GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Trakanon Raider
I think the complete opposite. I do not think Dany will take it well at all. She is lust for power, that bit about Sansa seemed a bit of foreshadowing, like she would kill Jon's sister if she didnt bend the knee. Possibly Jon will need to kill Dany to protect Sansa. Dany likely to "go mad" when Jon tells her the "truth" which in her mind will mean he's trying to usurp her power. In any case, my prediction is Jon kills Dany.

This. I felt like this episode was setting up an inevitable Daenerys vs. Jon fight with Bran in the shadows making sure Jon comes out on top (he's already moving the pieces). It was said through various ways by several different important characters that Jon is willing to literally sacrifice himself for his people and swallow his pride while with Daenerys shes willing to flex her power as a means to an end to get her seated on the throne despite the consequences. Sam straight out contrasted them to Jons face in an argument as to why he should be King with an emphasis on Daenerys pointless vengeful blood lust (killing Sams family gained her nothing and she did it because she was slighted over their refusal to bend the knee). I can definitely see a situation where Daenerys throws a fit after learning John is the rightful heir and some confrontation where Sansa gets hurt or Daenerys straight up abandons Jon and the North to fend for themselves.


Karazhan Raider
If we want to get technical (not like any of this matters) you don't become Aegon the # until you inherit the throne. Jon's half brother being murdered early technically passes the title of 6th to Jon, as he is the current rightful heir.

Otherwise Jon would be Aegon the 472nd or some shit, since there was a lot of kids named Aegon during the old days.

We're to assume Rhaegar named two of his sons Aegon cos he was trying to breed azor ahai or whatever the fuck he was doing. Still kinda weird having two siblings, half-brothers or not, with identical names.
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Trakanon Raider
If anyone likes recaps, Charlie's is up.

was watching his video and uhh..
Am I crazy, or does that guy look like the faceless man actor in disguise? Like, fake nose and beard.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Even when she fucks up, like killing both the Tarlys, its in line with the 'honor' and expectations of kings/queens. The same way Ned executed a dude in the first season.

The penalty for deserting the Night's Watch is death. Summarily executing two high-born prisoners of war doesn't even begin to compare.

Also, the closest socially acceptable degree of co-sanguinuity in a marriage in Westeros is first cousins, aunt and nephew is a step closer in relation than that and thus is taboo. At some point Jon will likely be grossed out about the fact that he's been fucking his aunt, and this will probably be reflected in an awkward reluctance to be intimate with her next episode. They also haven't established show Dany's stance on the Targaryen incest tradition (book Dany had an internal monologue that clearly established she wasnt bothered by it, aside from the fact that Viserys was an abusive monster), so who knows how she'll react when this inevitably comes out into the open.
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Trakanon Raider

We're to assume Rhaegar named two of his sons Aegon cos he was trying to breed azor ahai or whatever the fuck he was doing. Still kinda weird having two siblings, half-brothers or not, with identical names.

Maybe Rhaegar didn't know that Lyanna was pregnant when he went off to fight Robert. If he did know, they surely didn't know it was a boy. Could be Lyanna just picked the name as she lie there bleeding out.

Do we know how much time passed between Rhaegar on the Trident and Ned finding Lyanna? Seems to me like it was months of Ned and co. searching for her, but that's probably a recollection from the books that may or may not be accurate.


Trakanon Raider
The penalty for deserting the Night's Watch is death. Summarily executing two high-born prisoners of war doesn't even begin to compare.
She was executing two 'traitors' who wouldn't pledge loyalty to her. Maybe I should have used Stannis as a more direct example, but it's all very black or white, king/queen upholding the letter of the law. I'm not saying I agree with her decision, or that it was even correct, but that the kind of thing is pretty par for the course for even the 'good' rulers to do. They were enemies, she could have just killed them in the battle, but instead gave them a chance to avoid execution. The average person in Westeros would see that as being pretty lenient already, but of course Sam wouldn't see it that way.


<Bronze Donator>
Idk, they've really built up her good intentions all this time. Sure, she makes mistakes, has a temper, or is just inexperienced at times. But, it just feels wrong to have her suddenly turn all Cersei at the last minute. Even when she fucks up, like killing both the Tarlys, its in line with the 'honor' and expectations of kings/queens. The same way Ned executed a dude in the first season.
Again, if Jon just breaks the news to her and does actually try to take her place (maybe if Sam's comments get into his head?), then yes.. I think she will react that way. As it is, I think she'll have some moments of doubt, but will be convinced to share the power with him since they are falling in love anyway.

This. I felt like this episode was setting up an inevitable Daenerys vs. Jon fight with Bran in the shadows making sure Jon comes out on top (he's already moving the pieces). It was said through various ways by several different important characters that Jon is willing to literally sacrifice himself for his people and swallow his pride while with Daenerys shes willing to flex her power as a means to an end to get her seated on the throne despite the consequences. Sam straight out contrasted them to Jons face in an argument as to why he should be King with an emphasis on Daenerys pointless vengeful blood lust (killing Sams family gained her nothing and she did it because she was slighted over their refusal to bend the knee). I can definitely see a situation where Daenerys throws a fit after learning John is the rightful heir and some confrontation where Sansa gets hurt or Daenerys straight up abandons Jon and the North to fend for themselves.

It'll definitely be Sam getting in Jon's head. The whole "you gave up your crown for the greater good, would she do the same?" line Sam gave was a good point. At some point, Danny's blind lust for rule will get the best of her.


Karazhan Raider
Maybe Rhaegar didn't know that Lyanna was pregnant when he went off to fight Robert. If he did know, they surely didn't know it was a boy. Could be Lyanna just picked the name as she lie there bleeding out.

Do we know how much time passed between Rhaegar on the Trident and Ned finding Lyanna? Seems to me like it was months of Ned and co. searching for her, but that's probably a recollection from the books that may or may not be accurate.
Pure speculation but it looks like they knew. As in "name him Aegon if it's a boy". Rhaegar was up to some shit and bookwise it might have something to do with Summerhall.


Mr. Poopybutthole
She was executing two 'traitors' who wouldn't pledge loyalty to her. Maybe I should have used Stannis as a more direct example, but it's all very black or white, king/queen upholding the letter of the law. I'm not saying I agree with her decision, or that it was even correct, but that the kind of thing is pretty par for the course for even the 'good' rulers to do. They were enemies, she could have just killed them in the battle, but instead gave them a chance to avoid execution. The average person in Westeros would see that as being pretty lenient already, but of course Sam wouldn't see it that way.

I had this big thing typed up about how you just don't summarily execute highborn prisoners, and how retarded it is to view them as traitors when House Targaryen has been out of power for over two decades at this point, and how House Tarly even fought for House Targaryen in Robert's Rebellion. Except I remembered the reason they fought for House Targaryen in the Rebellion is because they were bannermen of House Tyrell...and then Jaime convinced Randyll to betray House Tyrell, which is how Highgarden was sacked.

Which just makes that scene even fucking stupider. She shouldn't have been demanding their fealty, she should have been rightfully executing Randyll for betraying Olenna Tyrell, one of her very own sworn vassals. And then Randyll probably shouldn't have been so adamant about refusing to turn against Cersei when he'd literally just betrayed Olenna like a month previously. And then Dany could say something to the effect "Im sorry you lost your father but he was a traitor and earned his death", and since it would have been a just punishment instead of Dany going Mad Queen, Dickon would at least still be alive and they wouldn't have this contrived resentment from Sam.

Fuck, Season 7's writing just gets shittier and shitter the more you look into it.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
“Why did the hound randomly threaten that large Kong’s guardsmen last season?!!? Do they know each other?”


I mean, at least Chanur didn't think Gendry ran/swam the whole ~2,000 miles from beyond the Wall to Dragonstone instead of sending a raven...

Pretty damn good first episode, I knew everyone would hate the dragon ride sequence, although obviously they were showing Jon riding which everyone has predicted since forever (wonder if NK is an old Targ and that's how they fulfill the 3 Targ dragon riders). I was half expecting them to fly over some arm of the dead army or something though, not some weird throwback to Ygritte and Jon talking about just living in the caves together forever.

All of the reunions were pretty well done. I'm surprised people are surprised by Sansa/Tyrion one. She still treated him better than she did back then, and he did pretty much accuse her of leaving him holding the bag on the Joffrey poisoning. Her point about him not being clever anymore hints she's fully aware that Cersei played them for fools. Arya reunions were all around good (Jon/Hound/Gendry...her and Gendry are definitely getting it in at some point). The finish with Jaime arriving and locking eyes with Bran was pretty good. Also glad they created the tension with Dany informing Sam about her burning his father and brother alive. Sam's point to Jon about would she give up her crown to save her people was pretty good.

Clearly that wheel shit has some significance if they're chopping up people to place for people to find, the Tormund scene was pretty good. Was worried they might kill him off early or something when zombie child woke up behind him.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Was worried they might kill him off early or something when zombie child woke up behind him.


I was expecting everyone in that scene to get massacred as a message from the writers, sort of a 'dont forget, in this show we fuckin kill bitches'


Golden Baronet of the Realm

I was expecting everyone in that scene to get massacred as a message from the writers, sort of a 'dont forget, in this show we fuckin kill bitches'

When they were walking in originally I thought something like that might happen, especially when they were hesitant to go into the dark at first. After they met up with rest of Knight's Watch I figured it would kind of be would anyone from Winterfell ever actually find them? It's one thing to be like "HA, WE STILL KILL PEOPLE YOU LIKE!" but it would have to at least be something Jon could find as a "message" from NK you'd figure.


Registered Hodor

I was expecting everyone in that scene to get massacred as a message from the writers, sort of a 'dont forget, in this show we fuckin kill bitches'

Yeah I just realized no one actually died in this episode except the zombie child. We're going to have a bloodbath incoming soon.

Also I didn't catch it during the episode but the zombie kid was Ned Umber, Smalljon Umbers son.

It's easy to forget just who Ned Umber was but the 11-year-old was made the head of House Umber by Jon Snow in season 7. Ned's father Smalljon Umber was killed fighting for House Bolton in season 6's Battle of the Bastards. When he was still King in the North, Jon summoned Ned Umber and Alys Karstark in front of him at Winterfell; both feared Jon would have them executed because their families fought for Ramsay Bolton. Instead, Jon made Ned and Alys the heads of House Umber and House Karstark once they bent the knee and showed fealty; they both promised to serve House Stark "now and always". Jon didn't want to punish the children for their father's sins, though Sansa Stark took issue with Jon's decision.

In the final moments of "Winterfell", the season 8 premiere, Tormund Giantsbane and Beric Dondarion, who survived the destruction of Eastwatch by the Night King's ice dragon, Valerion, in the season 7 finale, meet up with Dolorous Edd of the Night's Watch at the Last Hearth. Together, their combined group of Crows and Wildings explore the eerily silent castle and find young Ned Umber pinned to a wall, seemingly dead, in a spiral symbol of bloody, severed limbs similar to other symbols left behind by the White Walkers throughout the series. They deduce that this is a message from the Night King - before Ned suddenly comes alive screaming and is finally killed by Beric's flaming sword. Jon Snow had previously sent Lord Umber back to the Last Hearth to rally his forces back to Winterfell, but the Night King got to him first. Presumably, the White Walkers also got to the Umber men and made them part of the Army of the Dead, adding to their overwhelming numbers.


Marine Biologist
<Bronze Donator>
gavinmad, the giant faggot that he is, is the only sane person in this thread
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Karazhan Raider
I had this big thing typed up about how you just don't summarily execute highborn prisoners, and how retarded it is to view them as traitors when House Targaryen has been out of power for over two decades at this point, and how House Tarly even fought for House Targaryen in Robert's Rebellion. Except I remembered the reason they fought for House Targaryen in the Rebellion is because they were bannermen of House Tyrell...and then Jaime convinced Randyll to betray House Tyrell, which is how Highgarden was sacked.

Which just makes that scene even fucking stupider. She shouldn't have been demanding their fealty, she should have been rightfully executing Randyll for betraying Olenna Tyrell, one of her very own sworn vassals. And then Randyll probably shouldn't have been so adamant about refusing to turn against Cersei when he'd literally just betrayed Olenna like a month previously. And then Dany could say something to the effect "Im sorry you lost your father but he was a traitor and earned his death", and since it would have been a just punishment instead of Dany going Mad Queen, Dickon would at least still be alive and they wouldn't have this contrived resentment from Sam.

Fuck, Season 7's writing just gets shittier and shitter the more you look into it.

When they were walking in originally I thought something like that might happen, especially when they were hesitant to go into the dark at first. After they met up with rest of Knight's Watch I figured it would kind of be would anyone from Winterfell ever actually find them? It's one thing to be like "HA, WE STILL KILL PEOPLE YOU LIKE!" but it would have to at least be something Jon could find as a "message" from NK you'd figure.
Never expected such a thing. You don't kill Tormund after a joke. You kill him after saying something earnest and meaningful. Hollywood writing 101.


Mr. Poopybutthole
It makes much more sense for the spirals to have some sort of ritual significance as a former symbol of the children of the forest, than as a message for anyone. Why would you be leaving a message to your enemy behind your own lines where he would never realistically get it, except of course they'll make it back across enemy lines because there are three named characters in that group.
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Millie's Staff Member
this show is mostly dead to me, but i watched it anyway because i'm invested in seeing it through. the best part was Sam's scenes, his acting makes everything feel real. Jon did well too, the dragon ride scene wasnt as bad as it should have been due to his perspective. Tyrion who was my favorite up until a few years ago is just phoning it in at this point. Cersei my little cutie hagged out pretty hard since she cut her hair short and started wearing old Michael Jackson clothes. i like Euron, dude is just in it for the lulz. the Aegon thing doesnt really bother me in any way as Gendry has just as much birthright to the throne since its been under Barratheon rule for decades.. and it really doesnt matter at this point because after the dust settles the NK , Wites, WW and famine are gonna scrub the landscape of much of everyone and then the show ends with a king or queen with little to rule over.


Karazhan Raider
It makes much more sense for the spirals to have some sort of ritual significance as a former symbol of the children of the forest, than as a message for anyone. Why would you be leaving a message to your enemy behind your own lines where he would never realistically get it, except of course they'll make it back across enemy lines because there are three named characters in that group.
The ritual shit will not entirely pay off. Keep in mind the next show is supposedly the long night. Expect several unanswered questions.