

Millie's Staff Member
The second last episode most of us will ever watch.
i think thats a good bet for me too. i need to point out several headscratchers about last night's episode.

Riddler brings 2 chests full of the severed remains of the cop INTO the busy police station and then proceeds to dissolve it in the autopsy room. what? why did he bring it to the police station when he had a perfectly safe place to cut the body up in.

Barbara is about to be killed and ogre wants her to give him a name for him to kill instead, she picks her own parents? of all the people in the world she could have picked, she picked her own parents? then when gordon shows up at their home she is like hey gordon what are you doing here? is there something we missed about barbara hating her parents?

penguin plans this elaborate hit only to hijack it at the last second to make falcone and marone go to war. did he think this through? the first step will be marone attacking falcone's joints. one of which penguin's smirking ass in sitting in at this very moment.

oh and i am also getting tired of the ending music having shitty industrial music. its very out of place on this show. thats a small nitpick, but with the character panning shots it makes me think i am watching sons of anarchy or something.


Riddler brings 2 chests full of the severed remains of the cop INTO the busy police station and then proceeds to dissolve it in the autopsy room. what? why did he bring it to the police station when he had a perfectly safe place to cut the body up in.
IMO, that is the best place to bring it. No one is going to look at him twice in there. All the weird crap he does on a daily basis they are immune to him.

Barbara is about to be killed and ogre wants her to give him a name for him to kill instead, she picks her own parents? of all the people in the world she could have picked, she picked her own parents? then when gordon shows up at their home she is like hey gordon what are you doing here? is there something we missed about barbara hating her parents?
Uhh yeah, when she went home. Did you miss that whole episode? I guess so. The show has also only established she knows five people. Gordon, Lesbian Detective, Selina Kyle, and her parents.

penguin plans this elaborate hit only to hijack it at the last second to make falcone and marone go to war. did he think this through? the first step will be marone attacking falcone's joints. one of which penguin's smirking ass in sitting in at this very moment.
He wants war, did you not watch his first episode with him foreshadowing it. He doesn't want that club lol, he wants to rule everything, and he will.

oh and i am also getting tired of the ending music having shitty industrial music. its very out of place on this show. thats a small nitpick, but with the character panning shots it makes me think i am watching sons of anarchy or something.
Show has questionable to bad TV writing, but it has nice cinematography.That's one of it's shining qualities. I think you are just so used to badly shot TV shows like Arrow that when a show does some nice establishing shots you are like a fat kid that's eating steak fries, and then screams McDonald's fries are better! Ok, that one was a little too close to home ;}



I'm almost caught up to the current episode but holy hell is Barbara hot, especially in those black shorts or whatever they were.

Not really understanding the hate towards this show, it has its moments but for the most part it's a decent watch and the actors don decent job with what they are given.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
My favorite parts of this show are the Riddler and non-Fish mob stuff, so I've really enjoyed these last couple episodes. I think Penguin/Falcone/Marone are all well-acted and well-written, and the Riddler is simultaneously funny/creepy/pathetic. I'd love if we could trim some of the fat, so to speak, with Fish and Barbara to allow more time for the actual good stuff: Mob stuff, cop stuff (with Harvey pls, Gordon sucks), and Riddler.

Other than Barbara getting involved, I really didn't mind the Ogre stuff. I though the character itself was pretty cool with a neat backstory and allowed Gordon and Harvey to do some good old fashioned police work.


The Scientific Shitlord
I enjoyed Harvey at the S&M club. They go through all that trouble to get him an invite and he loses his shit immediately.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I enjoyed Harvey at the S&M club. They go through all that trouble to get him an invite and he loses his shit immediately.
Which is more funny given how jaded Harvey is that for something to instantly make him lose his shit like that it had to be WAAAAY over the top.


<Silver Donator>
Which is more funny given how jaded Harvey is that for something to instantly make him lose his shit like that it had to be WAAAAY over the top.
My bet is that the of the two "performers" only one was human...


Lord Nagafen Raider
Definitely wanting more Riddler. Barbara was on drugs or something when Gordon arrived at her parents house?
I think we're supposed to take it as her just sort of snapping, even though she looked like she was having an LSD flashback. As much as I wish Peter left her in an alternate timeline as he's wont to do with girlfriends, perhaps this is the start of them doing something interesting with her character. Towards the end, she didn't seem terribly disturbed that her parents were murdered in front of her. That sort of thing cam have an affect on a person, makes them do some extreme things...


Avatar of War Slayer
Gordon owes Penguin 2 favors. either the writers forgot that, or Penguin apparently did.

Edit. oh there they go. he at least brings it up.. just before Gordon leaves. instead of demanding it... or calling it in as Gordon enters..


Millie's Staff Member
how do two girls in cleavy tops and mini skirts get into a all out cat fight and not one ass cheek or bra covered boob is exposed?


Millie's Staff Member
That was the most ridiculous tv show episode I've ever watched haha
it was completely nonsensical. mooney escapes crazy island on a choppah with a gunshot wound, shows up in gotham on a boat and in some radical hair style, clothes, piercings and completely healed. meets up with selena and next day she looks like mooney and acts like she has never acted in any part of this season. the only subplot that actually followed through in a logical manner from the previous weeks was bruce. i admit i laughed my ass off when the fat dude just shoots both those crazy fuckers. also i think they left the door open for mooney to return because her body fell into water and you know the retard writers are just aching to use the "a fish can swim" comeback line to somebody (penguin) saying, "I thought you were dead!"
plus with marone dead and falcone retired, they need somebody to challenge penguin's new rule over gotham.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
I liked this episode, even if it didn't make much sense. I missed the first 5 - 8 minutes of it, so I was confused as fuck when Selena walked in with Fish and Fish was magically healed and dressed like a road warrior, but apparently that was never actually explained. Anyway, the headshot to Marone was awesome and completely unexpected, and Gordon was pretty bad ass in his gunfight where he headshotted the one dude. Of course, then they turned into the 3 stooges and had the brilliant idea to hide inside a shipping crate and have a loud conversation instead of trying to steal one of the many cars around or just running the fuck away.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I enjoyed Harvey at the S&M club. They go through all that trouble to get him an invite and he loses his shit immediately.
That had me laughing more than anything else so far in this entire season. 3 seconds in and he just goes OH HELL NO