GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Millie's Staff Member
Honest question, because I got into computers around the time 3.1 was out. What was 2.9, and 3.0 like? Were they unusable? Not challenging, I just have no idea what they were, and I've never seen them.
i started with Works, which was a half assed version of windows, but then i upgraded to 3.11 when i got a "newer" computer. no idea how good the earlier windows versions were, but i assume they were just ok.


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we need to bring this shitshow back on track

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Avatar of War Slayer
I can't find the compilation now, but someone put together all the scenes over the years where either Dany or someone else foreshadowed her going crazy and burning everything. So if one could actually recall all those scenes, one shouldn't be surprised by her actions. What the writers fucked up though was decompressing and evolving her descent into lunacy, but since they tried to jam too much plot into too little time, it all comes off as jarring and unbelievable.
They probably didn't quite sell the trigger properly. Even those of us saying, "yeah the seeds have been there all along. She just needed something to push her one way or other.", would probably have a hard time saying exactly WHAT set her off here.

like, you can go back in this thread to last year, and see the discussion about losing a dragon, or her dragons setting her off.
or, you can go back recently, and see the talks about all her Hands and advisers failing repeatedly, after they talk her out of going scorched earth. So, she has been getting more and more frustrated with the lack of winning in Westeroes she had in Essos.

Like I would say best guess for what exactly set her off here, was, this was her end goal, her entire lifes goal... and surrendering took it away from her. Thats not how she wanted it, not how she wanted to win. A whimper.

There is also the obvious narrative arc. Fairytail princess wins, wins wins, wins, and wins her throne back, and everyone lives happily every after. Did anyone think that was going to happen?
So either Dany was going to bite it, or Dany was going to be a threat, not savior. People had been calling it out, just for that alone.
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Got something right about marriage
i'm really sorry the nuance of what i said is beyond you.

Her Targaryen blood and her father's actions were a concern to everyone throughout the entire series. But HER actions didn't foreshadow shit. They were at best ambiguous and the writers did a piss poor job presenting her descent. Which you even agree with. And you chalk it up to all of us not understanding the "nuance" of "Either she would be like her father or she wouldn't". Thanks Columbo.
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Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
i started with Works, which was a half assed version of windows, but then i upgraded to 3.11 when i got a "newer" computer. no idea how good the earlier windows versions were, but i assume they were just ok.

Someone will probably kill me with some Google-fu I'm too lazy for, but I'm pretty sure Windows 3.1 was the first version of Windows ever released. I'd venture to guess that "2.9" and other earlier revisions were internal only builds, and 3.1 was RTM.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
They probably didn't quite sell the trigger properly. Even those of us saying, "yeah the seeds have been there all along. She just needed something to push her one way or other.", would probably have a hard time saying exactly WHAT set her off here.

like, you can go back in this thread to last year, and see the discussion about losing a dragon, or her dragons setting her off.
or, you can go back recently, and see the talks about all her Hands and advisers failing repeatedly, after they talk her out of going scorched earth. So, she has been getting more and more frustrated with the lack of winning in Westeroes she had in Essos.

Like I would say best guess for what exactly set her off here, was, this was her end goal, her entire lifes goal... and surrendering took it away from her. Thats not how she wanted it, not how she wanted to win. A whimper.

yeah, i mean, i can tell you what set her off based SPECIFICALLY on what D&D said what set her off, but i think it's weak. i think this season has made a few points to show what was festering in her head, but with ALLLLLLL the things she's been through, they don't seem realistic. if we were basing her heel turn ONLY on this season, yeah, i'd be right there with everyone saying it doesn't make any sense.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Her Targaryen blood and her father's actions were a concern to everyone throughout the entire series. But HER actions didn't foreshadow shit. They were at best ambiguous and the writers did a piss poor job presenting her descent. Which you even agree with. And you chalk it up to all of us not understanding the "nuance" of "Either she would be like her father or she wouldn't". Thanks Columbo.

it was made obvious that she was under the shadow of the mad king. other characters made that point, and i believe there were plenty of times where dany herself showed that she was flirting with turning out just like her father. they were all subtle, and they were all times where people on her side could generally justify her actions (slavers are bad, so they deserve to be killed by any means necessary). let's IGNORE the fact that jorah was a slaver and dany NEVER ONCE CARED.

i think everyone would agree that the execution was done EXTREMELY poorly.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Her Targaryen blood and her father's actions were a concern to everyone throughout the entire series. But HER actions didn't foreshadow shit. They were at best ambiguous and the writers did a piss poor job presenting her descent. Which you even agree with. And you chalk it up to all of us not understanding the "nuance" of "Either she would be like her father or she wouldn't". Thanks Columbo.

This. The *words* foreshadowing her descent into madness and pyromania have always been there, but her actions have rarely backed them up. In some cases she's acted a bit brutally, but certainly not out of character for the setting, or "crazy".

They just had to spend more time showing her anguish and descent into madness. Her weeping over her dead dragon with some flashbacks about her brother, or daydreams of killing Cersei. there were limitless possibilities to build up to it.

But then again, maybe the writers wanted it to be a "surprise", and confused *surprise* with nonsensical.


Millie's Staff Member
Fucking hell Chuk. Your level of retardation is baffling at times. I imagine you're one of those motherfuckers that can never figure out the machines to get out of a parking garage.

Change it to 50 fucking years man. The original point was you could Rip Van Winkle for 200 years in 1150 and it would appear nothing changed. Nothing was really being innovated for a really fucking long time back then and someone hyperbole'ed the 10 year mark in modern tech. Stop being so fucking obtuse. Goddammit your level of idiocy pisses me off sometimes.
my level of retardation isnt close to yours. you read what others were misrepresenting my posts as and assumed that was true, its why you people get Xeqd ALL THE TIME. i NEVER said technology hasnt advanced, i have said tech has advanced multiple times, learn some goddamned context you baboon. i said it hasnt changed THAT MUCH in ten years where you would get overwhelmed, tech is enough the same where you could lose ten years and be completely fine picking up right where you left off.

that being said, the high tech parking meters are stupid. it used to be you parked next to a little meter on a pole, put a quarter (dime!) in, twist the dial and you go about your day. now you have a long line where you have to work a screen which can be whited out depending on how the sunlight is hitting it. then you punch in your info and maybe it lets you get a slip of paper. its a regressive tech just to save pennies on multiple mechanical meters. it also improves the odds you fuck up the process or ignore it and then you get a nice ticket. win win for the town.
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Jive Turkey

This is a show that had one of the main characters turn from a proud, wannabe king into a snivelling, twitching shell who didn't even believe his true identity over the course of 2 or 3 episodes. Nobody complained. They've been laying the groundwork for Dany's turn from the beginning


Jive Turkey

Throughout the entirety of her rise to power she sought council, weighed the consequences, and acted in the interest of preserving support. Tyrants to do not seek council, they let their violent predilections consume them without regard for consequence.

And now her council is either dead, trying to have her poisoned, or seemingly incompetent. The one person she had to secure the loyalty of Westeros just turned her down. Two of her dragons are dead. She's so close to the throne and it's all falling apart around her. There's nothing outlandish about her turn now. Least of all considering the bread crumbs they've been leaving from the very start


Millie's Staff Member
And now her council is either dead, trying to have her poisoned, or seemingly incompetent. The one person she had to secure the loyalty of Westeros just turned her down. Two of her dragons are dead. She's so close to the throne and it's all falling apart around her. There's nothing outlandish about her turn now. Least of all considering the bread crumbs they've been leaving from the very start
was varys trying to poison her? or was he just wanting the little girl to get inside to see how dany was doing ?
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Jive Turkey

And now her council is either dead, trying to have her poisoned, or seemingly incompetent. The one person she had to secure the loyalty of Westeros just turned her down. Two of her dragons are dead. She's so close to the throne and it's all falling apart around her. There's nothing outlandish about her turn now. Least of all considering the bread crumbs they've been leaving from the very start

learn some goddamned context you baboon.

If you understood the context of my original post on the topic, it wouldn't have devolved into your spergfest

that being said, the high tech parking meters are stupid. it used to be you parked next to a little meter on a pole, put a quarter (dime!) in, twist the dial and you go about your day. now you have a long line where you have to work a screen which can be whited out depending on how the sunlight is hitting it. then you punch in your info and maybe it lets you get a slip of paper. its a regressive tech just to save pennies on multiple mechanical meters. it also improves the odds you fuck up the process or ignore it and then you get a nice ticket. win win for the town.

I don't know what your backward town is doing, but I pay for parking meters with my phone


Got something right about marriage
And now her council is either dead, trying to have her poisoned, or seemingly incompetent. The one person she had to secure the loyalty of Westeros just turned her down. Two of her dragons are dead. She's so close to the throne and it's all falling apart around her. There's nothing outlandish about her turn now. Least of all considering the bread crumbs they've been leaving from the very start

She had equally benevolent and "just" moments. She was ambiguous, which is fine, but at some point they needed to show the turn. They didn't do that until the end of episode 4. Even her actions leading up to episode 3 spoke to her sanity more than anything else. She allowed an envoy to speak with Cersei and went north to help fight the NK. That's what is so stupid about the articles like the one you linked above. They ignore everything that contradicted her descent to "mad queen" as well. Scenes like this:

People acting like everyone should have seen this coming from the first are being insincere. They are ignoring the ambiguity of her character. In fact all of the quotes pertaining to her wanting to burn everything to win were from the early seasons where she was only with the Dothraki horde. Where she had no council and was ruling only an army of savages that only respected and responded to absolute power. The writers have led us away from that idea completely.


At some point they needed to knock it off with the ambiguity and they didn't until way too late. And then what finally set her off was rather hollow when compared to everything she has endured because it was presented as the only real catalyst.
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Jive Turkey

People acting like everyone should have seen this coming from the first are being insincere.

I thought she was a tyrannical cunt well before season 5. If you have to call people liars to support your point, I'm not sure what to tell you

In fact all of the quotes pertaining to her wanting to burn everything to win were from the early seasons where she was only with the Dothraki horde. Where she had no council and was ruling only an army of savages that only respected and responded to absolute power.

And this further supports our assertion. Yes, she wanted to burn everything before her council. Her council continually had to convince her otherwise. Now her council is dead, plotting against her, or incompetent. Her leash is off. It's the entire point


Got something right about marriage
Keep cherry picking to support your idea instead of looking at everything we were shown and told.