GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I imagine they will let her speak on the TV show, although they will probably make it seem very difficult for her.


Ko Dokomo_sl

About the Wildlings. They are marching towards the Wall in hopes of fleeing the White Walkers, right? If so, what was up with the scene where the fat Night Watch guy see's an army of undead walk right past him, with some badass mounted zombie with blue eyes glare at him? This was around the Fist of the First Men (I think), which was south of the Wildling horde. Is there some other massive army of undead much further north?
Maybe, vast undead armies blend in with snowstorms really well.


About the Wildlings. They are marching towards the Wall in hopes of fleeing the White Walkers, right? If so, what was up with the scene where the fat Night Watch guy see's an army of undead walk right past him, with some badass mounted zombie with blue eyes glare at him? This was around the Fist of the First Men (I think), which was south of the Wildling horde. Is there some other massive army of undead much further north?
The Wildlings were west of the Fist, not north. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong there. Regardless, it sounds like the undead just kind of vanished after the attack on the Night's Watch, since the Wilding who sees through bird eyes didn't really mention anything about them, just that he saw a bunch of dead crows.


Millie's Staff Member
About the Wildlings. They are marching towards the Wall in hopes of fleeing the White Walkers, right? If so, what was up with the scene where the fat Night Watch guy see's an army of undead walk right past him, with some badass mounted zombie with blue eyes glare at him? This was around the Fist of the First Men (I think), which was south of the Wildling horde. Is there some other massive army of undead much further north?
those scenes have aspects that vary somewhat from the book so i dunno if it can be properly explained without spoilers


Golden Knight of the Realm
The Wildlings were west of the Fist, not north. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong there. Regardless, it sounds like the undead just kind of vanished after the attack on the Night's Watch, since the Wilding who sees through bird eyes didn't really mention anything about them, just that he saw a bunch of dead crows.
Well they aren't bothered by snow or heat loss so they probably just lie down and let the snow cover them when they aren't active.


Musty Nester
I would let Ygritte tie me up and do me with a strap on just so that I could brag about the fact that we had sex.

I'd probably change the story around a little. But embellishment is the prerogative of the teller!


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Well they aren't bothered by snow or heat loss so they probably just lie down and let the snow cover them when they aren't active.
I bet they go home, check Facebook and read some message boards, jerk off to some porn and then watch Sportscenter.


Rains of castamere is a good title to not give anything away, none of the non book readers know what that song means, even that it's a song. I just hope they show what they do to robb's corpse in the books. I can already imagine them feeling safe, the wedding begins and the bards kick in the rains of castamere....then total chaos and death. Final shot, robbs body on a chair with his wolfs head sewn on the neck......credits.
My best friend hasn't read the books, hasn't been spoiled at all. He almost wanted to strangle me when Ned's head was chopped off, he also thinks there's going to be a massive battle of Rob vs Lannisters. I can't wait for the butthurt, I really can't. So glorious it will be....Four more weeks to go until the Red Wedding

Ko Dokomo_sl

I think they've explained the history behind the song Rains of Castermere in the show, so if people are paying attention they know that episode will feature the Lannisters being extreme assholes. I'd love to see how they cut the teaser for ep 9 though. The misdirection must be intense!


Musty Nester
Gotta give credit to the Fedor-tube. Mind = Blown. If that's revealed in the coming episodes... well, that will have been very well done.

Should have paid more attention to the Robb storyline. I've generally found his to be the least interesting until recently.


Molten Core Raider
Gotta give credit to the Fedor-tube. Mind = Blown. If that's revealed in the coming episodes... well, that will have been very well done.

Should have paid more attention to the Robb storyline. I've generally found his to be the least interesting until recently.
As an added bonus, she's actually Tyrion's long lost wife?

It would be an awesome twist to mindfuck book fans, but I really don't see it happening.