The vitamix is so ridiculously powerful that you can make ice cream in it from freezing milk in ice cube trays, throw all that in + your flavorings and it all comes out silky smooth. (You can also use regular chilled milk + ice cubes, but that waters down the flavor a bit imho).Do you really though? I have a blender that I bought at walmart for $50 like 10 years ago and I put stuff in it and it gets blended. I'm not the heaviest blender user, but I can't imagine what a vitamix is doing that makes it so amazing other than some good marketing. Of course the people I know that have them like them, but they are invested because they spent 400 fucking dollars on the thing.
I attend one a year on average. They have the festival for it in the spring which is where that pic came from, but I've never been. I have to go out Thursday and kill a few hogs for this one.You guys should watch the show "Chef's Table." There is an episode where this dude smokes things in this way, but often outside. In snow. It's fascinating.
Francis Mallmann (TV Episode 2015) - IMDb
I own a Vitamix and I agree. If you're not actually using all that power to do stuff, it probably isn't worth it vs a $50 blender. But I can make tempered chocolate pie fillings in mine, set custards, make shaved ice, etc., and I do at least one thing per week that requires a Vitamix. Could I do those things other ways? Yes. Would they take longer and involve more clean up? Yes. So it was worth it to me.Yeah, but if you're using it to make smoothies you still wasted your money.
But how is he gonna get a good sear on it?Hot Tub Sous Vide Machine
Dude. Dicing onions is so fucking easy though.Diceing fucking onions is my favorite thing to do in the Vitamix. It's also sad since I have thousand dollar knives and the knife skills of a fucking newborn.
Not for BabyHands McDaintyWrists over here...Dude. Dicing onions is so fucking easy though.
Sorry, but this is just a silly post. "Oh, you have a different method for cutting one veg from another? Stupid. Cut them all exactly the same so you can practice and not hurt yourself." The method that Gordon Ramsay shows for cutting onions is superior in every way, which is why all chefs use it. With very little practice, anyone can do it and get excellent results. I'm never going to use the same technique to dice carrots and onions anyway, as they have entirely different demands due to shape and hardness as well as the desired result.Dicing onions -is- easy, but don't do the Gordon Ramsay method where you make lateral cuts into the onion half. That shit is retarded for anyone who isn't a professional, and it being in his video series is dumb. Slice the half to desired width, then just work from there. Don't do the lateral slices, as that is just asking for an injury in the vast majority of people who need diced onions.
It's actually a good practice technique to dice onions, as it leads into dicing other types of veggies without being super specific. If you can dice an onion, you can dice a bell pepper with minor modifications. And if you can do that, you can dice... everything on earth with a little bit of wrist motion.