GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Buzzfeed Editor
If that prophecy is true, one of the dragons has to be fake. Do you think it is the one who actually hatched dragons in some crazy funeral ritual?


Nothing like Tywin, he made not only his intentions but his motivations plain, and they're not the aggrandizing of his house, they're to put a king on the throne who will serve in the interest of the realm.


Buzzfeed Editor
What does that even mean? "In the interest of the realm?" Would Kevan Lannister not have been in the interest of the realm? Tommen? Stannis Baratheon? Shit, even Ned or Tywin would have been vast improvements over the years long war and famine that this dude has instigated so he can install the king he happens to support. It isexactlylike Tywin. They are all the fucking same.


Millie's Staff Member
There have been a few fake dragons. Viserys and prince whatshisname from dorne. I dunno if aegon is fireproof, but his lineage AFAIK is targ.


Varys's plans for a "Targaryen" reconquest seemingly originate from before Joffrey was even born. You don't play that long of game "just in case."
Tywin murdered the children and Robert rewarded him for it by marrying Cersei. That things would go from there in a direction that appeals to Varys doesn't seem likely.

Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
Maybe that's the point? No westerosi house will ever be able to be strong enough to rule over all the others. Put one of them in charge, and the game of thrones churns along until there's a bunch of betrayals and a new one takes over after a bloody conflict once again engulfs the nation.

But, if you have a (non-crazy) Targaryen with full-grown controllable dragons in charge, no one will ever be able to usurp the throne again, and peace will reign throughout the land. OR ELSE!
There are theories that Aegon and even Varys himself are descendants of the Blackfyre pretenders...basically Targaryen bastards that revolted in the past and lost. He could technically be considered a dragon, but not from the imperial line like Daenerys and therefore no claim to the throne whatsoever with her alive.

I usually don't go *too* far into the fantheories...but it would help explain why Varys is working for Aegon instead of the already out-of-the-closet Targaryen with dragons and an iron clad claim to the throne.


Buzzfeed Editor
There have been a few fake dragons. Viserys and prince whatshisname from dorne. I dunno if aegon is fireproof, but his lineage AFAIK is targ.
Viserys wasn't fake though, just a dumbass. And the Martells aren't Targaryens. I haven't seen a way to interpret that yet aside from Aegon being fake/Blackfyre.


What does that even mean? "In the interest of the realm?" Would Kevan Lannister not have been in the interest of the realm? Tommen? Stannis Baratheon? Shit, even Ned or Tywin would have been vast improvements over the years long war and famine that this dude has instigated so he can install the king he happens to support. It isexactlylike Tywin. They are all the fucking same.
They're not the same, it's quite clear they're not the same. That you don't believe Varys' plan is in the best interest of the realm does nothing to change the fact he does and that that was his motivation. And if Tywin, Cersei or LF care(d) at all for the best interest of the realm it's running a long distance behind their own personal interests. Again, the ADWD epilogue explains your question, the best interest of the realm in Varys' opinion is a child with Aegon's upbringing and claim being seated on the throne, that's why he created him.


Millie's Staff Member
Young aegon is plan c. The original deal was viserys to wed a dorne princess and come back to kick ass. Then drogo ruined that plan so then the daeny to wed prince dorne was hatched. When daeny told him to bugger off and then she decided to stay in mereen and hug brown people they went with their fallback aegon plan.


Buzzfeed Editor
They're not the same, it's quite clear they're not the same. That you don't believe Varys' plan is in the best interest of the realm does nothing to change the fact he does and that that was his motivation. And if Tywin, Cersei or LF care(d) at all for the best interest of the realm it's running a long distance behind their own personal interests. Again, the ADWD epilogue explains your question, the best interest of the realm in Varys' opinion is a child with Aegon's upbringing and claim being seated on the throne, that's why he created him.
Bro, and Tywin's "best interest of the realm" is a Lannister creature born of incest seated on the throne. How is it different? Each one is quit willing to see half the realm burn so that their puppet can sit on the chair.


Bro, and Tywin's "best interest of the realm" is a Lannister creature born of incest seated on the throne. How is it different? Each one is quit willing to see half the realm burn so that their puppet can sit on the chair.
And Ned's best interest of the realm was the rightful heir because honour, and Dany's best interest of the realm is herself because usurper dogs, and Drogo's best interest of the realm was his rape son because of assassination attempt, and Mel's best interest of the realm is TPTWP to save Westeros from the night full of terrors, every character is the same - they're all acting in the best interest of the realm!


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
There are ratings and also actor contracts. If you get some core actor saying "wtf, I want off the show!", their choices are either recast (risky to the point of almost being implausible if they have done a ton of seasons), kill them off (which is a problem if they aren't killed in the book), or end the show. 7 or 8 seasons would probably be the absolute maximum I imagine, regardless as to how well the ratings are doing.


privileged excrementlord
There are ratings and also actor contracts. If you get some core actor saying "wtf, I want off the show!", their choices are either recast (risky to the point of almost being implausible if they have done a ton of seasons), kill them off (which is a problem if they aren't killed in the book), or end the show. 7 or 8 seasons would probably be the absolute maximum I imagine, regardless as to how well the ratings are doing.
As rabid as the fans are, I don't think it would be a smart move for any actor portraying a major character to hold out for more money or refuse to reprise their role.


How are Blackfyre's not "real" Targs? They're a bastard bloodline and politically "off", but their blood is Targ.

Martell's as well, since the Martell's have been the second most married into family by the Targ's other than the Targ's I think.

Now, as for who is immune to horrible flaming infernos of fire, that seems to only be Dany... but was that due to the proximity to dragons? How often do other people test for if they are flammable? Was every Targ who sat on the Iron Throne immune to fire? We know one immolated himself and his children and with wildfire, so...


Varys' knowledge and accurate interpretation of the prophecy is kind of key to analyzing his motives.

Why do you all think the Starks are important? There must always be a Stark in Winterfell. Before Bran met Jojen, I tought it was because of his prophetic dreams, but Jojen appears to be a better greenseer. Assuming that Coldhands was Benjen Stark, mt theory is that the Starks don't turn when they die. They become something else.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
What does that even mean? "In the interest of the realm?" Would Kevan Lannister not have been in the interest of the realm? Tommen? Stannis Baratheon? Shit, even Ned or Tywin would have been vast improvements over the years long war and famine that this dude has instigated so he can install the king he happens to support. It isexactlylike Tywin. They are all the fucking same.
None of those people have a clear claim to the throne nor the power to bring the other families under their thumb. There's no reason to think that any of them being in charge would result in anything but more war.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>
Bro, and Tywin's "best interest of the realm" is a Lannister creature born of incest seated on the throne. How is it different? Each one is quit willing to see half the realm burn so that their puppet can sit on the chair.
Tywin doesn't give a shit about the realm. All he cares about is the best interest of the Lannisters.