GoT - Is Over, Post Your Drogon Sightings


Buzzfeed Editor
Why would you even want the character in there just for her to basically do nothing that affects the main plot? GRRM should have excised that shit in editing anyway. Its fucking dumb. Just like half the bran chapters.
I consider Jamie and Brienne part of the main plot. Hanging Freys is also essential. I think that plotline has so much potential. It can't all be Tyrion talking about whores and turtles.


Trump's Staff
Why do they keep pretending a major POV book character resurrecting to significantly effect the story is just some side quest? Seems so consistent between the showmakers and her that Lady Stoneheart doesn't matter and no one wants to see it.
Because in the long run she isn't going to accomplish shit and will have zero relevance, and the show-runners know that. Yes Jaime and Brienne are involved, but if you want to extrapolate, that probably just means that in the books they'll kill or escape from her and that will be the end of LSH.


Unelected Mod
Jamie and Brienne are part of the main plot, but all of Lady Stoneheart could be done with the BWB if they wanted to include the silly fake cliffhanger of Brienne being hanged. The BWB also has plenty of motivation to kill Frey's.


FPS noob
wow removing LSH from the show seems a big deal, hope thats a red herring and we all get shocked when she does show up

yeah i totally agree removing her is probably not a big deal and she will be a gimp ass useless character, but i dunno there is just something crazy scary and interesting about the character who really fucked things up bad for everyone involved coming back and futilely trying to get revenge, only to realize even as a semi zombie she is still useless as fuck. woulda make for a great counterpoint to show how she is still nuts while brann, arya, and sansa are moving on with their lives in different ways


Buzzfeed Editor
Honestly, LSH is just a plot lobby. She's grabbing characters to give them a reason to meet, I bet she has no other role than that. So if they come up with a more interesting way for Jaime and Brienne to get into their next arcs, that allows them to be in the show more, it's no great loss.


Toe Sucker
Honestly, LSH is just a plot lobby. She's grabbing characters to give them a reason to meet, I bet she has no other role than that. So if they come up with a more interesting way for Jaime and Brienne to get into their next arcs, that allows them to be in the show more, it's no great loss.
Does anybody actually give a shit about that though? we all know shes a virtually pointless character. I'd just like to see how they portray her character as shes described as pretty grotesque in the books lol


Buzzfeed Editor
I don't really know how you can say she is pointless without having the context of where the story in the Riverlands is heading. Pointless to the Iron Throne contest? Probably, but the story is much larger than that.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I always viewed the Riverlands as just sort of a limbo between the shit in the North and the shit in the South, strategically important primarily because of food production, although Mountain n' crew kinda fucked that up. Beyond wanting to see the Freys get owned, I always found the Riverlands aspects semi boring beyond Jaime playing diplomat. However, next season I predict you'll have Sansa/LF/Brienne/Pod being our character windows into the Vale/Riverland regions.

The fact that they appear to be focusing on Dorne next season makes me think it will play a prominent role in the future of the overall story, especially when you consider their Targaryian ties.


So what exactly IS Brienne's purpose? I don't remember much from her chapters in ADWD, and nothing that appeared important to either the Iron Throne game, or the bigger arc with the Others.


Millie's Staff Member
Brienne's mission in the books and the show are the same. she swore to find sansa stark and bring her to a safe place. in the books her mission goes on some wild goose chases and when we last seen her she , pod and some dude she kinda wanted to fuck were about to be hanged by lady stoneheart at the last second she speaks a word that stops it from happening. then later we see jaime hear that brienne has instructions for him to meet her and he rides off immediately. IMO this all needs to happen, not just because its important to their story, but because its COOL. why adapt a book because you like the cool parts then fucking leave the cool parts out?


Unelected Mod
I didn't find Lady Stoneheart cool. Hanging the freys, okay. However, the hanging of Brienne and Pod felt very artificial and part of the many "false cliffhangers" in AFFC and DWD. Cliffhangers that were supposed to be scary but weren't because we know they don't mean shit. Similar to Jon's "death" and Arya's "blindness", no one that I know of really thought Brienne was going to die. They just felt forced, like a bad tv show that tries to end on a cliffhanger every episode.

So yeah, in any adaptation, you HAVE to leave stuff out. Leaving out silly cliffhanger shit that was simply added to put some fake drama in a bland book like AFFC sounds like a great idea.


Buzzfeed Editor
As opposed to dragons and warlocks and fire wizards and ice zombies and warging and seering and whatever else?

For real, they have to leave shit out, and the showrunners certainly have more information than me so they probably have a good idea of how much stuff they can fit and have judged that the Stoneheart thing doesn't rate. Just disappointing, is all. And it probably signals that there will be no comeuppance for the Freys, which is disappointing.


Millie's Staff Member
You don't think Lady Stoneheart is too magicky and lame?
nope, magic is everywhere now in and out of westeros. and its certainly not lame because lady stoneheart is fucking up all the freys she can get her hands on. in the show, the freys killed 2 fan favorites and everything is going just fine for them. im sure there areshow watchers wondering, "man it would be great if some hard fucking justice landed on those frey fuckers for killing robb, caitlyn, mrs robb and ned jr." with LSH in the game now they need not worry.


Murder Apologist
Frey Pies are the BEST comeuppance anyone has had yet... how does hanging even come close to that? If anything cutting stoneheart out only allows lord manderley to get MORE freys to make extra pies with later. GRRM has even hinted that Wyman isn't quite done and he loves writing the "rat cook" scenes. Shit he had fucking MANCE play it in Ramsay's wedding.

I look forward to the show actually adding the rat cook to the soundtrack for season six, it's a shame the best setup for it we've had so far was a bran scene... which most ppl use to get up and grab more beer or refill their nachos:



Buzzfeed Editor
Look, Frey pies is awesome and all, but I want more. I doubt I will get more, but the prospect is awesome.


Unelected Mod
Stannis is about to crush Bolton and all the Frey's there while hooking up with Manderly. A sure shit more likely that Frey's get their just desserts that way than one lone crazy lady that spends more time in the books trying to hang Brienne than hanging Frey's.


Millie's Staff Member
pretty sure stannis is worse off freezing and starving in his camp than bolton who is all comfy with natural springs heating winterfell and some well laid stores of food. lets also not forget winterfell's heavy fortifications. it would not surprise me stannis dies, then mel sacs shireen to bring jon snow back to life.