No cleaning necessary, Is a $50 fryer from wallmart, lol. Cover that shit up with its cover and I take it to basement. I have mine on a baking tray for easy transport. When I need it, I bring it back up. I change the oil when it gets too brown, and also depending on what I fry. But probabaly get a good 6-8 fry out of an oil. And when it gets too fucked up with oil residue, I thow it out and buy a new one.
I usually do the regular frozen fries though, the cut potato fries are only on special occasions. With the frozen fries I lower the basket, wait 3-4 min, raise them up and while im cooking the rest of the dinner, when the firer is ready again I lower for another 1-2 min to crisp them up. Pour into bowl and lightly salt, shake, salt again. The family loves when I make fries. Waffle, wedges, seasoned, fast food type, shit, even tots.
But whatever if it s too much trouble than dont. Before I had my frier I used to do them in the oven and its ok but definitely like 50% of the flavor. But then there is shit like wings, chicken tenders, homemade spring rolls, etc...etc..
Its just another kitchen device among the many we all have and use.