GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
And then they hide his body in the vacants so that Chris can put the juju on him.

I'd imagine the two of them are dependent on each other somehow... and just straight up killing the other guy would be bad for business.

So why don't they just do that if they're such high stakes adversarial kingmakers? Because plot armor?

I'm actually curious!
Because they both know that neither of them could ever actually sit on the throne. They both have too many enemies and not enough friends, along with all sorts of other problems making them completely ineligible in any way. But they both enjoy the game too much to stop playing despite the fact that neither of them can ever win.

What I really wanted was the scenes from the book where Dany's handmaiden taught her how to please her man before she seduced Drogo for real. That would have been bonerific. Ah, well. Them's the breaks.


<WoW Guild Officer>
I could really care less about Daenerys, her story bores the hell out of me most of the time. Hopefully she falls off her dragon, breaks her neck, and Tyrion skullfucks her.
I can't see HBO letting Peter Dinklage just leave without trying hard to meet whatever demands he may or may not make. Adults with dwarfism are just simply a small minority in the overall even smaller fraction are professional actors, and maybe flat out 0 that would play the role as well as Dinklage. You can't just go out and replace the Tyrion actor like you could Sansa, heh. Dunno if the LOTR camera tricks would get them there, either. Merry and Pippen didn't look like people with dwarfism, just normal men that were shorter than everyone else.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I wouldn't be surprised if he asks for a raise/compensation increase eventually, but I doubt he would leave the show unless there were strong irreconcilable differences between himself and the producer.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
To use a DS9 comparison, they are kind of like a twisted Odo and Quark. They kinda appreciate each other at a fundamental level, but at the same time they hate shit the other person does and they try their best to outsmart/outplay the other.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I've always figured the reason Little Finger and Varys don't try to kill each other is because dealing with the results would be a lot more trouble than it's worth. They're both so deeply connected and entrenched into their game of thrones that I doubt either of them wants to risk going down the rabbit hole of killing the other. Killing someone like Kevin Lannister has predictable results; he's not especially powerful or connected. Hell, even Tywin (assuming Varys meant for Tyrion to kill him) would be a pretty safe kill because in general his alliegances and connections were well known.

It's an interesting question to ponder. Really it's probably just because Little Finger or Varys alone just isn't as interesting to read about. It's always more fun when you have multiple cloak-and-dagger plots going on together.

General Antony

Vyemm Raider
There is no reason for them to kill each other yet. Neither knows what the other is really doing. They might foil each others minor court schemes, but the main stuff is still kept secret.


Dancing Dino Superstar
<Bronze Donator>
It goes both ways. Dinklage has few roles to choose from as a serious dramatic actor and a dwarf. Let us not forget one of his recent big roles before GoT was in Elf being mocked for looking like an elf.

GoT will open up doors for him. But much like other HBO shows feature films are not really a step up.


I too consider this a flaw. I try to reason it away by thinking Varys probably figures when his plan comes to fruition he'll have the overwhelming power to simply crush LF if needs be. LF is probably curious about what Varys is planning, and expects it will more likely work in his favour than against.

But really, Varys knows LF killed Arryn, for mine the natural response to that is to eliminate him least he fuck up all your plans by killing random people you need or some other shit you don't want happening.

General Antony

Vyemm Raider
I too consider this a flaw. I try to reason it away by thinking Varys probably figures when his plan comes to fruition he'll have the overwhelming power to simply crush LF if needs be. LF is probably curious about what Varys is planning, and expects it will more likely work in his favour than against.

But really, Varys knows LF killed Arryn, for mine the natural response to that is to eliminate him least he fuck up all your plans by killing random people you need or some other shit you don't want happening.
So your response is to try and kill the guy who just killed one of the most powerful men in the world. What happens if you fuck up? Varys's plan hinges on one person remaining alive and only a handful of people on the other side of the world even know he exists. They simply have no reason to assume the risk of trying to kill each other.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
It's also probably a lot more difficult than it seems to kill each other. Even paying or coercing someone to do something as simple as stick a shiv in their throat in the street has a high probablity of failing. Little Finger and Varys seem to know EVERYTHING that goes on with EVERYONE. No one knows just how deep and extensive their spy networks really are, so plotting against them is dangerous at best.

The only reasonably safe way for Little Finger to kill Varys (or vice versa) is to stab him himself during one of their private conversations. Obviously that is a whole nother level of risky.


So your response is to try and kill the guy who just killed one of the most powerful men in the world. What happens if you fuck up? Varys's plan hinges on one person remaining alive and only a handful of people on the other side of the world even know he exists. They simply have no reason to assume the risk of trying to kill each other.
Varys plan involves a lot more than that, Cersei, the faith, the whole war wasn't as per scheduling due to LF (which Varys, despite knowing LF killed Arryn didn't work out). Fear of reprisal if he missed may be an issue but I doubt Varys felt that if he really applied himself he couldn't have taken LF out.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Well spoiler images for the next episode have leaked as well. Shit's about to get real.





Karazhan Raider
what if dinklage is reading this right now saying hey, these guys are right! never thought of that before. i'm calling my agent!