i like your link better.
whoa, that was pretty fucking badass. i think they did their homework on the stuff that shitted up this show and adjusted. this one episode was better than almost the entire first season. though die hard batman fans are probably going to be rustled on how they turned gordon into a dirty ass cop.bump for the season premiere tonight.
As long as he gets in Dr. Courtesan's dirty ass...whoa, that was pretty fucking badass. i think they did their homework on the stuff that shitted up this show and adjusted. this one episode was better than almost the entire first season. though die hard batman fans are probably going to be rustled on how they turned gordon into a dirty ass cop.
I don't know. seemed about on par.whoa, that was pretty fucking badass. i think they did their homework on the stuff that shitted up this show and adjusted. this one episode was better than almost the entire first season. though die hard batman fans are probably going to be rustled on how they turned gordon into a dirty ass cop.
im probably wrong, but was the keypad in numeric only? was wondering if that was the trick in the code or a mistake of the show.I don't know. seemed about on par.
I am not sure where they are going with this, at this point. S1 ended with Bruce and Selena murdering a guy...
now, we have Gordon going to a 13yr old for advice on working for the mob. lol? and Bruce telling him he should. lol? that whole conversation was odd. its about "honor" , and how it is demeaning to be working for the Penguin. totally removing/ignoring the corruption, victims, and being complacent in the crimes. It was not about if it was right or wrong to work for him, it was entirely about how it is embarrassing to work for him..
Barbara master criminal now. lol? Mixed in with the male population...
Though Barbara being Harley would be a reasonable/interesting take. Very twisting of the knife. like the Martha-Joker of flashpoint.
The entry code is "bruce". "worlds greatest detective" was pretty lol.
It had the same alphanumeric set up as a telephoneim probably wrong, but was the keypad in numeric only? was wondering if that was the trick in the code or a mistake of the show.
ok, then yeah that was pretty dumb for him not at least trying everyone's name first. i can understand he is still a kid, but alfred was right there and alfred is not a rambunctious kid.It had the same alphanumeric set up as a telephone
nah. had numbers.im probably wrong, but was the keypad in numeric only? was wondering if that was the trick in the code or a mistake of the show.
nah. had numbers.
Bruce tries 1012 first.
It appears to be nonstandard. which is interesting. 4 per key, with repeats to fluff.
Phone Key Pads
Normal is ABC=2, DEF=3, GHI=4, JKL=5, MNO=6, PQRS=7, TUV=8, WXYZ=9. With Q and Z being 1 on some phones.
Here appears.. AAB6=2, CDEF=3, GHI=4, JKLM=5, MNOO=6, PQRS=7, TUUV=8, WXYZ=9
ABMOU doubled.
"Bruce" is then.
2, 7, 8, 3, 3
If any of this is a reference to something, beats me.
ah yeah. thats it...The keypad in that picture has German letters. Each vowel has an umlaut next to it, and B has an esset next to it.
This....she is honestly distracting, like can't not look at her.Barbara is so fucking hot