGINDANORF, and the realm in Winter for a substantial period of time.
In your autistic rage, you didn't seem to notice he was being sarcastic.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I mean the guy's right. What causes a bunch of fish to group up and move together for protection? Bigger fish. White Walkers are humanity's version of the "bigger fish". D&D said something along the lines of White Walkers don't speak, they aren't alive, they are death and nothing more. That's total bullshit, they are obviously very intelligent as they laid a trap for Waymar Royce, and SIX of them attacked one man. Re-read the prologue, watch the episode. They had wights pretend they were dead to draw him in. They didn't lay the trap for his companions, they thought Waymar was Jon Snow. D&D have a history of flat out lying to the audience.

Why do they attack "exactly" when Jon Snow goes North of the wall? Why didn't they wipe out the wildlings years ago? Why does a White Walker, and not their wights, attack Jon? Why are they so dedicated to killing him and people who look like him?

White Walkers have shown the ability to communicate, to think, and other traits. They aren't "death". They're sentient. They even had an agreement/pact with a human, Craster. That alone shows you that the HBO producers are deceiving us with that statement. If they were death, they wouldn't have dealings with humans, and wouldn't care about renewing their numbers by converting children.

It's the biggest twist of them all, when we find out the super evil ice zombies are... not really evil at all and only acting out of self-preservation. If you only had 40-200 members of a species, could you fight a war against millions? No, you'd have to use every advantage you have at your disposal which (in their case) means raising the dead as cannon fodder.

Asymmetrical warfare is when two sides use completely different tactics to win a war, often tactics which the most powerful side considers dishonorable.
Humans have dragons. The conveniently named 'Others' raise the dead. The United States has overwhelming power at sea, land, and air. The insurgents in Iraq used IEDs and suicide bombers. Same fucking concept.

The true nature and purpose of the Others and the ending of the series (Spoilers All) : asoiaf

If you really think GRRM is going to end this story with a valiant and righteous fight by humanity against mindless evil... you are deluding yourself! He fucking says this in an interview:
The war that Tolkien wrote about was a war for the fate of civilization and the future of humanity, and that's become the template. I'm not sure that it's a good template, though.
So why the fuck would his supervillain "species" be another variant of Tolkein's orcs, only stronger and more powerful? Makes no fucking sense at all. None.

White Walkers are no more evil than men.

Period. End of story. Still believe Euron Greyjoy is going to be the real villain in the last two seasons. Jon says, "The real enemy brings the storm." Euron's first lines are, "I am the storm. The first one, and the last." Euron wants control over Ice & Fire.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
To give Wooly credit he has turned this thread into an internet pool of mana. I often come here to clear my head, and then absorb vast amounts ASTOUNDINGLY fucking retarded information.

But seriously, I think he is autistic.


privileged excrementlord
No he doesn't. Someone suggested it, and he said it's a small possibility but he has to see how S6 plays out before he goes either way. He's the only person I know of who predicted the Hodor twist months before "The Door" aired, and that's significant.
I'm talking aboutthis guy, Sperglord.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Funny thing is that when I posted my fake spoiler, instead of saying 'Cersei and Tommen both live' I was thinking about saying something like 'Cersei blows up Margaery and the High Sparrow and accidentally kills Tommen too', and now I'm really glad I didn't post that cause I'd probably be in RRP for at least a month.
I wouldn't have let it stand since I know you're not a nostradouche.