I've gotten kinda teary-eyed after a prime rib that was so excellent, does that count?
no lol
I just made quinoa for the first time in my life last week. I like the texture of it and it was in a decent recipe, but I don't see myself eating it regularly. As far as living in a country where we don't worry about our dietary needs, I'm not sure I follow you. I want to eat and experience as many different things as I can. Should we limit ourselves to only locally grown items?
'Eating and experiencing as many different things as you can'is one thing, having to import a grain that isn't as easily cultivated simply to supplement people's diet because they choose to avoid a fuckton of food and they need a miracle plant to fill in the gargantuan dietary sinkhole that they created for themselves is something else entirely. I mean, I hate sushi and dislike most seafood, but if I lived in Japan I'm pretty sure that I could throw together a decent enough diet without having to have beef shipped in from Montana.
It's like people needing butter substitutes because they won't eat butter on principle. I mean, argument against meat itself I can at least understand, even if I don't agree with many/most of them. But butter?
FFS I hate humanity sometimes. It's like all of the
"I live on fruits and vegetables alone"shitheads who like to jam their opinions about how meat production is such an immoral choice down your throat, but they don't want to talk about how the enormous demand for fruits and vegetables affects illegal immigration, near slave labor conditions in some ways and has a huge impact on water use.
One of my sisters cut out grain use wholesale and the only reason she has is
"I feel better now". She can't answer a single involved question as to
howshe feels better or as to what magnitude, you're simply expected to nod your head and go mmm-hhmm. We all know this is like diet #45 and it will probably fade away in time, but Jesus tapdancing Christ. I shut my mouth the first time she served burgers with portabello mushrooms but after having that shit slide all over the place and seeing everyone at the table trying to struggle to make that shit work while the meat and toppings kept squishing out every time you'd take a fucking bite, I just started bringing hamburger buns myself. I'll endure the glares, IDGAF.